Time to Tackle P90X - and You Can, Too..! Starting Monday 3/



  • rowerc2
    rowerc2 Posts: 158
    Did Core S. again this morning. Is it me or does anyone else think this is the toughest workout in the first phase? I know my heart starts racing when I do this workout - moreso than Plyo, etc.
  • MissResa
    MissResa Posts: 1,147 Member
    Core is definitely a hard workout, but YogaX takes the #1 spot for me... Just different kind of tough, I guess. I LIVE for plyo!

    Tony-I am so happy that your wife tried out Kenpo with you! My husband did the same workout with me, and I was laughing so hard that I started to cry-when ever he couldn't figure out the combos, he would start swinging his arms around spastically in his own punch combinations just to make me laugh... I think my abs got a better workout than anything else, but it made me have a "that's why I married him" kind of moment...

    Tonight is Legs and Back, and I'm looking forward to it. I love this workout, especially now that I can actually get through all of the wall squats!!! Hope everyone has a wonderful day!
  • rowerc2
    rowerc2 Posts: 158
    Finished off my first month with Plyo and Cardio back to back this morning - and I feel great. Looks like my knee has recovered - no pain during the workouts over the last few days (Kenpo, Core, Plyo and Cardio) - so I should be good to go.

    Looking forward to Phase 2;

    Official stats at the 30 day mark

    Weight - from 185.5 to 174
    Waist - from 40 inches to 36.5 inches
    Chest - from 42 inches to 43.3 inches
    Right Bicep - from 13.9 inches to 14.4 inches
    Left Bicep - from 13.6 inches to 14.1 inches

    So I feel good - and I can hardly wait to see what everything is going to look like at the 60 day mark.
  • rowerc2
    rowerc2 Posts: 158
    thought I would throw in a rowing workout this morning - 30 minutes, 7041 meters, and over 470 calories burned. Most I sweated in a month, and I actually lost another 1/2 pound, to bring me down to an even 12 in 4 weeks, so I am at 173.5 pounds this am.
  • aprilvet
    aprilvet Posts: 724 Member
    Hi, all!! I'm, back!

    FL was fun and warm, most days! I'm so proud of myself- I worked out every day but 1. I even got up early to run several times! I didn't quite follow the schedule but did do CoreSyn once and kenpo once. Skipped stretchX for a massage one day:bigsmile: :heart:

    The food thing was tough!:grumble: Virtually impossible to eat properly from restaurants and theme parks, even when you want to. But I did make much better choices than in the past, and far less alcohol!:grumble:

    I'm happy to be back home and getting back into my routine. I ran 3 miles this morning and will do coresyn tonight to make up for missing it once this week. Will take "on the way" pics today.

    The best news, however, is my husband has decided to start P90X!!! He did chest and back this morning and thought he was gonna die!!!LOL:laugh: He's been inspired by my progresss in the first month and wants to keep up with me!

    Phase 2 starts tomorrow!!!:bigsmile: :bigsmile:

  • rowerc2
    rowerc2 Posts: 158

    Good luck with phase 2 - i am starting tomorrow as well.
  • aprilvet
    aprilvet Posts: 724 Member
    Day 1, phase 2- WOW! Chest, shoulders, and tris was a killer!!! I almost fell on my face trying clap push-ups from plank!!!LOL ARX felt good, though. Can almost do 25 reps of all sets, and did 20 complete Mason twists!

    Plyo tomorrow!!
  • hiddensecant
    hiddensecant Posts: 2,446 Member
    Hey everyone, just putting this in my topics. It's my first day of PX90 ever. I'm going lean I had Core Synergistics first thing this morning ... I've been stretching since, hehe.
  • trenauldo
    trenauldo Posts: 235
    P90X DAY TWENTY-SIX - Core Synergistics

    I think I can definitely see why my good neighbor Kevin says that he thought Plyometrics was tough... until he met Core Synergistics. Made it through the second trip through CS, and it was still a killer. I have found my two nemeses here as well - Superman Banana and Lunge Kickback Curl Press. Goodnight, those were killers... but in a happy way, of course. The only thing is... Somehow I still find Plyo to be more challenging overall than CS, but I've got to do some thinking as to exactly why that is.

