Stuck behind a desk all day...



  • possummama
    possummama Posts: 96 Member
    simple but effective: squeeze your buns several times an hour while you're sitting at your desk
  • LessMe2B
    LessMe2B Posts: 316
    Google isometric exercise, fab for toning:happy:
  • Alas, I am stuck behind a desk all day as well. u_u

    But I do get to walk for around 40 minutes on my lunch and I can even get a second walk in some days (when I'm feeling sassy) for 20 minutes or so later on in the day (my boss isn't very strict about lunch time and breaks). I also get up a lot to get water, snacks and go to the bathroom (because of all the water). So I'm on my feet a lot more than people expect. :P
  • coleyco30
    coleyco30 Posts: 29 Member
    I've totally been doing leg lifts and stretches at my desk and thanks to whoever gave that little trick of sitting on my feet and trying to move my chair in a circle. That was fun. And many many trips to the copier, fax and water cooler. My productivity may be down, but I consider it a good day!
  • Huskeryogi
    Huskeryogi Posts: 578 Member
    I've been taking 7-10 min walks around the building midmorning and midafternoon and I actually think my productivity has gone up. The exercise refocuses me and I think I accomplish more because of it. My mind doesn't wander at my desk as much as it use to.
  • cartern1
    cartern1 Posts: 270 Member
    Depending on how far you live from the office cylcling to / from work is a good one.

    I do it when the weather is good and it's great, I live about 3 miles from work. Plus, itt gets the blood pumping before you get in work and gives you the opportunity to forget about work during the cycling home.
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