

  • I'm gonna TRY to hang with you tonight!!!!!!
  • My husband is a Beachbody coach and we have every video they make. I've tried them all and Turbo Jam by far is my favorite. I don't have a lot of time to exercise and there are several 20 minute workouts. They are fun and Chalean is very energetic but not overly annoying like some I've seen. I would be careful buying them…
  • I don't normally post to this particular thread - but wanted to take a moment to tell my hubby how proud I am of what he has accomplished with P90X. Tony - sweetheart - you look amazing!! Those 6-pack abs are incredible and the "big guns" are pretty impressive, too!! I am inspired by your dedication. You roll yourself out…
  • Brittany - I also do Turbo Jam - and it really depends on how much you put into it. A heart rate monitor is probably the best way to know what your persoal calories burned would be.
  • I've used just about all of them out there - but Turbo Jam is by far my favorite. You get a very good workout in about 20 min. I never get bored with that one. Everything Beachbody makes is good. My hubby is using P90X and he looks A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Aymie - My husband is doing the P90X now and he's on these message boards a lot. He's also a Beachbody coach so he could help you answer some of the questions you have. He's done the Power 90 and is in the middle of P90X. He looks absolutely amazing (I'm a little jealous..LOL). Why don't you get in touch with him....He can…
  • I do Turbo Jam. I've tried just about all of the DVD's out there...and I keep coming back to this one. The first couple of workouts are 20 min or less and you definitely get a good workout. No equipment to buy - just the videos. My husband is a Beachbody coach and does P90X - he is getting amazing results with that as…
  • That sounds really good!!! Thanks for the recipe - it's morning time for me but I think I could eat it again just thinking about it!
  • I did 20 min workout with Turbo Jam.............LOVE IT!!!!
  • Yeah, I did rinse the beans....forgot to put that in there. I need a good recipe for fresh you have one???
  • My husband and I are eating extremely clean and healthy and we came up with this recipe tonight and it was amazing. He is on the P90X plan so we incorporated all the protein we could in this meal. There was only 3 of us tonight, but you could alternate for a bigger or smaller family. 3 - 4oz chicken breast (boneless &…
  • Everything from Beachbody rocks.....Turbo Jam is my favorite. My husband did P90 and he looks amazing!!
  • How to you subcribe to what? Beachbody?
  • Hey Laura - I think you really have to find an exercise that you love. My husband is a Beachbody Coach and we have every fitness DVD made my them and I've tried many. I keep coming back to Turbo Jam because it's fun and there are several that are 20 minutes or less. I'm a busy mom and I work too, so fitting in a hour long…
  • Lauramg - I think I have tried them all...and Turbo Jam by far is my favorite. It can be low intensity or high intensity. It's fun and I am always shocked how quickly the time flies. It's my personal favorite!
  • Try Turbo's honestly the first exercise program I've ever used that I actually look forward to. My kids even join in sometimes because the love the music. I never get bored and you start out slow and work your way up. You can really get a great workout in a short amount of time. My husband is a Beachbody…
  • My husband is on his second round of P90 and his results are incredible. I'm currently doing Turbo Jam and it's honestly the first exercise I've ever done that I actually look forward to!! You can see his transformation results on
    in P90X Comment by imcrystal January 2009
  • My husband is a Beachbody coach and I asked him this question. He said that the calories burned is different with every individual person. It depends on whether or not you are doing the program with high intensity or low intensity. He uses a heart rate monitor which tracks how many calories are burned depending upon your…
  • Have you every tried any of the Beachbody videos? Turbo Jam, Hip Hop Abs, P90, Slim in 6? Each one of these videos give you different levels of the exercises with a fitness instructor. They cost way less than what you would normally spend on a gym membership and you can do it on your time with little investment in the…
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