New here and clueless when it comes to this whole losing wei

coleyco30 Posts: 29 Member
edited September 28 in Introduce Yourself
Hi there, I'm Nicole, I'm from Michigan and am just starting out my goal of losing 35 pounds. Not going to lie, it's pretty terrifying and I'm really diving into this with no knowledge of what I'm doing. Welcoming all encouragement, tips and friends to support and help along the way! I promise to give as good as I get :)


  • lottycat
    lottycat Posts: 333 Member
    Welcome! You're in the right place, this site is awesome and full of lovely supportive people, plus you don't need to be any sort of fitness or health freak to change your lifestyle. All you have to do is exactly what it tells you. Good luck! xxx
  • princessmikayla5
    princessmikayla5 Posts: 140 Member
    I'm from Michigan as well, and my starting goal was also 35 lbs! I've got 13 lbs to go. This is a great site, so welcome!
  • denisecc
    denisecc Posts: 72 Member
    Just set goals with exercise, eat 3 meals a day and 3 healthy snacks, lots of water..Losing weight isn't easy but when you decide to commit to it, you can and will do it..For me the weight has come off quit slow but since Jan 6th I started the change that has become my lifestyle. Here to cheer ya on if you like..Denise
  • essigmr
    essigmr Posts: 1 Member
    WELCOME! Nice to see new people putting their health and happiness first. Nicole, I am fairly new too and am looking to loss a total of 55 lbs. I have found the folks on this site are very welcoming and full of advice and encouragement. I started a Bfit group in my area and I love it. Many years of trying on my own and not getting any where let to a group. The ladies are great, as well as their experiences, advice, and encouragement.

    Sending out positive vibes to help you reach your health goal. Oh, I am also learning that this is not a quick fix but a LIFE commitment. You will have your ups and downs but just make sure you keep getting up to reach your goal.

  • Hi. I had over 100 pounds to lose. Ihad done all the fad diets and gained more than I lost. I realized I needed to do this right. When I did I lost 95lbs in 10 months. When I got lazy I gained 50 back. Now I am back on track. First, I cut out candy. I was addicted bad to it. I googled how many calories I should eat and came up with this site. It is very helpful. Then I exercised. I also read the book Made to Crave by Lisa TerKeurst. Very eye opening. I restarted my weight loss journey on Dec 31st. I have had ups and downs. When I eat right and exercise I lose weight. When I add the junk food back in and dont exercise I gain weight. Its that simple. I calorie count too. It works for me, holds me accountable. Good Luck. Be blessed
  • coleyco30
    coleyco30 Posts: 29 Member
    Thanks for the welcome everyone! I am definitely excited, and I think, finally ready to do this. Now to just figure out how I'm going to do this :)
  • hosegirl
    hosegirl Posts: 157
    Welcome. I am not new to trying to lose weight but new to myfitnesspal. I joined about a week a goa and have lost 1 piund. MIght not seem alot to you but to me it was a wild stone. I tried all the fad diets and any other thing out there. This is encuiraging ot me. I know if I post something that I willg et help. Which I did nto find with other sites. Hang in there. It take a while to lose. I know this morning I was very tired and said "oh I will do my work out later?" knowing full well later wasn't hapening. I did my work out this morning. I feel great and do not have to worry about later. I would not have done that 2 weeks ago. I knew I would have to no excercise today if I didn't do it. I did nto want to do that.
  • mom111997
    mom111997 Posts: 101 Member
    I started this site last week and looked at other people's food diaries. That was a huge help because it gave me ideas for what to eat, when to eat, how to measure, etc. Baby steps... anything you do will be better than what you were doing, so take it one day, one meal at a time. You'll be just fine!!!
  • EHBRown28
    EHBRown28 Posts: 33 Member
    WELCOME, IT WORKS IF YOU WORK IT!!!!! I've discovered (again!) that when I write down every morsel that I put into my mouth, two things happen: 1) I make better choices and 2) I eat less! 1200 calories is my daily goal and I've made it almost every day for the last 7 weeks. The result is that I've lost weight and FEEL SO MUCH BETTER! More energy, better self esteem, etc. The first week was VERY HARD, since I discovered that I had been eating almost DOUBLE the calories. Since then, it's been pretty easy to manage my meals/snacks. You can do it, be gentle with yourself, but stay focused!!! Welcome again!
  • capricorn144
    capricorn144 Posts: 335 Member
    Welcome...I was there on April 13th...same as you I made the decision to use this site to the max and its been super easy and a great experience.

    I hope you give it your best and use the diary daily to plan your will go fast and you will be a pro at this.

    Wishing you the best!:flowerforyou:
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