Can a girl live on salads alone?



  • coleyco30
    coleyco30 Posts: 29 Member
    Heck, yes! Of course, this pretty heavily depends on what you put in them. My salads are pretty fully loaded. Here are many of the things I use (not all at once) :wink: -

    romaine lettuce or spinach
    black beans or chick peas
    tomatoes or salsa
    shredded carrots
    shredded cheese (low fat)
    sesame seed kernels
    strawberries or mandarin oranges
    chopped almonds or pecans
    bananna peppers
    chicken, steak, or fish (shimp or salmon).

    This is the best shopping list ever! Thanks!
  • jenseye
    jenseye Posts: 166 Member
    You may consider too, if you do cook at night, don't cook for one, cook for two or three and then you have leftovers for lunch the next day and/or dinner. I do that even though I cook for a family of 4. Gives me lunch the next door and somtimes my husband too!
    Leftover baked or grilled chicken is great in a salad and a great source of protein!
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