Can a girl live on salads alone?

coleyco30 Posts: 29 Member
edited September 28 in Food and Nutrition
Admittedly, I'm an awful eater. I like to keep my laundry list of excuses readily handy (It's too hard to cook for one person, I don' t have time to take a long lunch break, it's easier to just get Subway, it's too hot out to cook, etc) but the truth is, I just eat a lot of crap, plain and simple. I'd say up until last week, I was eating fast food, oh, once a day. And often, that was my only meal for the day.

So, enough of that. I do, however, like how quick and easy salads are. Now tell me this, can a girl live on salads for both lunch and dinner most of the time, while both losing weight and getting enough nutrition?


  • kater8er
    kater8er Posts: 364 Member
    I have salads for dinner quite frequently...But I will add chicken or some kind of protein! I think its possible :)
  • billsica
    billsica Posts: 4,741 Member
    depends on the salad. Going out to eat, I notice the salads are horrible for you. That's not even counting the bad for you ones.
    Taco salad, potato salad, yum!

    I'm sure you could make it work though, just lay off the dressing and croutons.
  • If your talking strictly garden salad then no. But there are a lot of salads you can make including tabouli, quinoa, black bean and corn that are quick to fix and store for awhile in the fridge. Don't forget complex carbs and protein too!
  • abbigail_r
    abbigail_r Posts: 283 Member
    I love salads but even I get tired of them. Try a green smoothie sometime they are quick and can be healthy. If you do a green leafy vegetable make sure there is a banana and other fruit in there to mask the interesting flavor a leaf can give off. Yummy and quick.
    Im over here with the same excuses. I have too many kids that wont eat it so I will just not eat healthy. I dont have wnytime to stop and make something healthy. blah blah blah. I know it can be done!
    Have a great day!
  • HeelsAndBoxingGloves
    HeelsAndBoxingGloves Posts: 916 Member
    I would think that as long as you have some sort of protien in your salad (chicken or eggs or something) that you could! I would get bored pretty quick but if it works for you then go for it!
  • CodyD18
    CodyD18 Posts: 161 Member
    If you meet all of your caloric needs as well as your desired fat, protein, and carbs then sure.
  • myukniewicz
    myukniewicz Posts: 906 Member
    yes, however (like you stated already) you need to make sure you get enough nutrients.
    make sure your salad has a protein (grilled chicken, beans), carbohydrate, and a variety of vegetables to get all your micro-nutrients as well. think lots of different colors!!
    Also- stay away from rich, cream based salad dressing. they are nothing but trouble.
    I like to use the Wishbone brand "Spritzers". Very low in calories, and sodium.

    a girl can eat a salad and enjoy it too!
  • aimelee
    aimelee Posts: 216 Member
    i eat salads all the time, but always add tons of stuff like grapes, nuts, turkey, chicken, feta cheese, beans, etc. things that will give you lots of other nutrients and protein. just be careful about can be absolutely HORRID and ruin a nice healthy salad. i always have the dressing on the side and dip my fork in first, or make my own. a good mix of olive oil, white wine vinegar, a little garlic salt and pepper makes a nice dressing, and gives you some good fat, too. good luck! <3
  • jaimejean478
    jaimejean478 Posts: 152 Member
    If you're talking lots of leafy greens and veggies, throw on some lean protein, then I think yes. Just watch the sodium in dressing... and the extra add-ons like cheeses, dried fruit, croutons, etc. They can make a 600 calorie salad in no time.

