Having a day off diet

is it wise to do that? Typically I have tuesdays as my "Cook something delicious thats home cooked and natural but isnt the most healthy stuff". For me typically that dish is called "Biryani".

Anyways, does having days like this helps or hurt your diet. I am almost certain that I will always have to have a day like this, maybe not every week but definitely every second week. I have read that days like this throws off your body into guessing and is somehow good as long as its an occasional thing. Would you say thats the case?


  • AntWrig
    AntWrig Posts: 2,273 Member
    is it wise to do that? Typically I have tuesdays as my "Cook something delicious thats home cooked and natural but isnt the most healthy stuff". For me typically that dish is called "Biryani".

    Anyways, does having days like this helps or hurt your diet. I am almost certain that I will always have to have a day like this, maybe not every week but definitely every second week. I have read that days like this throws off your body into guessing and is somehow good as long as its an occasional thing. Would you say thats the case?
    Look at your calorie intake from a weekly basis, as long as your in a deficit you are fine.
  • Tangerine16
    Tangerine16 Posts: 44 Member
    Last week, after sticking to 1200 cals for 4 weeks and losing c 2lb per week, I attended an office dinner.

    This added the equivalent of an extra day's calories to the week!

    However, by returning to the calorie limit next day, I still lost 1lb that week......
  • ilikejam33
    ilikejam33 Posts: 252 Member
    Everything in moderation. Always.

    There is no cheat day in life. Enjoy everything in moderation and burn to earn when you want to splurge.

    One day over didnt make you gain weight, but you need to be mindful of what you eat becasue if one day a week you go crazy and eat 3500 cal (which if you add it up can hapend very easily) then you may not actually have a deficit left at the end of the week.
  • MariarR33
    I will have occasional cheat meals, maybe one every week to 2 weeks. What you do in 1 day won't kill a weight loss program. Just be careful that you have your cheat carefully planned out, so you don't say "Well today is a cheat", and then say the same thing tomorrow. If I know I am going to cheat, I know it a few days in advance. That way it's not a random thing and you are still keeping yourself in check.