    Tomorrow, some Yoga, and I will have the house to myself for some real peace and quiet. Should make for a nice workout...
  • trenauldo
    trenauldo Posts: 235

    Now I have to say, I am jealous of you single folk out there. My three girls are out of town until tomorrow, and as much as I miss them dearly, there are times when a quiet, empty house works to one's advantage. Doing Yoga X today was definitely one of those times. Concentrating on your body and separating your mind from the discomfort of some of the poses makes for a very intense yet relaxing yoga session, and having a peaceful place to do that makes all the difference (one more reason I prefer to do my workouts in the early morning before the house wakes up).

    I'm noticing slow, steady improvements in my ability to hold some of the more difficult poses; Royal Dancer in particular is one that I'm getting noticably more proficient at. I can also see very readily where my major area of challenge is for developing flexibility, and that is in the hip and pelvis area. That's where I'll have to really work in the coming weeks to get more loosened up.

    Here it is then... The last workout of Phase I. Tomorrow is rest and celebrate Easter, and then Monday starts Phase II with the return of weight training. Bring it on...
  • trenauldo
    trenauldo Posts: 235
    P90X DAY TWENTY-NINE - Chest, Shoulders & Triceps, Ab Ripper X

    Leave it to Tony Horton to come out of the corner for Phase II swinging. The only thing I could say to Crystal after this one was... Ow! This workout is a SERIOUS upper body blaster that absolutely tore me up. Of course, I knew from Power90 that my shoulders were a weak area that I'd have to really work on in P90X, but this workout really showed me how much that area needs help. When it hurts to try and touch your forehead, you know you've gotten smoked.

    Some painful highlights you say? Well... Two-Twitch Speed Push-Up (Ouch), Weighted Circle (Ouch), and the killer for me, FLY-ROW-PRESS (OUCH!). It's definitely going to take some time and focused work with this workout for me, but that's what I'm after - getting stronger where I need it, and man, do my shoulders need it. I also had some trouble on the Clap/Plyo Push-Ups and One-Arm Balance Push-Ups, but I think it was more getting used to the proper form, especially on the latter exercise, more than it was a strength issue (that's my story, and I'm stickin' to it).

    Also, ARX was interesting today. I made it through the fifth exercise before I started needing to hit pause to get all my reps in. Also knocked out 50 on the Mason Twist again. Something good is definitely happening in these abs... I'm thinking that six-pack is on the way good people. :-)

    Well, Plyo tomorrow... Oh yeah...!
  • tracy24
    tracy24 Posts: 188
    good morning Tony! Youre doing great! I didnt get to post yesterday phase 2 week 7 day 1 shoulders chest tris and ARX done! Did all the pushups on my toes except clap could only do 3 on toes did rest on knees. everything seems to be getting easier even the arx i even upped my weights on some! Well have a great day!
  • aprilvet
    aprilvet Posts: 724 Member
    good morning Tony! Youre doing great! I didnt get to post yesterday phase 2 week 7 day 1 shoulders chest tris and ARX done! Did all the pushups on my toes except clap could only do 3 on toes did rest on knees. everything seems to be getting easier even the arx i even upped my weights on some! Well have a great day!

    Did I read you correctly---- weights with ARX??????:noway: Or did you mean the weighted sets in CS&T? Either way, you go, girl!!!!

    Time for plyo!!!!
  • tracy24
    tracy24 Posts: 188
    haha in CST!:laugh:
  • rowerc2
    rowerc2 Posts: 158
    Is it me or does Plyo seem tougher after the recovery week? Anyways, I sure got a good sweat tonight from it.
  • aprilvet
    aprilvet Posts: 724 Member
    Week 5, day 2- plyo:explode: ! I have a real love-hate relationship with this one!! I hate it while I'm in it, but I love the feeling of accomplishment when I'm done! I felt stronger today and kept up with the group the whole time!!:bigsmile: :drinker: Best of all, my feet didn't hurt!!! Looking forward to another new routine tomorrow- back and biceps!!

    Tony- I'm finally in WOWY! Guess I need to get some pics up, so when I win, I'll have a pic to post!!!:laugh: :laugh:

    I had dh take "on the way" pics on Sunday, 4 weeks into P90X. Although I have a long way to go, I didn't want to vomit or hide:noway: when I saw them!!:happy: I'm technologically stupid, so when I get a chance, I'll figure out how to get them up!

