I cheated....and now I feel bad about myself.



  • RileeMarie
    RileeMarie Posts: 113
    you guys are awesome with exception of one post.. trust me I GOT over it.. and i feel better. yesterday is gone, i cant change it, just learn by it.. and i feel much better... thanks everyone for the support.. hope all a great workout and day..
  • ilikejam33
    ilikejam33 Posts: 252 Member
    I actually love it when my bf orders crap, it means i dont have to and he always lets me have a bite, or a few fries, the best part is i can enjoy that and dont have to order it myself.

  • Jesea
    Jesea Posts: 374 Member
    Do-over! Just like when we were kids....no guilt, no remorse...just move on.
  • kmbrleykay
    If you stayed within your calorie goal and you exercised it off if is not cheating to me. I allow myself treats all the time so long as they are within my calorie goal. & I never order fries or something like that for myself, but I do indulge myself by having a couple of me nieces if they are with me. that way I get the pleasure of a few and am not eating a whole order. Depriving yourself of all treats is only going to force you into burn out. This is life, I am not going to give up everything I like for the rest of my life, so I must work it into my plan.

    To me cheating is eating something, not logging it, hiding it, or denying it. If you are honest & open, you did not cheat. You allowed yourself to enjoy your time out.
  • starfishsaving
    starfishsaving Posts: 14 Member
    I give myself weekly days "off." Those days, usually days when I know I'm going to be eating out, I'm not going out with the PLAN to gorge myself and eat like a pig, but I am giving myself permission in advance to make choices that I wouldn't allow myself to make most days. If I work it off later, great, if I don't, then I have NOT undone my hard work- I think back ot the days not long ago when I would have eaten all that and THEN some, and not thought twice about it. So what if I gained a pound or two back. It serves as a reminder why I should make better choices every day (even on days "off," I usually meet my calorie goals) but I'm still healthier already and I'm 15 lbs lighter than I was when I started and I expect that number is going to keep changing for the better, "cheat" days or not. Whatever you do, don't ever "feel bad about yourself." That kind of thinking makes us give up on ourselves and feel like we're just not able to keep going.
    BIGJIMMYU Posts: 1,221 Member
    There isn't one of us on here that hasn't stumbled like this.(or very few). Pick yourself up, dust off and get going! You will get there!
  • funkycamper
    funkycamper Posts: 998 Member
    A few french fries once in a while is not going to derail you- esp if you work them off. IMO if you work it off, it's not technically cheating. But also, I don't use that term - I just call it 'splurge' or whatever. who are you cheating?

    The thing is YOU ARE AWARE. You're logging & counting calories- working off those extra cals. You did nothing wrong- NOBODY eats perfectly all the time. The effort is the thing and just keeping with it.

    Forgive yourself. Take a hot bubble bath. Tomorrow's another day

    Ditto! I actually plan splurges where I eat what I want without any guilt and often find that it helps me break through to a new low on the scale. There fun and I never feel guilty. Hasn't hurt my weight loss yet.

    There are diets strategies that help you plan these guilt-free splurges like zig-zagging, the Spike Diet and such. There's a lot of research to show that flexible dieters are more successful in both achieving their goal and maintaining it.

    I think it would be a sad world if I had to give up ever eating french fries, pizza, ice cream, cookies, cake, chocolate, yada yada. I usually have some of something yummy like this a couple times a week. Enjoy!
  • RileeMarie
    RileeMarie Posts: 113
    thanks for all the comments, my problem i guess is i dont want to go back down that road of bad or should i say non-eating habits. long history of an eating disorder. i felt guilty last night because i have worked so hard on eating right and exercising and was more scared because i let an "oops" happen, i would do something that i dont want to start doing again. and i am going to allow myself to have a "splurge" (i like that as someone else posted) and not feel guilty. i know i will just work it off the next day and i am ok with that. thanks for the encouraging words.. :happy:
  • gregavila
    gregavila Posts: 725 Member
    Seriously, did it really cause you to ruin everything you've accomplished this week. Assuming that you are eating to lose a pound a week that would mean you ate at least 3,500 calories of fries to undo everything you've been working for.

    There is nothing wrong with having an occasion al bad night or bad meal. Just don't make it a habit.
  • webdiva1
    webdiva1 Posts: 326 Member
    yeah, i hear ya. guilt can be powerful. a couple of things to consider.

    maybe you can turn the guilt around, and use it to motivate you next time. you're feeling pretty lousy right now. so remember that feeling, and let it help you make a different decision next time. speaking just for myself, i seem to need to relearn this lesson periodically. :)

    here's the other thing. you can't change what you did, right? but you CAN change what you do next ... and i'm thinking you already have -- and in a good way. so count me in with everyone else who's encouraging you to get back up on the horse. at the end of the day, it wasn't a really bad fall, and you didn't fall very far.

    you can do this. forward we go!
  • RileeMarie
    RileeMarie Posts: 113
    Seriously, did it really cause you to ruin everything you've accomplished this week. Assuming that you are eating to lose a pound a week that would mean you ate at least 3,500 calories of fries to undo everything you've been working for.

