I'm Not Sure On What To Do

frando Posts: 583 Member
I've been on the site only for a few days but I've been eating what I typically eat, and the message keeps coming up that I'm not eating enough a day and that I'll actually take on more wieght beacuse of it.

Not sure how to put it but I don't like eating past the feeling of being full. I tried today by trying to snack but I'm jsut not in the mood for it. So, how do you reach your minium, 1200, calories a day?


  • SenoraMacias
    SenoraMacias Posts: 305 Member
    For starters, if you make your diary public, we can see exactly what you are eating, which will help us help you! But, to answer your question, maybe try to eat more calorie-dense foods? You don't necessarily have to eat a bigger volume of food (again, hard to say because I can't see what you're eating already), but just eat things with more healthy fats and calories. For example, if you normally have toast for breakfast, you could try adding some all natural peanut butter to it, which is higher in calories and fat.
  • kappyblu
    kappyblu Posts: 654 Member
    Peanut butter and all nuts are high in calories and taste great, too! Have 1 oz here and there of these nuts and you should reach your 1200 minimum. Emerald makes cocoa roast almonds thare are out of this world yummy!! Good luck!
  • Pandorian
    Pandorian Posts: 2,055 MFP Moderator
    Go heavy on the calorie dense but good for you stuff, nuts and nut butters, seeds, avocado and similar items.... use whole milk instead of skim, go for full-fat options instead of no-fat....
  • xcrystalx
    xcrystalx Posts: 19
    thats strange, when i dont eat enough the message says i will lose weight...

    dont eat past the feeling of being full, that will make you put on weight, just eat when your hungry it doesnt matter if your calories are a bit low if you feel full, your body will let you know when it needs more food.
  • bunchesonothing
    bunchesonothing Posts: 1,015 Member
    When I'm under, to boost my calories, I often drink drinks with calories to help me out.

    However, are you sure about your calorie intake. Studies show that most people grossly underestimate the number of calories they are eating, which could lead to weight gain. Are you measuring everything out, accounting for everything(including drinks) and using nutritional information from the packages of food? No offense, it's just something that is often overlooked.
  • JulieBoBoo
    JulieBoBoo Posts: 642
    Add nuts, seeds, avocados, olive oil and extra protein to your diet. They're high cal for small amounts but also pack a great nutritional punch.
  • pedalpusher5
    Maybe you could try eating the same quantity, bulkwise, but choose some higher calorie options. One tablespoon of peanut butter will get you 95 calories, but there's not much too it in quantity and it's very nutritious. Or just a handful of nuts of some kind which are very calorie dense. How about replacing a glass of some beverage you would normally drink with a glass of milk, which is great for your bones. If you're filling up on a big bowl of salad, or something bulky that has very little calories, you can easily get the same in quantity while adding calories by choosing a sandwich instead, or a piece of lean meat and a starchy vegetable like potato or corn.

    Good luck!!
  • frando
    frando Posts: 583 Member
    i'll try the nuts etc. option. thanks for helping guys.

    i know its odd you'd have htought eating less would result in a loss rather then a gain, its confused me no end.

    it was my first suscipion i wasn't calculating it correctly but i went over everything and i was only a few things out, like stuff like ceral and a little bit with rice, i'll be more attentive in the future.

    thanks for the replies and support guys!