5'2" here. A few pounds makes a big difference. I have 15 left to lose.
Very short
And congrats on your new figure!
How about this? A short bob.
I really like having smaller, perky ones.
You lost back fat!
Congrats! I'm also 5'2" - trying to get to the 120s.
Thanks. I've been losing weight as well.
I am!
To have a cute figure with a flat stomach and smaller boobs To fit in my skinny clothes To get "you look good!" Comments.
When I am at my goal, I have a slim waist and flat stomach. And smaller boobs.
Thanks, but I don't want to go that route.
5'2" and 139 right now. I've been as low as 118 recently but I backslid hard. Working to get back in that range.
Intriguing. How hard is to grow out?
You carry your weight really well.
You looked good at 185. You look fantastic now! How tall are you?
Is it still Alison, Bob, and Jillian?
Back rolls are shrinking.
Me too!
Did you say sweet potato fries? Yum!
Woo Hoo!
I like my boobies smaller, so that's one of the benefits to weight lose.
I'm tipsy, but in control. Not sloppy.
Big difference esp in the back.
Looser jeans!
I'm 5'2". Short. I think 5'4" is right on the border.
F, 28, 5'2", 144
You look fabulous.