gr82run Member


  • Need bigger shoes! Go to a real Running Store to buy your shoes and let them put you through their "fit" process. Some places have a treadmill and will film you running and play it back in slow motion to see your foot-strike. They will look at your old shoes to see the places they are worn out, and some have a thing you…
  • Check out a YMCA. It is really people from all walks of life, and my experience has been that everyone supports one another along the way. At my bootcamp class, we have some VERY overweight people who are beginners and need to modify most of the exercises, and when they are coming in "last" place, everyone ahead of them…
  • Sometimes that's really hard to figure out if you're the one who self-sabotages. I've been maintaining my weight loss over a year, and recently have gained 6 lbs. I really never got to my goal which was 5-10 lbs less. Every time I'd lose 2 or 3 lbs, I'd quickly regain it. I don't know why and really tired of trying to…
  • I used to be totally addicted to flavored creamers, then half & half. I now drink only one Truvia in my coffee. It IS POSSIBLE to break the addiction! You just have to stick with it long enough and realize how crappy the creamers are for you, all the calories you save and also how much better you feel without them. Over…
  • Herbalife has one called "Total Control" and I found another "Green coffee bean extract". Both work well.
  • I know it seems obvious, but don't eat junk food/unhealthy to gain. There are plenty of calorie-dense healthy foods: a little dash of Extra-virgin olive oil to your veggies, nuts, peanut butter and extra protein or healthy dairy... go for the nutrients, which your body craves.
  • If you are struggling with the thought of 10 lbs more, why not at least start with 5? Maybe things will regulate with 5 and you can compromise.
  • If you are struggling with the thought of 10 lbs more, why not at least start with 5? Maybe things will regulate with 5 and you can compromise.
  • I've done that too. First thought: get rid of foods that you struggle not to overeat. I know I can have Nabisco cookie thins, but I tend to overeat them when they are around, so I just won't buy them now, until I have a better grip. Next thought: How about getting a post-it notepad and during the week, write down notes to…
  • Using a TRX, there are lots. TRX is on my Xmas list!
  • Yes, I sell Herbalife and this is not an advertisement. I don't use Herbalife as a "diet". I just use the products as supplements. I am not partial to "drinking" my meals, so I use the shakes more for an exercise recovery drink b/c they have a great balance of nutrients and a good dose of protein for muscle recovery. There…
  • I use the Herbalife products and sell them. (I am NOT advertising, so please don't flag me.) I like the shakes for exercise recovery, too. Most products are good protein sources and help you stay feeling satisfied for not a lot of calories. I also like the Mango drink. My kids also love the shakes.
  • Hey, I have a brand new console, I believe for the exact treadmill~ just sitting in my garage. I had mine repaired under warranty, and they shipped me a console, then when the repair man came to fix it, he brought another one. Maybe we can work something out...
  • What you want to google is: hypnoatremia. Too much water is bad. Witnessed this firsthand when a friend over-drank water during a marathon. (In a marathon you want some gatorade or equivalent to replace electrolytes). She was sick, vomiting and VERY out of it. Scary.
  • Don't know where you live, but YMCA has great classes! I go to so many different ones, no way to be bored! My favorites are Bootcamp or circuit style classes, Sh'bam (great dance!) and Body Pump.
  • I think Chobani is just the best. Next I will have some Yoplait 2x Protein nonfat plain. I had that for breakfast with some cut-up canteloupe on the bottom of the bowl, the yogurt, 1/4 c dried cherries and 1/4 cup pumpkin seed granola. Mmmmm!
  • I lost my first 35 lbs in 12 weeks by sticking to 1200-1400 calories/day and an hour of exercise 6 days/week: 3 strength training days, 3 cardio, alternating. 1 day of rest! I did not eat my exercise calories during that time frame, but I do now. :-) I've lost 55 to date and finally a 'normal' bmi.
  • Congratulations! I LOVE the C25k program and have used it a few times in my life when getting back into running. It has successfully taken me to running a whole 5k each time. Just follow the program and you will get there! It's so fun! Do you have a 5k in mind?
  • After a hard workout I will have water, then an Herbalife Protein shake. After lesser workouts, just a piece of fruit until the next meal.
  • I've never heard of Quark~? Do you live outside the US?
  • Yes, I know I have sabotaged myself in the past, weirdly on purpose, but not really? It seemed whenever I got close to my goal, I would never get to it. I am once again CLOSE to it. But this time, I am reminding myself WHY I want this, how AWFUL I feel fat. I am SO determined to stay thin for the rest of my life. I am…
  • Vitatop muffins....found in the frozen foods, sometimes frozen organic section. They are muffin tops, only 100 calories, lots of protein and fiber, oh, and they actually taste great! Double chocolate is fabulous!
  • Sorry I was posting in the wrong place. It is great to have a new board each week! Ok, I am up-to-date on all challenges up through yesterday, and so far 2 miles toward our mileage. I hope to get more in today and this weekend. And looking for the recipe....where exactly do we post that?
  • I am complete Mon, Tues, Wed and so far only 2 miles for the team. Sorry, I know I posted big, but I will do as much as I can the rest of the week. GO RED.
  • Are we posting somewhere else or has nobody really been on here since Monday?
  • I can do 10 miles this week to make sure we are covered. I've been wanting up add on anyway. I have a 5k to run in October.
  • Captain: All challenges this week are met! (Still have calories & water tomorrow, but that is AS GOOD AS DONE!) :-) It's been a good week! ~L
  • Crunches done! Water...will finish by bedtime!
  • Welcome, Bethany! Captain: Water done, mile done! :-)