I cheated....and now I feel bad about myself.

So my B/F was out of town all week, he got home last night and we went out to dinner. I have been diligent on eating non-fatty foods (especially fried) and sticking to my diet. Well last he ordered a HUGE plate of fries. And of course the waitress stuck them right under my face. And of course the temptation got the best of me. So I had not just one but a "few." Other than that I had catfish and a small salad. But eating those fries just killed all the hard work I had done this last week. He is supportive of me in loosing weight and getting in shape. But is it fair of me to ask him while I am on this journey to not order such food? Ultimately I know it's up to me to say "no" to the temptation. So this morning I have decided to work off those fries by adding an extra 20 minute cardio to my normal 40. I just feel like I let myself down.. :sad:


  • npeters519
    npeters519 Posts: 87 Member
    No, it's not fair to ask him to change his diet to accommodate you all the time. For me and my DH eating out is a treat so when we go we order what we want. Mine stays within my calorie allowances but I do not ask him not to order what he wants so I'm not tempted. Willpower, for me, is the hardest part of this journey. But it's so good to build it up. Your boyfriend isn't the only person in your life that will eat bad things around you. It's best to learn how to manage yourself and let others make their own choices.

    Don't get down on yourself for one mistake. We all slip up here and there. Log it, remember how you felt about it so when you're tempted next time you have more resistance!

    Good luck!!!
  • michael300891
    Thought this was going to be a thread about cheating with people not with food haha =D
  • fibrogirl
    fibrogirl Posts: 170 Member
    Don´t be too hard on yourself, this is a lifestyle change and remember life is to be lived and enjoyed! It´s not as if you go out every night and cheat on fries etc so give yourself a break! You´ve done really well so far, just draw a line under and get back on track afterall you´ve compensated with extra exercise so that´s a positive move and there´ll be no damage done I´m sure.

    Good luck with the rest of your journey :flowerforyou:
  • xgg2rs
    xgg2rs Posts: 128 Member
    Allow yourself to not be perfect. The trick is not letting that bad meal become a bad day and that bad day become a bad week. I have even read in a few books that a cheat meal every once in a while is good to trick your body into losing again.
  • michael300891
    Allow yourself to not be perfect. The trick is not letting that bad meal become a bad day and that bad day become a bad week. I have even read in a few books that a cheat meal every once in a while is good to trick your body into losing again.

    I believe that this may actually be true, but I dont know whether its metabolic or psychological. If I feel "guilty" about having a cheat meal, ill be harsher on myself during the week - not sure if other people feel the same but I think a cheat meal really helps my overall progress.
  • kbmnurse
    kbmnurse Posts: 2,484 Member
    Get OVER it.
  • RileeMarie
    RileeMarie Posts: 113
    thanks for the insight, ultimately it's up to me to say no and you are right i cant ask him to not order things he likes. and haha on the post of cheating with others not food..i think that is another forum page.. lol.. ok time to get my workout in.. thanks again for the support.
  • liog
    liog Posts: 347 Member
    Don't beat yourself up. Yesterday I had two servings of chocolate covered pretzels. For no other reason than my kids were driving me crazy and I had the munchies. But, the pretzels were yummy and I enjoyed them and today is another day.
  • lind3400
    lind3400 Posts: 557 Member
    You're gunna have to learn willpower, you wouldn't ask your non-dieting friends to order something healthy would you???
    Just distract yourself with your water glass or something or make him slap ur hand away every time you reach for one
  • Becky_Boodle
    Becky_Boodle Posts: 253 Member
    I wouldn't feel bad if I were you...you're entitled to have days when you don't eat as good as you usually do...I really don't think you did any harm to your progress...plus you worked them off the next day...
  • HeidiRene
    HeidiRene Posts: 335 Member
    I think you can ask if he minds not ordering such food; however, I don't think you can expect him not to. eating is a personal choice. However; most importantly, eating fries does not ruin your diet!! Think of it this way...before you probably ate fries (or equivalent) every day if not every meal...this week it was only one meal....so that is a victory! I have totally felt bad after "cheating" too, that's very normal, but I hope this adds some perspective. Don't beat yourself up!! Just get back to it. If you only ate a few fries for one meal every week and otherwise stuck to a good eating/exercise plan you would still lose.
  • Dan112358
    Dan112358 Posts: 525 Member
    I knocked back a bunch of wings, a platter called "bacon cheeseburger nachos" (which were super awesome btw), some fried cheese things & washed them all down with a few beers! You can't get upset over a few fries. As long as these types of meals are the exception & not the regular occurrence, don't worry about it. Hit the cardio, drink lots of water & treat today like what it is: a new day!
  • Victoria2448
    Victoria2448 Posts: 559 Member
    So my B/F was out of town all week, he got home last night and we went out to dinner. I have been diligent on eating non-fatty foods (especially fried) and sticking to my diet. Well last he ordered a HUGE plate of fries. And of course the waitress stuck them right under my face. And of course the temptation got the best of me. So I had not just one but a "few." Other than that I had catfish and a small salad. But eating those fries just killed all the hard work I had done this last week. He is supportive of me in loosing weight and getting in shape. But is it fair of me to ask him while I am on this journey to not order such food? Ultimately I know it's up to me to say "no" to the temptation. So this morning I have decided to work off those fries by adding an extra 20 minute cardio to my normal 40. I just feel like I let myself down.. :sad:

    Give yourself a break! A few fries DID NOT undo all your hard work. Our choices are cumualtive, good or bad. If you eat healthy most of the time you will reach your goals! I usually always steal a couple of fries from my husband's plate (when we go to this place that has hand cut fries) It hasn't hurt me a bit.

    Count this as a WIN..because you didn't eat a whole order!:wink:
  • hkulbacki
    hkulbacki Posts: 187 Member
    So my B/F was out of town all week, he got home last night and we went out to dinner. I have been diligent on eating non-fatty foods (especially fried) and sticking to my diet. Well last he ordered a HUGE plate of fries. And of course the waitress stuck them right under my face. And of course the temptation got the best of me. So I had not just one but a "few." Other than that I had catfish and a small salad. But eating those fries just killed all the hard work I had done this last week. He is supportive of me in loosing weight and getting in shape. But is it fair of me to ask him while I am on this journey to not order such food? Ultimately I know it's up to me to say "no" to the temptation. So this morning I have decided to work off those fries by adding an extra 20 minute cardio to my normal 40. I just feel like I let myself down.. :sad:

    I don't really consider it a 'cheat' if you're willing to put in the extra work to burn it off. And it sounds like that's exactly what you're doing! So great job!
  • kaned_ferret
    kaned_ferret Posts: 618 Member
    My OH has been pretty sweet since I decided to make it all a bit healthier, he's bought semi skimmed milk instead of full-fat, even though I didn't ask him to (thought never crossed my mind to be honest!) and that means a lot to me. But he also has crisps and all other sorts of sweet things, which I just have to have the willpower to leave well alone. Last night however, he brought home a packet of fox's crunch cream biscuits. I ate 2/3 of the pack, and hell no, I don't feel sorry for a second, there was no way I was going to fight it, or feel bad after! I enjoyed them, and why would I want to detract from that?

    As someone else said, as long as it isn't the start of a slippery slope, there's nothing wrong with it. Today I was snacking back on nuts and seeds, happy as ever. I still feel good because I know that previously, that pack of biscuits could have been a daily habit. Previously, I would eat junk food along with my regular healthy food on a daily basis. So now, with exercising and overall better food choices/portions, I'm still better off, even with the biscuit binge!
  • wickedcricket
    wickedcricket Posts: 1,246 Member
    A few french fries once in a while is not going to derail you- esp if you work them off. IMO if you work it off, it's not technically cheating. But also, I don't use that term - I just call it 'splurge' or whatever. who are you cheating?

    The thing is YOU ARE AWARE. You're logging & counting calories- working off those extra cals. You did nothing wrong- NOBODY eats perfectly all the time. The effort is the thing and just keeping with it.

    Forgive yourself. Take a hot bubble bath. Tomorrow's another day
  • triplejay1
    triplejay1 Posts: 84 Member
    I have something bad once a week.
  • JacksMom12
    JacksMom12 Posts: 1,044 Member
    A few fries definitely won't derail your whole week. Being that strict will possibly lead to burning out and feeling too deprived. I eat "bad" stuff all the time, I log it, keep it within my calories, and repeat. I am 3 lbs from goal, so it's working for me!
  • MrsKosal
    MrsKosal Posts: 415 Member
    I thought this another kind of cheating post too!

    I had a terrible week, but today is a new day, and tomorrow is gone. Just start fresh today.
  • lindawayne11
    lindawayne11 Posts: 62 Member
    don't feel bad. I had an 'off' day last Tuesday. Ate a ton of junk, didn't excercize, and the next morning I declared it a new day and wiped it from my mind. Then weighed myself on Friday- my weigh in day- and lost 1.5 lbs. So, don't let it get to you. It can be fixed!