Hello, welcome! I'm from Bournemouth, not too far from southampton but obviously i use a gym in bournemouth, shame though as i would like a gym buddy too!
were you drinking high calorific drinks and eating a lot before hand? if im going out drinking i dont eat much that day and stick to vodka and diet coke and i always lose weight.
thats strange, when i dont eat enough the message says i will lose weight... dont eat past the feeling of being full, that will make you put on weight, just eat when your hungry it doesnt matter if your calories are a bit low if you feel full, your body will let you know when it needs more food.
if you lose say 2-3lbs in one day then its going to be water weight, but if you lost 2-3lbs in a week then its definatley going to be fat and maybe some muscle. if your losing weight but not losing inches then it could be muscle loss, its best to get a body analyser scale that tells you how much fat, muscle and water you…
try eating more fibre to fill you up, some dried fruit, wholemeal bread, beans or nuts, if you desperatley need to keep the calories down have a drink of tea or coffee when your hungry, also coffee suppressess appetite.
I used to have quite a bit of cellulite but after losing weight (fat) a lot of it went, although I still have a little bit. To completely get rid of cellulite you have to be very healthy, no smoking, drinking or eating junk food because they are all toxins that cause cellulite.
i eat differently everyday, i couldnt imagine eating the same thing everyday it would get so boring and it would be hard to get all the nutrients you need.
organic plain yogurt - add fruit to sweeten such as blueberries fruit salad all i can think of atm!
"The best thing to do is avoid all artificial and chemical sweetener substitutes. They have NO food value, trick the body into thinking it is eating something sweet, and they have by-products of harmful toxic side effects." - "According to the research, regular use of…
they are very bad for you, much healthier to just use sugar
same! i just ate 2 slices of pepperoni pizza :( so I'm gonna go on my stepper in a minute. do some cardio, anything to raise your heart rate.
no dont force yourself to eat, your body will let you know when it needs food
the morning one is right, you only weigh heavier later on in the day because of water and food weight but once you have been to the toilet that will go. just stick to weighing yourself in the morning.
Pure creatine is best for you, all the other protein shakes are useless, to make it into a powder they have to heat it to very high temperatures, dry it out and put all sorts of other chemicals in it, by the time its ready to sell all the protein/nutrients are dead. My boyfriend is a personal trainer.
I'm 5'1" and although i dont mind being short i would prefer to be a bit taller, id be more stretched out then and look thinner! "Fun-Sized" is such a cool name though, never thought of calling myself that before!
I'm 19 5' 1" 108lbs Fairly sedentary My maintaince calories is about 1200, i know that just through experience, i dont bother using online calculators because different ones give me different amounts!
Hello welcome, and I'm young too :)