Stuck behind a desk all day...



  • brittaney10811
    brittaney10811 Posts: 588 Member
    i too have a desk job, and sit here from 7am-3:30pm every day. I am a CAD engineer for a pretty popular company, so it's a good job, but the sitting on my butt doesn't help.

    I drink a TON of water while here, and probably have to make 5 or so trips to the restroom. I have an office on the second floor, and i always walk to the furthest restroom on the first floor and jog my stairs coming back.

    Also, I am out on the floor a lot to get data to put into my CAD drawings, so i use that excuse a ton to be away from my desk and up and walking around.

    I know a lot of people don't have that luxury though. i'd say, if you have a private office, maybe bring in one of those pedal things you can sit under your desk and use your legs and pretty much bicycle while working, or you could bring in a balance ball and sit on that as a chair (although i've only seen that happen on TV commercials, i don't think i've ever heard of anyone actually doing that).

    hang in there, and avoid overeating! :)
  • vdavis_89
    vdavis_89 Posts: 334
    Me too!! My office doesnt have a second floor and its a tiny parking lot :( Its especially hard when its difficult to stay distracted lol all I want to do is eat! A lot of magazines and websites have "exercises" you can do at your desk :) Google it! Also as a snack I bring yogurt and V8 then I dont feel so bad about sitting all day (and I walk about 3 miles a day too) Good Luck!!
  • coleyco30
    coleyco30 Posts: 29 Member
    who is going to know that you are doing a thiighmaster under your desk??

    i've heard of people sitting on those big workout balls instead of their desk chairs you'll be working your core all day./

    I know!! You can't even see under my desk to begin with.. oh, I forgot all about the exercise ball.. I wonder if i could get away with that...
    MDLNH Posts: 587 Member
    When you get a break - go for a walk - even 10 minutes it good.

    Use the stairs as much as possible.

    Drink your water and have some healthly "snacks" during the day . . . Keeping your blood-sugars even through the day will help to avoid the dreaded mid-afternoon dozing-off.

    Do some stretching - even while sitting in your chair !!!

    If you can, plan for a work-out or some exercise acvtivity for after work - it helps keep you motivated.

    Get some good sleep (6+ hours) each night . . .

    Good Luck !!!!

  • MrsRobertson1005
    MrsRobertson1005 Posts: 552 Member
    I walk to work and home for lunch, sometimes i work out on my lunch and eat real quick or bring food back. I also drink about 13 cups of water a day at work so i run to the lady's room a lot. If i start getting too tired i get up and walk around the office, go say hi to someone or check the fax machines. I'm starting to work out before and after work so we'll see if that just tires me out more or gives me more energy. I also have healthy snacks like granola bars at my desk so i can snack on one in the afternoon about 3
  • johnwhitent
    johnwhitent Posts: 648 Member
    I do strenuous exercise before work and that keeps me revved up all morning. A walk at lunch adds a little boost, and people laugh at me for walking all over the office rather than giving a call or email. By late afternoon I am starting to tire but that is ok since I go to bed early and rise early.
  • DanOhh
    DanOhh Posts: 1,806 Member
    This is going to sound like it makes you more tired but it gives you energy through out the day. Wake up an hour earlier and get you workout done first thing. Trust me I use to not be a morning person but I no longer have the 3pm head nods anymore.
  • mckshowie
    mckshowie Posts: 210 Member
    this sounds silly, but periodically throughout the day sometimes i move my feet/legs up and down rapidly like a football drill. it uses my core muscles to keep my toes off the ground and my leg muscles going up and down as fast as i can for 30 seconds.

    i also sometimes sit on my feet and use my stomach muscles to rotate my chair back and forth.
  • hunsford
    hunsford Posts: 31 Member
    I second the fitness ball. It engages core muscles, so even if you don't feel more active, you are in fact keeping your muscles busy.

    Any chance you could modify your desk so that you could stand while working? I just started using a filing tote under my monitor and keyboard to allow me to stand (photo here:, but I work from home, so I don't have to worry about how "professional" it looks or how "professional" my footwear looks.
  • I feel ya on this one, I am also behind the desk all day as well, luckily I am able to go to the fax machine alot, which is at the front of the office and I am at the back, I also have to assist the ladies at the front desk almost every day , so I do get to move a good bit , but when I am stuck at my desk making calls , I do arm exercises and some leg exercises!
  • randa_behnam
    randa_behnam Posts: 488 Member
    fidgit! i find that when i notice im sitting idle at my desk ill start tapping my feet or shaking my legs under the table, then ill practice good posture and ill keep fidgiting around all day until i get to go home and do all the bits i need to at home.

    im starting to wonder if i have a nervous twitch cos of the fidgeting i do but any movement helps.

