

  • I know you posted originally a few weeks back but how are you doing now? I have been slow-carbing for a month and love it! Down 7.5 lbs overall (avg 1.5-2lbs per week) and feel great. The only time I dont feel so great is after cheat day but I guess my body does not really like the huge carb intake that day. Otherwise, I…
  • Welcome back to MFP! Im back too after a hiatus and realizing that I need MFP to keep me on track. After gaining 5 lbs by not being dedicated to logging my activity and calories consistently, Im ready to turn things around. It's never to late to get on track! Feel free to add me!
  • I have found that push ups help quite a bit. You still have to combine arm exercises and weights with cardio to burn off the fat but the push ups help tone them up! Keep at it!
  • Awesome success so far! It really is a great program. Im on week 3 and have already lost 9"...only 1-2 lbs though but Im getting close to my goal weight so it's the inches I really want to see go anyway. I love the workouts, the music, the encouragement....it was definitely worth the $ to me! Keep up your great work! I…
  • That is a great gift for your daughter! A healthy mom and a great role model!
  • My wake up call happened nearly 2 years ago when my parents were both having major medical issues. My father needed surgery but the doctors told him he was too high of a risk to do surgery because of his weight. That's when I decided that I dont ever want to be in a life threatening situation but cant get medical care…
  • Its a 90 day program....3 Phases with a total of 15 DVD's. I love it so far but am only on day 4. Its fun and challenging!
  • Well, some people call string cheese a 'bite'. The point is to log everything down so you dont take in more calories than you burned.
  • Jillian is no joke and her workouts are awesome! Try a few different ones if you can. I just started her Body Revolution 90 day program....love it! Not everyone likes her but there is no arguing that her methods get results! Good luck to you!
  • I commend you for your weight loss journey. And it is just that...a journey. We learn about ourselves and try new things along the way...taking it all in as we work toward our goal. But, you really should keep an open mind when it comes to suggestions, new foods to try, new exercises, etc. If what you are doing isnt…
  • I started week 1 workout 1 this morning and loved it! I have most of her other DVD's and have had great success with those so Im expecting good results with this. As always, she provides good tips and instruction, offers ways to modify each exercise to make it more or less challenging and keeps you motivated. It is…
  • I received mine on Saturday and started this morning....it was a great workout and fun! It wasnt too difficult if you follow her other dvd's but you can modify to make it easier or more challenging. Hoping for some great results!
  • Im curious how that works too. Im about 15 lbs from goal weight and its going very slowly now....I eat back my calories but am worried that Im still sliding into starvation mode.
  • Just came across this post and am so glad I did! It is frustrating to see yourself getting smaller while the scale sits at the same weight for a long period of time. Despite working out 5 days a week and watching calories, Ive sat at the same weight +/- 2 lbs since Halloween. But, my clothes are getting bigger on…
  • I want to order this DVD SO badly! Ive had pretty good success with her other DVD's and I know this will help me reach my target weight....about 15 lbs to go. I have found more success using her DVD's than spending time in the gym doing cardio (treadmill) and free weights. I just find her to be so motivating and scary too!…
  • I will have to see about getting a scale like that!
  • I wish I had taken body fat measurements...is there a simple way/tool to use to track it?
  • Im 5'3" and at 147 lbs currently. SW was 189. Id love to get to 130 but I'll take 135. The weight loss is so SLOW right now since Im close to my goal so 135 might be more realistic. Im going on a cruise in 2 months so Id like to be at 140-143 by then!
  • Same problem here under my eyes. Im noticing many more wrinkles when I smile. But I have to smile because I am much happier now with 43lbs gone! So, I made Botox my next reward for 7 more lbs gone....Ive had it done before so I know it will correct this wrinkle situation. :) Try creams with Retinol and Hyalonic Acid (?) to…
  • Im in the same boat right now...Ive lost 43 lbs overall and can definitely see the difference in the mirror and my clothes fit better but my measurements havent really changed much in the last few months. But, after going through this process for a while now, I do know that I am getting smaller overall....and Im sure the…
  • I donated mine.....the only clothes I kept were the ones that still look okay on me....but, if they drape or have lost their shape, they are gone! It's a great feeling and is motivating to know that that chapter of your life is now over.
  • A tummy tuck and then some clothes!! :)
  • I picked up the beginner one at Walmart for $9 but all of his DVD's are only $5 on his website. It really is a great workout and he is a great motivator! Good luck!
  • Great news!! My husband found my ring at the bottom of the washing machine! He went right out and bought a ring guard as someone here suggested. What a great way to end the year!!!!
  • Welcome back! The motivation and support from others on MFP keeps me going!
  • Of those fast food places, I would say Subway definitely offers the healthier options. Taco Bell's Fresco menu isnt too bad on occasion. BUT, I would suggest to always pack a lunch. I go home for lunch every day so I can control what is in my food and my calorie intake. There is just too much guesswork at fast food places…
  • Your hard work has clearly paid off! You look great!
  • Im in! Im 5'3 at 149 but have 20 to go...maybe a few more depending on how I feel when I reach 129. It truly is harder once you get closer to your goal weight and it can be very frustrating. Im focusing on watching my calories but have changed my MFP settings to only lose 1/2 lb per week based on some advice I received…
  • Welcome to MFP! You will find some great support here!
  • I like the support and encouragement from my MFP friends but a little constructive criticism is welcome too. We all need a little dose of reality from time to time! :) A balance of cheers and jeers is the way to go!