

  • I tore my knee muscle, and just started 30 day shred last week. The elliptical trainer shouldn't hurt your ankle, if you take it easy.I was so frustrated, for a month,I couldn't do anything,but sit around, taking mobic. I gained so much weight. It hurt so bad to just walk, but it seems okay now. Proceed with caution on the…
  • I started it yesterday, after reading the USPlabs forum. I've had so much help from those forums. It's a good product. I'm motivated to start working out again (after a muscle injury). i really like it, so far.
  • Careful, now...that's how I got started. lol
  • Me too, several classes away, or years away from doing those balance poses. Planks and boats and downward dogs kill me.
  • It is tough. I'm finally able to do a decent bow position. King Dancer, ugh....everyone else can do it, I keep looking for a ballet barr, but only have the wall. There is nothing more physical I've ever done but this. I wish i had known it was available years ago.
  • I've been doing a form of bikram for a month and a half. i love it, It's called "Gentle Hot yoga", and is done in a 95 degrees room with 40% humidity. i do it three times a week, and they couple it with pilates before. I've not lost weight (that is to come, I've been 965% vegan for 3 weeks, and feel great!) I'm toning up…
  • Try coconut water. Pure coconut water. It helps your vitamins,and fills you up.
  • Cool site, thanks. I've decided my goal is 120. I'm at 166 now, and 5 foot tall. I might be a bit less, i was sick yesterday.
  • ha, good idea, but my iced tea is always calorie free,....I've never sweetened it, or used flavored tea. plain lipton tea is great!
  • me too. I have a 20 year old son. For some reason he has excessive back and chest hair. I keep telling him to get it waxed...He knows I get my eye brows waxed, and, I'd get a Brazilian in a moment's notice. I mean, take care of stuff, ya know?
  • On the weekends I do hot yoga/pilates at 9:00, and I don't eat breakfast. On the week nights, i do hot yoga/pilates, and there's no way to eat dinner. So I eat throughout the day. Not much on the weekdays, though.
  • I burned 750 cals in 90 minutes of Bikram yesterday, and lost a pound and a half today. I wear my hr monitor. But I might weigh more than you. My hr stayed at 143. My question is....can I do this for three consecutive days? Saturday, sunday, Monday? I've done 5 sessions. My stomach went from a pooch to flat, my butt is…
  • cakepatterncentral.com is the place to go for cake help.
  • I love the Crunch videos. I have quite a few of them on vhs. I can use Ondemand, but it only lets you use it for like, 2 hours, then, I guess it goes away. I didn't think about the crunch series. I'll look that up.
  • I love yoga. I do hot yoga. I think I've been to 3 classes. I also do pilates.
  • i have pilates at 6:00, protein shake at 4:00. dinner is out of the question. this is how Monday-Thursdays are. lol
  • Don't put the fondant in the fridge, it turns to something awful. I am very busy,and would never, in my life ever make my own fondant. this is my cake schedule" Bake Tuesday night, crumb coat Wednesday or Thursday, decorate Friday night or Saturday morning, always with a day or two in between the fondant and the…
  • I decorate cakes...now I need to read your post. I use Satin Ice fondant, and I use, exclusively, this buttercream recipe" the Wilton fondant can be bought, but it kind of doesn't taste very good, which is why I use Satin Ice. SI costs double. And can;t be bought at JoAnn's. To correctly cover an 8x 3 inch cake, you should…
  • Know your limits, and do it. As for easiness of becoming addicted, you can become addicted to anything. Set limits.
  • I've been a nurse for 18 years. I audit charts at home and throughout the United states, but I used to work with patients.So if I exercise, I either go to the yoga studio, or do Jillian Michaels.
  • My Latisse doc suggested hcg a second time. I'm doing fantastic on it, but I keep stalling. I have freakishly long lashes. I worked with Crisco for my fondant on my cake, and I do cardio. I've ordered an hrm. You can't eat back the calories, I don't think it works that way...... Wow, I'm glad I didn't ask about Latisse, I…
  • Thankyou Fear and Loathing.
  • i am for the most part, but I think exercise makes you gain on hcg, due to the weight in the muscles. And I need that cleared up, so I asked elsewhere.
  • I did not regain it all back. I maintained my progress, for the most part.
  • nevermind, message deleted. not happy. I'll take it elsewhere.
  • I didn't regain it. I just regained about 15 pounds. I am in a size 11, from a size 16 last year. That was about 35 pounds I lost last year.
  • Sorry, it's not drops, it'd injections and they work. I think I'll just delete the topic. I'll ask elsewhere. I've been a nurse for 18 years. i am a cake decorator, level 2, and I work with crisco.
  • Cause last year I did it, didn't exercise and went from size 16 to size 11. This it will be size 11 to size 7. I don't need to be flamed. This was a question for hcg people. If I am flamed again, I'll delete my mfp account.
  • Lost atleast 2 inches all around...except for my neck...in one week. I'll keep it up. It's worth it. 14.0 on 06/28/11 06/23/11 15 n 33.0 on 06/28/11 06/23/11 35.5 w 42.0 on 06/28/11 06/23/11 43.5 h