    There is nothing wrong with having an occasion al bad night or bad meal. Just don't make it a habit.

    i guess you would have to understand my history of an eating disorder. no it did not necessarily ruin everything i've accomplished but some old habits are not that easy for some to overcome.
  • gregavila
    gregavila Posts: 725 Member
    But eating those fries just killed all the hard work I had done this last week.

    Sorry...was responding to what you had posted.
    i guess you would have to understand my history of an eating disorder. no it did not necessarily ruin everything i've accomplished but some old habits are not that easy for some to overcome.

    This could be very true, and I certainly don't have any understanding about your past history. But part of what we are all doing is redefining our relationships and views about food and eating. Is this easy, no (trust me) as my bad relationship caused me to gain nearly 20 pounds last year alone.

    However, i do believe that taking such a strong negative stance towards yourself and this single day isn't healthy. We all have challenges and bad days. We just log them, learn from them and move on to the next day. Be honest with yourself.

    Am I ever going to totally give up eating cookies, or pizza or drinking wine-- no. But I have learned that I can still enjoy these things but do it in with more moderation. And I am solely speaking for myself and my learnings for this and not looking to pass judgement on you.

    You can be wonderful, successful, healthy, or anything else you choose to be.
  • hollyberry2012
    Well, I'm going to be proud of you for coming to MFP and getting it all out. You know where your support is. And you came right over here :) Good girl!!!!
  • susanb573
    susanb573 Posts: 111 Member
    A few fries will not kill a weeks worth of eating well. Neither will a whole plate of fries. Now a whole plate every day might. Enjoy your food and if that means a splurge every now and then so be it.
  • EMarvie
    EMarvie Posts: 335 Member
    Dont be so hard on yourself.. you had a few fries.. if they're in your cal's then you're good to go.. if not, great that you worked out - but it's only a few fries. Life happens YOu're doing such a great job, dont let a little set back like this throw off all your progress.
    You are changing the way you look at food, your relationship with food.. making healthy options - and you can eat anything within your food budget.

    I also dont think that you can ask your BF not to order such things.. you can do this..!

    Keep up your great work!!
  • hunnybun75
    At least your actually working out..I am still trying to get my workouts happening. I and on day 13 and cheated the other day eating chicken with the skin...It was soooo good and ye si do feel bad but all i can do is pretend i didnt and get back on my routine...You can do it girl, dont beat yourself up:)
  • ashleab37
    ashleab37 Posts: 575 Member
    Dude, you ate a few chips, who cares? Go to the gym and burn an extra 100 calories and you're fine.

    Math may not be a strong point for you but I'm sure you can work this out....

    Say you're on a 250 cal a day defecit (1/2 pound a week), your defecit is 1,750 a week even with NO EXERCISE.

    A handful of hot fries is about 100 calories.

    This would put your defecit at 1,750. Lets say you had more than "a few" chips and even had a full small plate.. Lets go 700 calories? That leaves you with a defecit of over 1,000. Sure it's not a huge loss but that'll still give you 0.3lb.

    You really can't waste a whole weeks work with one mistake. You really, really can't.

    And yes, it's COMPLETELY WRONG to ask him to change his diet. Don't be so selfish and learn to have some will power. You KNOW how wrong that is.
  • lisag2007
    lisag2007 Posts: 130
    I went out with a friend last night and had four sliders, onion strings and fries. Only reason I feel bad is because my stomach didn't appreciate it. Nuff said. Tomorrow is a new day...get back on track and forget about it.
  • junyr
    junyr Posts: 416 Member
    A) The fries did not kill all your work you did all week, know that.
    B) Yes, it would be unfair to him for you to ask that.
    C) You sound like you have it under control deciding to bust out a bit more cardio.

    Seems like you're pretty much is good here.
  • Katie3784
    Katie3784 Posts: 543
    This sounds a little obsessive to me. A few fries does not ruin anything. You should be proud that's all you had. What is the point of severely restricting what you eat if you never get a treat? I read in your profile that you have a history of an eating disorder. This to me sounds like something that someone in the midst of an eating disorder would say. You need to be very careful because, IMO, an ED islike an addiction in that in never completely goes away and you are always subject to a relapse.