morganginga Member


  • "Raindrops on Roses, and whiskers on kittens" I love musicals :-D
  • My main exercise available to me is also an elliptical, and I have had problems with laziness. A quick question, do you like watching TV while doing your elliptical? It's actually the only way I use my elliptical. Do you have TLC (The Learning Channel)? Otherwise are you able to setup a laptop or tablet within view of your…
  • I think it depends on how good your HRM is. I got a HRM, but the calorie count was way off (30min weight-loss program on an elliptical - elliptical reported over 400 calories burned while the HRM reported just over 100...and I had worked up a pretty good sweat). I mainly use my HRM for making sure I stay in a target zone.…
  • I'm with you there. The women in my family all have the "Buker Butt." I'm self conscience of it, but I found a man that really likes my shape, so I'm learning to love it. :-) I've just got to stick with it and be healthier all around.
  • Another TN girl here! This is going to be a great way to get back into good habits and get going on losing again. Count me in!
    in Hi! Comment by morganginga March 2013
  • That goal does seem extreme. My main source of exercise is also an elliptical (at home). I try to do some strength training at home just more aimed at exercises that don't require too many weights as I only have one set of dumbbells and one kettle bell. I have been increasing my exercise for at least the past month and can…
  • I don't know if this would work for you, but try taking Ibuprofen before working out. I read somewhere that it will help prevent the buildup of lactic acid in the muscles. I've done it for about a week now and it seems to help. As I'm sure you already do, stretch after working out.
  • I want to be able to sit in public seats (like bus seats, airline, etc.) and not be touching the person next to me because I "spread" over the line into their seat.
  • Instead of Kinser's Klan, how about Kinser's Kommanders. You can play around with the spelling of some words to make them fit. Good Luck! :)
  • That's a huge drop! Good job. I very rarely get my cholesterol tested. Last time was with my mom at the weight loss clinic. My cholesterol was fine (low range). My mom normally eats much healthier than I do and actually weighs less. Her cholesterol came back borderline high. Then she looked at the make-up and the only…
  • The first place I really noticed toning up was my stomach. I still have a long way to go, but it's nice to be able to see some progress.
  • Awesome! I prefer the elliptical to a treadmill mainly because I want to save as much wear and tear on my joints as possible. I do the programs built into my elliptical, and they don't tell me miles per hour, only Reps per minute. :( 60 minute jog is so great. Maybe one day I'll be able to do the same :)
  • First, I would like to say that I try not to talk about it too much with people, unless they seem really interested. I don't want to bore people by going on and on. That said I still catch myself mentioning being sore from a workout, or if I found a really tasty good-for-you meal. :-P My mom is a big support no matter…
  • Constant digestive problems that lead to visiting a GI doc. Once they examined everything and there was no physical cause for the constant nausea. Also on the follow up visit having to weigh in and seeing it at 216. At my heaviest I weighed 222 and I did NOT want to set a 'new' record. At 31 years old I decided enough was…
  • I tend to not weigh myself. Right now I'm weighing myself to participate in the Lose 5+ pounds in July group, so once a week. I'd say that if you are weighing yourself then you should also check your measurements. I would think you are eating right and working out then you are likely gaining muscle and losing fat. Since…
  • You may have already seen this, but it will still make you smile:
  • It takes a while to lose enough that others notice, but it's great once they do start seeing all that hard work. Keep it up and Congrats!
    in NSV :) Comment by morganginga July 2011
  • Welcome. I really enjoy this site. Lots of support and ideas. I was like you in that I never felt like going out because of how I looked in my clothes. I've been on MFP for just less than a month and I've lost 11 pounds! I've gotten recipes, buddies, and exercise ideas from here and it's all been great. The phone app is…
  • Name/ real name: morganginga/Morgan CW: 206 Goal weight on July 30: 199 07/01: 206 07/04: 207 :( lots of tempting holiday food 07/11: 204.6 07/18: 07/25: 07/31
  • Welcome! I've only been here around a month, but it's great. Lots of motivation available. I'll try to figure out how to send a friend request your way. :)
  • I have an elliptical: NordicTrak CX 925. I love my elliptical, as you mentioned a great burn. I usually try to do 50 minutes on it per day (I do the two weight loss pre-programmed routines: 30 min + 20 min. For my 50 mins I usually burn in the neighborhood of 700 calories. I would try before you buy if you can. My…
  • Ok, let me try posting this with the right dates (sorry about the late weigh in): Name/ real name: morganginga/Morgan CW: 206 Goal weight on July 30: 199 07/01: 206 07/04: 207 :( lots of tempting holiday food 07/11: 07/18: 07/25: 07/31
  • Name/ real name: morganginga/Morgan CW: 206 Goal weight on July 30: 199 07/01: 206 07/06: 207 :( lots of tempting holiday food 07/13: 07/20: 07/27: 07/30:
  • Name/ real name: morganginga/Morgan CW: 206 Goal weight on July 30: 199 07/01: 07/06: 07/13: 07/20: 07/27: 07/30:
  • Very close to me. Current weight is just shy of 206, I'm also 5'7" but at 31 years old. I work as a system administrator so I'm definitely in the sedentary lifestyle starting out. I originally put my target loss at 1.5lbs per week, but after hitting the 10lbs lost mark, MFP asked if I wanted to recalculate my goals (it…
  • Name/ real name: morganginga/Morgan Goal weight on July 30: 199 lbs 07/01: 07/06: 07/13: 07/20: 07/27: 07/30:
  • Yeah, I think that may be it. The people essentially get put in a hospital (granted it is voluntary). Often they have to lose weight to be able to get something like a lap band or stomach bypass. The sad part is that some of them won't get up to exercise and help themselves but somehow they find a way to get fast food…
  • In addition, my dentist says that helps your teeth as well. Drinking more water will flush any loose bacteria or food from between your teeth and doesn't wear on your tooth enamel like most drinks.
  • You may try changing up your type of workouts. I've read articles that say if you do the same exercises for a while your body starts getting more efficient for those movements and you end up not burning as many calories as when you originally started. That may not be it, but a possibility.