coleyco30 Member


  • Thanks everyone! Due to some unforeseen flooding through my entire city 2 weeks ago, I was just finally able to start C25K today, and tomorrow I start 30 Day Shred... thanks for the tips!
  • Thanks! Unfortunately, finances aren't currently there to buy any major equipment at the moment.
  • Pushing 90 degrees in Grand Rapids... so thankful to have finished my moving from an upstairs apartment into a house this weekend so I don't have to do it this week!
  • What suprised me about My Big Fat Gypsy Wedding was when the girls were bragging about how heavy their dresses were! And that, "the bigger the bruise left on the hips by the dress, the better the wedding is" mentality. Holy cow. (umm... I LOVE Toddlers and Tiaras... lol)
  • This is the best shopping list ever! Thanks!
  • Yes! I love the spritzers too. I was never a fan of ranch dressing, I always preferred vinagarettes as it is, and every now and then I will have some of that on a salad, but I don't overdo it like I wish I could!
  • I've found that I can eat a plain garden salad with egg and chicken for about 19 days in a row before I get tired of it. That was last year. This time around, I believe I'll switch it up every couple of days and do different types of salad. This will also, I hope, cut down my frustration with grocery shopping as I'll be…
  • I've totally been doing leg lifts and stretches at my desk and thanks to whoever gave that little trick of sitting on my feet and trying to move my chair in a circle. That was fun. And many many trips to the copier, fax and water cooler. My productivity may be down, but I consider it a good day!
  • Unfortunately a big part of my job is getting the word out about these products and making sure they're available to everyone coming in and out of the office - so I have to keep an eye on them, making sure they're organized and looking good and not like a bunch of teenaged boys have ransacked the table. I am learning…
  • 80s hair bands of course! Nothing like Bon Jovi, Def Leppard, Journey and Poison to get me through a workout!
  • I wish! but unfortunately, I'm at the front reception desk and wouldn't be able to do that.. I wish I could though... some of the people in the back offices can do that. And did I mention that my company is in food production - and we constantly have samples and mispackaged snack foods being brought in and placed 3 feet…
  • I know!! You can't even see under my desk to begin with.. oh, I forgot all about the exercise ball.. I wonder if i could get away with that...
  • I do the whole park in the space furthest away and walk in. And I try to plan the most zig-zagged route for delivering interoffice mail 3 times a day so I get more steps in. And yes, the water cooler is at the opposite end of of the building so that's my other trick so far too!
  • That's just it... I've found I'm really not an exercise type of person :( Walking/Running is about the extent of what I can do. I've attempted the gym several times, but each time I've just stopped going within three days because either work got in the way or I just didn't feel like it.
  • Probably 80 minutes of that is brisk walking.. and I sometimes feel guilty about that. But um, you're icon totally just made me laugh and inspired me for today!
  • Ha! What don't I have on the playlist? The standards of Journey and Bon Jovi and Def Leppard, but I make it a point to start every workout to "18 and Life" by Skid Row! Throw in some Poison, Ratt, Scorpion and the great voices of Lita Ford and Belinda Carlisle and usually I'm good to go. The neighborhood children are tired…
  • Welcome! I've been using the site for about one week now, and am super impressed with how much support is being thrown around by everyone, it's definitely motivating! You'll do great!
  • Yesterday at work, I was taking the stairs to the third floor. I made it to the 2nd floor and was out of breath so I took the elevator from floor 2 to 3... Also, I noticed I can't reach comfortably to paint my toes when I'm sitting on the couch. Good thing I'm joining that gym today!
  • Heck yeah, we're skinnying up! I like that. I'm probably stealing if from you. Shoot, we can do this no problem! :)
  • Thanks for the welcome everyone! I am definitely excited, and I think, finally ready to do this. Now to just figure out how I'm going to do this :)