    Oh also use stairs where possible and offer to get the hot drinks in so you can walk away from your desk,
  • krlaws2
    krlaws2 Posts: 47
    i drink lots of water so i have to go for a walk :embarassed: , (our loo's are down stairs) never ring anybody in the office walk through and ask...

    I do this as well. Also, on nice days I take a walk outside around the building. Sometimes co-workers join me.
  • coleyco30
    coleyco30 Posts: 29 Member
    I second the fitness ball. It engages core muscles, so even if you don't feel more active, you are in fact keeping your muscles busy.

    Any chance you could modify your desk so that you could stand while working? I just started using a filing tote under my monitor and keyboard to allow me to stand (photo here:, but I work from home, so I don't have to worry about how "professional" it looks or how "professional" my footwear looks.

    I wish! but unfortunately, I'm at the front reception desk and wouldn't be able to do that.. I wish I could though... some of the people in the back offices can do that.

    And did I mention that my company is in food production - and we constantly have samples and mispackaged snack foods being brought in and placed 3 feet away from me?
  • jdub2131
    jdub2131 Posts: 20
    I sit at a desk all day too...I try to drink a surplus of water to make me have to use the restroom more often and then I go to the farthest ladies room which is up 2 flights of stairs...sometimes I run up stairs, sometimes I do a mini-squat up stairs, etc. I then workout after work for about an hour, but hate having to freshen back up if I have any evening plans, so my goal is to start getting up at 5am to work out. We'll see if that works! Jillian Michael's 30 day shred is just a 20 min workout, I think it's possible to at least do that in the morning... :) Good luck!
  • randa_behnam
    randa_behnam Posts: 488 Member

    And did I mention that my company is in food production - and we constantly have samples and mispackaged snack foods being brought in and placed 3 feet away from me?

    why dont you ask for a portable wall to be added so you dont see the treats? i have a wall blocking my view of all the birthday treats that people constantly bring in. if i cant see it then i dont want it!! or how about re-positioning your computer to block your view?
  • I find it hard at my office. The parking lot is right out front, my office is right inside the door, the whole bulding is so small and no staires... I dont walk on my lunch break b/c I EAT on my lunch break. I walk every morning and I do a workout every night but the office is hard for me to workout!
  • coleyco30
    coleyco30 Posts: 29 Member

    And did I mention that my company is in food production - and we constantly have samples and mispackaged snack foods being brought in and placed 3 feet away from me?

    why dont you ask for a portable wall to be added so you dont see the treats? i have a wall blocking my view of all the birthday treats that people constantly bring in. if i cant see it then i dont want it!! or how about re-positioning your computer to block your view?

    Unfortunately a big part of my job is getting the word out about these products and making sure they're available to everyone coming in and out of the office - so I have to keep an eye on them, making sure they're organized and looking good and not like a bunch of teenaged boys have ransacked the table. I am learning amazing self-control, and usually only call dibs on the 100 calorie snack packs!
  • skinnyrache
    skinnyrache Posts: 33 Member
    I agree with the recommendations from other posters. Do you have your own office or do you work in a public area? I'm fortunate enough to have my own (teeny-tiny) office, so throughout the day I try to close the door and do some activity. I often will run in place (high-knees), do lunges, tricep dips on the edge of my desk, etc. Anything to get the blood flowing! Even if you work in a public area you can still stand at your desk and do calf raises, stretches, or a few squats before you sit down (go as if you were going to sit down and once your rear lightly touches the chair stand up again).

    Desk jobs + long commutes are really tough! I dream of the day I can do something different. Good luck!
  • skinnyrache
    skinnyrache Posts: 33 Member
    sorry, I just saw your comment that you work at a front desk! Even at a front desk you'll hopefully have moments when people aren't watching and you can get a few exercises in. If all else fails, head outside or to the restroom and sneak in a few jumping jacks :)
  • MrOswife
    MrOswife Posts: 3
    I carry 2lbs weights with me and when I have to go to the restroom I walk the long way the with my weights, and carry them during my lunch when I walk around the building and I work out my arms when I'm on hold on the phone at work.... I also picked up a heart monitor to encourage me to work my arms and walk faster when I'm on break to burn more calories. Good luck!
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