Purvey Member


  • Hi Lolly, you can do this. Congrats on surviving cancer. You persevered through that, you can do it for weight loss and eating healthier. I think the exercises you have mapped out for yourself should do you well. Sara
  • Zak, lose the rest of the amount you have to lose eating the way you are now. Then don't just aim for that higher amount of calories all at once. Start out adding a small amount every couple of days. Weigh yourself to be sure you are not gaining any of the weight back. When you hit the max amount for maintaining I would…
  • Welcome Linda and congrats on the weight loss! Stick with it.
    in Hello Comment by Purvey September 2011
  • Great for you!! Wish mine would go away, too.
  • Hey, stop beating yourself up about a few pounds to go! You lost weight while battling cancer, give yourself a pat on the back. With all the treatments that folks have to endure when battling cancer I'm amazed that you lost as much as you did and feel healthy. You sound like one determined person to me and I know you will…
  • Keep quick healthy food on hand to fix on those days you feel you just can't take the time to prepare from scratch. Hang in there. You will make it!!
  • Hi, I am not total vegan either. Get the frozen shrimp that have already been cooked and frozen. Put them in a steamer for a few minutes or sautee with garlic and spices. Even with the steaming spices add flavor. For the tallapia and salmon, let thaw in fridge for a couple hours, mix a little olive oil with spices of your…
  • Wow, I will have to try both of those things! Sounds great.
  • Looking at your food diary it seems you need to get more protein into your breakfast. You need at least 1200 calories each day. In the beginning I was slacking very much on protein and have upped that.
  • Yes, having a workout buddy does keep us going. My friend Marcia and I are into week number 7 of walking. We started out going to a park that has a walking tack. It was very hot and humid. Then my daughter signed up for the gym at our local hospital and added us a family. They have a walking track. While not as hot and…
    in Motivation Comment by Purvey June 2011
  • Celeste, I know it is difficult to do being a mom, wife and full time job, but you definitely need to have some 'me' time. Even if it is only a short soak in the tub in the evenings before bedtime. You need time to unwind from the stresses of the day. Get a little lavender oil and some epsom salts added to that bath and…
  • Way to go!! Not easy at any age to get it off of us, but with younger your skin may shrink and go back to being tight. Older it is saggy.
  • Great! It will be difficult, but you can do it. There are always triggers that make us light up. We get on the phone, after a meal, if a friend comes over, we pop a top. You will have to stay away from smokers as much as you can or you will be very tempted to light up with them. Keep lots of carrot sticks on hand for when…