
I am not really new to MFP but I will do well with logging and then the weekend comes and I don't log anything so then I have to start all over again. Then there is the no motivation to go to the gym. I used to have a workout buddy and that was great but she went three times and then stopped coming. I guess what I need is some more friends to help feel motivated to finally get up and GOOOOOOOOO!! I have a wedding I am in on October 1st and I keep saying I have time but the reality is that it's creeping up fast!!


  • Kelly_Wilson1990
    Kelly_Wilson1990 Posts: 3,245 Member
  • Purvey
    Purvey Posts: 13 Member
    Yes, having a workout buddy does keep us going. My friend Marcia and I are into week number 7 of walking. We started out going to a park that has a walking tack. It was very hot and humid. Then my daughter signed up for the gym at our local hospital and added us a family. They have a walking track. While not as hot and humid as the outdoor track, it is not as cool as she and I would like for it to be. By my daughter adding us to her gym membership it also gave us gym membership, so we do the gym 3 days a week. If not for knowing that Marcia was waiting for me and she says the same, that if I wasn't waiting for her, we would not be motivated to go. I joined yoga 2 days each week also. I haven't been able to entice her to do that, yet. Ask at your gym if there are any ladies who come alone and ask to be introduced to them. I bet there are some who would love to have a work out buddy. I know if you were here, Marcia and I would welcome you with open arms and be pushing you to keep on!! Good luck and best wishes.
  • AricAngel
    AricAngel Posts: 21
    I Actually find time at work to walk around the building a coupel times and I really enjoy that and it gives me a break from DRAMA. feel free to add me if you like.