

  • It really is just water fluctuation. You shouldn't weigh yourself everyday for that exact reason! :) Go back to once a week and you'll be much happier.
  • It's physically impossible to gain 4 lbs of fat in a single day. Your water must be fluctuating, you are weighing at weird times, or you simply haven't gone to the bathroom.
  • Green bell peppers were used in my Whole30 way more than I thought. When I would cook philly cheese steaks for others, I'd top my meat with bell peppers and onions. When we had chicken tacos, I'd saute my chicken with peppers and onions and eat it in lettuce wraps. You can even stuff the bell peppers with mixes of your…
  • Supplementing with calcium has a lot of negative side effects that I would be very careful to avoid. If you don't have spongey bones, I wouldn't be taking it.
  • Well, you know what the problem is. It isn't the diet.
  • I think you answered your own question as to why you aren't losing weight. You can't do the diet 70% of the time and expect to see 70% of the results.
  • Okay, I just read what Robb Wolf just said about Okinawans being taller than the rest of Japan due to their non-consumption of rice. Wow. A couple problems here. 1) They're not taller. They're shorter overall. 2) Why would anyone ever determine short stature as being less healthy? 3) I guess we can all just spout off…
  • It's not a fairytale; it's fact. My grandma ate white rice every single day, as did all of her friends, as did my entire family because we were raised eating Japanese style. The thing is that they know portion control, and their primary carb source is the rice. It's not rice covered in fat served with sugary drinks and…
  • I just want to add, since my grandma was from Tokyo, this weighs on my mind (and diet) often. Japanese live longer and are overall slimmer than Americans. Their diet consists of eating white rice multiple times a day, for every meal. I understand the 'science' behind not eating rice, but facts are facts. The second I'm off…
  • I believe it does. I've never had a rotisserie without skin!
  • Maybe it will just take you a while to get fully on board. Before going paleo, I made other transitions: I stopped eating fast food, white pasta and breads, and sodas. After all of that, it wasn't hard at all for me to transition to paleo. If you really think about it, bagels aren't really that good. They're just large…
  • I noticed you are eating a lot of nuts over the course of a day. While it doesn't seem like a lot, when you add it all together, it makes a big chunk of your carbs. If you would replace those nuts with eating some kind of meat/protein instead, that may solve your issue. You also seem to get the biggest hit of carbs when…
  • That doesn't seem like sound advice considering vegetables and fruits are carbs.
  • You'll have to enter the ingredients individually, or create your meals with the individual ingredients, so you can add quickly next time.
  • Actually suggest you start with a book so that you can digest the full basic understand. My number one suggestion to you:
  • Congratulations Joe! Now you see why I absolutely love eating paleo... it takes little to no effort if you just commit to doing it. You eventually/quite quickly don't feel urges for pastas/breas/sugar/flour/etc. and the weight just falls off of you. I've bought primal blueprint for a number of family members and friends,…
  • Primal eating allows dairy, thus with the cheese and milks. Honey is a natural sweetener, but if you are trying to cut out sugars, it's just good to cut back on it. Now if I wanted to see any results from eating paleo, I HAVE to leave out all dairy, or else that'd be my entire diet because I have no self control when it…
  • I do count calories/macro nutrients on paleo, even if it is a Whole30. You'll see on a lot of paleo forums people complaining about how they're not losing weight, not seeing results, etc. Well, they then post their diet and you realize just how much they're eating. Calories in/calories out still does apply. It's just…
  • I started my Whole30 weighing 148 and I'm down to 140... Today is Day 18. But that's extreme... I usually lose 10 lbs total in 30 days of eating strict paleo.
  • This But it doesn't ship internationally, unfortunately. Perhaps you could find something similar online that will ship to you. Or you can ask a local farmer for some... and you can smoke your own bacon, sugar and nitrate free. But nitrates/ites are okay to consume depending…
  • Are you working out?
  • The only meat they don't use soybean oil on are the carnitas.
  • What's with the attitude? You all named things that weren't paleo, that's not my fault. I thought I already did? I go to restaurants and order steak with no oil or butter, sweet potato with no butter, broccoli with no butter. If I go eat at le peep or a breakfast place, I order eggs mixed with onions and peppers and a side…
  • I guess my point is that you don't have to make sacrifices.
  • :( no processed deli meats!
  • They don't, and they shouldn't. Lifting weights isn't about burning calories, it's about building strength which requires calories. Try tracking your gains instead and make progress that way. Remember every weight you used and strive for more reps or increasing the weights each time you workout. Looking back on that will…
  • You can't because that is very arbitrary.
  • Again though, if you're being strict about it, bacon from any run of the mill food joint isn't going to be paleo and neither is butter.
  • Be careful... the chicken is cooked in soybean oil if you want to be strict about it. Saltgrass is the easiest place for me to eat at... but I assume any steakhouse would be. Order steak without butter and oil... baked sweet potato, broccoli without the same, grilled shrimp without oil, etc. For quick lunches, I can run to…