    I wish I had the will power do do this! I just get SO bored with homemade salads. After about a week of having them for lunch, I'm sick of them.
  • EmilyAnn89
    EmilyAnn89 Posts: 564 Member
    add some protein! beans, chicken, tuna, fish, steak! grill a weeks worth of chicken and refrigerate it. put it over salads or with rice, or just make a side of frozen veggies and eat that. other easy meals are soups. throw in some chicken, chicken broth, and whatever veggies you like and i usually add some rice in mine to make it more filling. low calorie and so easy to just throw in a crock pot! :)
  • Depends I guess on the salad -- probably not advisable though..You'd need protein, so chicken and nuts -- A lot of salad dressings are just oils and fats so, that could be a problem, mostly -- I find that when you elimate all other foods and put yourself on a "Oh, I'm only going to eat this" do more harm than good when you break down and bing eat all the foods you love.Honestly, it doesn't have to be hard to eat healthy, a turkey cheese sandwhich can be around 300 calories, grilled chicken is pretty low cal, McDonalds fruit and yogurt parfet is less than 200 calories and Burgerkings grilled chicken salad is less than 300 calories. You have plenty of options, don't restrict yourself.
  • NKF92879
    NKF92879 Posts: 601 Member
    I couldn't do it. I lost 8 lbs a few years ago doing salads for lunch every day. Eventually, I began gaining the weight back; I found myself pigging out later in the day and eating things I shouldn't. Now, I'm focusing on portion control and exercise. I rarely eat fast food, so that's not an issue for me. However, my husband and I got out to eat (pizza or wings, usually) once a week or so. I still eat the pizza and wings, but I make sure to watch my portions, work out more that day or the next, and eat extra healthy the rest of the day. Not all calories are created equally, but depriving oneself can lead to binges that are far worse than the occasional "cheating."
  • kelseyk14
    kelseyk14 Posts: 95
    Depends on what kind of salad you are talking about....McDonalds Salads have more calories and FAT then a BiG MAC!! AHH!! But if you are making them at home and using little to no salad dressing (I dont use any) then you should be ok as long as you add some healthy fats and proteins such as nuts, avocado, lean meats....just watch the dressings as well they sneak a TON of calories in there and not to mention all the fake stuff...if you have to have dressing I would make some at home with olive oil and red wine vinegar. :)
  • coleyco30
    coleyco30 Posts: 29 Member
    I've found that I can eat a plain garden salad with egg and chicken for about 19 days in a row before I get tired of it. That was last year. This time around, I believe I'll switch it up every couple of days and do different types of salad. This will also, I hope, cut down my frustration with grocery shopping as I'll be able to eat what I buy fairly quickly, and not worry about things going bad. Good thing it's a slow work day, off to look for some salad ideas!
  • brneydgrlie
    brneydgrlie Posts: 464 Member
    Heck, yes! Of course, this pretty heavily depends on what you put in them. My salads are pretty fully loaded. Here are many of the things I use (not all at once) :wink: -

    romaine lettuce or spinach
    black beans or chick peas
    tomatoes or salsa
    shredded carrots
    shredded cheese (low fat)
    sesame seed kernels
    strawberries or mandarin oranges
    chopped almonds or pecans
    bananna peppers
    chicken, steak, or fish (shimp or salmon).
  • 1smemae94
    1smemae94 Posts: 365 Member
    Salads are great for you, as long as you dont drench it in dressing and crutons. But you also need protein in your salads, so add some chicken, turkey or beans to it as well. Also make sure you are getting enough grains, fruit and dairy products to keep yourself healthy. Hope i heped :)
  • Jellyphant
    Jellyphant Posts: 1,400 Member
    If you call that living! D:
  • Sure! For lunch, add bits of chicken, sliced up grapes and cucumbers to lettuce with a light balsamic dressing. For dinner, spice it up with a can of tuna and mandarin oranges (I use the juice for dressing). Or bulk salad up with a stir fry of veggies like broccoli, mushrooms and bean sprouts. Just use some non-stick spray to 'fry' them in.
  • coleyco30
    coleyco30 Posts: 29 Member
    yes, however (like you stated already) you need to make sure you get enough nutrients.
    make sure your salad has a protein (grilled chicken, beans), carbohydrate, and a variety of vegetables to get all your micro-nutrients as well. think lots of different colors!!
    Also- stay away from rich, cream based salad dressing. they are nothing but trouble.
    I like to use the Wishbone brand "Spritzers". Very low in calories, and sodium.

    a girl can eat a salad and enjoy it too!

    Yes! I love the spritzers too. I was never a fan of ranch dressing, I always preferred vinagarettes as it is, and every now and then I will have some of that on a salad, but I don't overdo it like I wish I could!
  • aflane
    aflane Posts: 625 Member
    Probably not. Also, living off salads isn't long-term sustainable. You might end up feeling deprived and go on a binge out. (I'm real big on sustainable eating habits.)

    For a couple of months, I ate those Chicken Caeser Salad Ready Pac's (single bowl) servings for lunch. But they're not enough calories or nutrients. So I would also take carrots, sugar snap peas, and some fruit in my lunch bag. I realized I was getting so little nutrition from the salad... all my nutrients were from the add-ons. Also, since I lift weights, I wasn't getting enough protein for proper muscle building/fat burning.

    Now I get a rotisserie turkey breast from the deli dept of my grocery store on Sundays (shopping day) and slice it up. When I pack my lunch in the morning, I just have to weigh out my turkey. In addition, I get a whole watermelon and cut that up into chunks which I store in a big container in the fridge. It's easy to just measure out a serving.

    The best thing you can do is plan out your meals in advance, and prep them ahead of time. It saves that "What should I eat today?" question.
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