Time to Tackle P90X - and You Can, Too..! Starting Monday 3/



  • rowerc2
    rowerc2 Posts: 158
    Back and Biceps this Morning, with Ab Ripper thrown in for good measure.

    Can honestly say that Biceps was hard, especially when I had to do chin ups - there was no gas in the tank.
  • aprilvet
    aprilvet Posts: 724 Member
    Back and Biceps this Morning, with Ab Ripper thrown in for good measure.

    Can honestly say that Biceps was hard, especially when I had to do chin ups - there was no gas in the tank.

    I hear you, rower!! I found this one to be really challenging!!!:noway: I'm absolutely pooped!!!!

    How about you, Tony?
  • tracy24
    tracy24 Posts: 188
    hey! Didnt get to post yesterday phase 2 week 7 day 3 back biceps and ARX done! Man i love this workout really pushed hard and im feeling it today! pain is good! Have a great day!
  • aprilvet
    aprilvet Posts: 724 Member
    YogaX today!:happy: I actually got myself up at 6am for this!!!:drinker: Trying to start a new morning workout habit. It felt good to get this done so early but not any easier!:grumble: :noway:

    I'm so psyched-- lost a pound this week, after a week in FL theme parks and hotels!!!!!:drinker:

    Have a good day, everyone!! Bring It!!!:bigsmile:
  • trenauldo
    trenauldo Posts: 235
    P90X DAY THIRTY-ONE - Back & Biceps, Ab Ripper X

    I have to say I honestly did not know there were so many different ways to work the biceps area. What I do know, after a good 52-minute-long pounding, is that my biceps have a serious burn lit in them. Just about everywhere else I was able to do bicep exercises with my 40-lb resistance band. With this workout, oh no - coming back down to the 30-lb band was a requirement after about the first 10 minutes of focused work. Interestingly enough though, through the last four or five moves, I was hefting the 30-lb band pretty well. On the last move where you curl through four sets of declining weight, I started at 40, then 30, then two sets of 20 with the tension picked up some on the last set. I think next week, I'm going to finally big out the big daddy and start with the 50-lb band... Watch out!

    My performance in ARX is getting better and better, and I mean noticeably so. Today, I made it all the way to Fifer Scissors before it got tough enough that I had to press pause to stay with the group. I can remember when I had to do that at Bicycles (the second move), so I'm very pleased with how that's coming along.

    It's a workout like this that makes one long for relaxation, and lookie, lookie... Yoga X tomorrow... :)
  • trenauldo
    trenauldo Posts: 235
    Ok, I'm up WAY past my bedtime, so I'll try to keep this short (like that's possible)...

    April... I don't know about you, but knocking the workouts out first thing in the am sets the stage for the rest of the day for me (in a good way). Nothing like losing weight when you're not even trying, eh..? Yay for you..!! As for B&B... Man, that whupped me... My arms were barkin', no doubts there... It's a tough series, and really, you're working biceps the whole time because you use those in the pull-up work, too. Yikes!

    Tracy... Hey lady, glad to see you're bringin' it to B&B... It's a toughie. Can't wait to see your results at the end of this meat-grinder... lol. Oh, and btw... you wear that orange belt well... Congratulations! I am very, very proud of you... Keep it up!

    rowerc2... Dude, it was the reverse grip pull-ups that hammered me because those really use the bicep a lot to execute... I think my arms are still blasted from that workout, but it's a good thing...

    Crystal... Thanks for stopping by and checking in on your man baby... Love you hot stuff!

    Well folks, I'm sure most of you are curled up in bed, so I'm off to join you (figuratively, of course)... Catch you tomorrow everyone...
  • trenauldo
    trenauldo Posts: 235
    P90X DAY THIRTY-TWO - Yoga X

    Someone I was talking to at work about P90X was asking me how the program was going. "Tough, every day, it's tough," I said.

    She eyed me questioningly and asked, "Why on earth would you keep doing that if it's still tough after a month?"

    Why indeed, I thought. "Because if it gets easy, then I'll stop growing and changing. Then I might as well stop."

    Yoga is certainly one of the workouts that so far has not gotten easier at all. The strange thing is it's different poses that seem easy one session that challenge me the next. Last time I did Crane, I was able to hold it for a good 10-15 seconds. This time, I could barely get into the position, and when I did, it was only a few seconds before I had to come out of it. The one thing I am definitely still struggling with is reaching under the thigh from Right-Angle Pose to grasp the other hand behind the back. The area through my shoulders is very tight, and my progress there comes very slowly. I noticed today also that part of the problem was not leaning far enough forward on my front leg to get that shoulder alongside my leg to be able to make that reach. Always something to work on, something to improve.

    Legs & Back tomorrow... I hope my back is ready for this since it got blasted on Back & Biceps earlier this week... Whew!
  • aprilvet
    aprilvet Posts: 724 Member
    Oh, Tony! I hear ya!!! I was sore STILL from back and bis starting legs and back today!! I still pushed it but wonder what I'll feel like tomorrow!!!:laugh: :grumble: I did have a good run this morning! The weather was perfect- low 60s and sunny!!!

    I feel so proud of myself: took the kids to putt putt today. They had ice cream after, but I passed!!! That's got to be a first for me!! I think I'll have a glass of wine with dh tonight!! I've got lots of extra cals!!!:drinker:

    Have a good evening, everyone!