    Have a good night, all!!
  • trenauldo
    trenauldo Posts: 235
    P90X DAY THIRTY - Plyometrics (The Mutha)

    Calories burned: 1,004

    If there is one of these P90X workouts that consistently makes me have to reach down deep to get through it, Plyo is the one. There is so much going on - squats, jumping, turning, leaping, running, and only a smattering of 30-second breaks. The thing I'm really enjoying (and momentarily hating at the same time... haha) is that I am always, always chellenged. There is never a time when I get to the end of Plyo and think, "Wow, well that wasn't too hard to get through today."

    My arch enemies today were Jump-Knee-Tuck (always) and Run Squat 180 Jump Switch. My quads were begging for mercy today, but I'm pretty sure I know why. Saturday morning, I was at the local city park working out with a couple of guys, and we were doing sprints and walk-downs on a hill near the running track. I don't think I realized at the time how hard I was pushing my legs, but I was definitely feeling it tonight, and that was just in the first round.

    Back & Biceps tomorrow... I have to say I'm looking forward to getting back up on the bar for some pulling.
  • trenauldo
    trenauldo Posts: 235
    Hey folks. Man, have I been slackin'..! Lots of posts to answer, so let's get busy...

    rowerc2... Brother, CS is definitely one of the toughest P90X workouts in ANY phase I'm thinking... lol. Still though, for me, Plyo is still the unmerciful beast. It pounded on me today, that's for sure. Looks like your results are coming in nicely my friend. Your rate of weight loss looks nice and healthy. Keep on it man..! As for Plyo... Dude, that workout is ALWAYS tough. Period. :bigsmile:

    April... Glad to know you're back from Florida (though I imagine you wouldn't have minded staying longer... lol). Hope you soaked up a few rays for me. VERY cool on your hubby getting into P90X. Just think of how awesome you'll both look after a few months. A little healthy competition at the house can be a good thing... Way to go! Was CS&T not a major pain..?? I'm really gonna have to work on my form for the clap and one-arm push-ups. Those are challenging. Oh, and since you're on WOWY, you're gonna have to give me your screename so we can do a workout one of these days. Mine is "TonyRR", so look me up..!

    ghanie... Welcome, welcome! Glad you found your way over here and that you're gonna give P90X a shot! Stick with it (and with the nutrition plan), and I'm sure you're gonna see great results over time. My wife told me I looked fantastic tonight. No one has EVER used that word in reference to me, so I know P90X is doing something right... lol.

    Tracy... Wow, sounds like you're really hitting those push-ups lady... Get after it! I was thinking like April - did she say she was doing ARX with WEIGHTS..?!?!? Lol... :laugh: Serious, you're doing awesome... Very impressive.

    Well, tomorrow will be the 30-day mark, so I'll be getting some DAY 30 pics taken and post them on here along with the DAY 1 pics. Those of you who are brave enough to share your results with the group, I would encourage you to do so. You never know who you might motivate by your example. Beyond that, you should be proud of what you're accomplishing. Many of you have been with me on this thread since DAY 1 and have been sweating it out that whole time. We've all suffered here together, so it makes sense (to me at least) that we should celebrate our gains together.

    Have a great night good people... I am off to sleepy-town... :bigsmile:
  • imcrystal
    imcrystal Posts: 21
    I don't normally post to this particular thread - but wanted to take a moment to tell my hubby how proud I am of what he has accomplished with P90X.

    Tony - sweetheart - you look amazing!! Those 6-pack abs are incredible and the "big guns" are pretty impressive, too!! I am inspired by your dedication. You roll yourself out of bed many mornings when you don't really want to. You are truly committed to this new way of life and I couldn't be happier. You are in the best shape of your life! Can't wait to see what you look like at the end of the 90 days!

    Thank you for not only doing this for you, but doing it for our family. We are teaching our kids some great habits with exercise and healthy eating! That's the best gift we can give them.

    Looking forward to growing old with you!:heart:
  • tracy24
    tracy24 Posts: 188
    good morning p90xers! Didnt get to post yesterday phase 2 week 7 day 2 plyo done! Tony im with you on the knee jumps ugh! But like everthing else the more you do something the easier it gets! Have a great day!