  • rowerc2
    rowerc2 Posts: 158
    Just did Legs and Back, Cardio X, and Ab Ripper X this morning - I am very tired.
  • rowerc2
    rowerc2 Posts: 158
    So I weighed in at 172.5 lbs this morning (down 13 lbs even from March 16), and I lost another 1/2 inch off the waist, so I am down from 40 inches to 36 inches.

    Very happy with the program - it really works.
  • aprilvet
    aprilvet Posts: 724 Member
    Way to go, rowerc2!!! Don't you just love the changes in your body??:heart::bigsmile:

    Kenpo this am- so much fun!!! I'm using 2 pound hand weights. I like the extra burn!!:happy: I'm going to try to get in another run. It's beautiful here today!:heart:

    Looking forward to stretch tomorrow- I'm sore all over after this week!!!:laugh:

    Have a good weekend, everyone!

  • trenauldo
    trenauldo Posts: 235
    P90X DAY THIRTY-THREE - Legs & Back, Ab Ripper X

    I swear, this workout completely blasts my legs every single time I go through it. I also noticed that my forearms are starting to get really tight during the second round of pull-up exercises. I'm gonna say that's a good thing, perhaps that my upper arms and back are getting stronger and now it's time for those forearms to start getting worked over. Today's nemesis was the Toe-Roll-Iso-Lunge... It felt like someone lit a bonfire in my quads for the last five reps of that move... Yikes! Biggest improvement today was on Switch-Grip Pull-Ups. On Week 3, I managed ten reps for both sets. Today, I was able to crank out eighteen - count 'em, EIGHTEEN - reps on both sets. Oh yeah baby, gotta LOVE making progress. That keeps me pumped for more!

    Next on the hit parade is Kenpo X. I wonder if Crys will want to try to hang with it again this week. We shall see...
  • hiddensecant
    hiddensecant Posts: 2,446 Member
    Hey Tony! I finished my Week 1 of P90X, and thought I'd pop in.

    Thanks for helping me decide to start regardless of my current fitness level. My HRM really helped me along. It has been my coach, telling me that I'm working harder than I ever have despite my sometimes comical attempts at doing some of those workouts, hehe.

    Anyway, all is well and I'm switching to Classic in 2 days (once I fix my pull-up bar).
  • trenauldo
    trenauldo Posts: 235
    ghanie... You're quite welcome, and I'm pleased you've decided to take the plunge. Congrats on gritting it through Week 1..!!

    The HRM makes a BIG difference and really lets' you know how hard you're working because you can't always go by how you feel; that's too subjective. Remember a big part of attaining success in this program lies with the intensity you bring to the workouts. I can get through them without as much difficulty if I just kinda cruise through it, but that doesn't help me get closer to my goals. Like Tony says, you have to be willing to push yourself up to the breaking point, but not past it, and that's where the results are going to come for you. As you improve over time, that breaking point will move higher, and you'll have to perform more to get to it. That's one way you'll know you're making progress.

    As to comical attempts, don't even worry about that. I tend to think that EVERYONE struggles at some point with these workouts (I did this morning which you'll read about when I post this evening).
  • trenauldo
    trenauldo Posts: 235
    Oh, Tony! I hear ya!!! I was sore STILL from back and bis starting legs and back today!! I still pushed it but wonder what I'll feel like tomorrow!!!:laugh: :grumble: I did have a good run this morning! The weather was perfect- low 60s and sunny!!!

    I feel so proud of myself: took the kids to putt putt today. They had ice cream after, but I passed!!! That's got to be a first for me!! I think I'll have a glass of wine with dh tonight!! I've got lots of extra cals!!!:drinker:

    Have a good evening, everyone!

    April... When I do L&B, I hurt from my backside down to the middle part of my legs for at least a good 24-36 hours. That leg workout pounds me! Way to go on the ice-cream denial. It's the small victories like that which add up to big success over time.
  • trenauldo
    trenauldo Posts: 235
    Just did Legs and Back, Cardio X, and Ab Ripper X this morning - I am very tired.
    That's what I'M talkin' about.... You're a MONSTER brother..!! Keep up that intensity..!!!
  • imcrystal
    imcrystal Posts: 21
    I'm gonna TRY to hang with you tonight!!!!!!
  • tracy24
    tracy24 Posts: 188
    hey Tony! recovery week for me! phase 2 week 8 day 1 yoga done! only did 50 minutes of it but i did it!! still not a fan of it! boring! :noway:
  • aprilvet
    aprilvet Posts: 724 Member
    Hi, all!! Shoulders, chest, and tris today! Felt much better than last week! I was able to get more reps and weight for most exercises!:drinker: My biggest improvement was one-arm push-ups and clap push-ups! I didn't fall on my face and added a few reps!!!:bigsmile:

    Looking forward to plyo and a good run tomorrow! I think my legs have finally recovered.:laugh:

    Have a good night!!:smile:
  • trenauldo
    trenauldo Posts: 235
    P90X DAY THIRTY-FOUR - Kenpo X

    The workout went very well today; I felt strong and pushed hard through the entire routine. In some of the moves, I'm able to ramp up the intensity and surpass the folks on the screen in terms of the number of reps completed of some of the moves, so that's very encouraging. I would hesitate to say the workout isn't challenging any more; it certainly is. It's just one more indication that my body is growing and improving, and that I like.

    Chest, Shoulders & Triceps next... and lest we forget Ab Ripper X for a bonus... Bring it on..!