

  • I hated water, but now love water. Prefer it cold but drink it all day. I have not touched any soft drinks since or even juices as I prefer to eat fruit than use up all my calories on drinks!
  • I never heard of it. I love carbs and CHEESE! But still lost 6.5 stone in 9 months. Its portion control, not eating before bed and making sure you are thirsty instead of hungry . Water is my best friend! Drink water than wait 20 minutes if still hungry eat! And exercise ! I cannot get to the gym everyday so I walk and…
  • I got five and they are all fussy to different foods but since I have changed my food and lifestyle in general they now eat what they are given or wait till their next meal. I have switched from Low-fat milk to soya milk and from full fat butter to Pure Soya butter. I do not buy much frozen foods like Pizzas, nuggets and…
  • I hate subway. See it has an unhealthy option cause you do not truly know what is in the bread and decide really your portion size as the people behind the counter never listen when you say that is too much! I would make my own as I do not use butter, mayo anymore and only eat brown wheat bread and only use peppers ,…
  • I weigh 145 IBs ( 66 kilos) . I love that I can order cheaper clothes online without wondering if they will fit or not! I love I can get sale clothes now . Before it be hard finding size 16/18 on sale. SIZE 10 is way better. Love I can buy 28 / size 10 jeans and do not need to try them on every time. Brought my first…
  • Yes! I did lose 20 Kilo in two months but find it hard to lose 2 Kg in a month now as I am close to my goal weight. Enjoy it till your body settles
  • I did not buy new bras till four/five months into my weight loss program. I went from a 40 C / D to a 34C . I know you care cause your losing but buy only or two till you have lost more as they change every month your losing weight. I have not been this size since I was in my teens and before my kids!
  • I am now my close to my ideal weight of 10 stone ( 60 kilos) so am rewarding myself with a full body massage and a small Tattoo tomorrow! When I achieve something I thought I couldn't I do something to remind me of what I had to do to get it! Got two other tattoos years ago but now this one will be my personal design and…
  • I do. I brought the wrong pants a few months back. I have to buy jean every few months as I am dropping sizes every month! I though they were a size 10 ( uk 10) but was shocked to see I had brought a 27 inch waist ! So try them on last month and saw they go up my legs quite easy but cannot tie them without some of my lose…
  • I loved my soft drinks. Would drink 2 to 4 litres a day . I was a late snacker . I would binge on pasta , chocolate and ice cream. I never touch breakfast. Now after changing my diet completely I have lost 82 IBS . No soft drinks , energy drinks and juices .I do still eat ice cream and chocolate but not after 6pm . No late…
  • I brought a measuring cup and spoon set from Tesco last week. Cost nothing and so helpful when measuring my food. I sometime think even a cup measuring is too much ! But still within range of a good portion size.
  • Also I have notice that a week before and during a period we women gain a least a Kilo if not more in weight because most of us eat that little bit extra because our body needs more so in the over all picture we just take longer ! Lucky to be a man sometimes!
  • I use one and log my calories that it gives me so I know roughly what I have done for the day. I walk and run as I am training for a marathon and it helps me to know how long and how far I am doing on a daily basis . Plus with the car broken I am really walking everywhere not just for training !
  • I weight 104 KG in January and realized I need to Move to lose weight. Its simple start it today and even though it seems hard it will get a little better everyday . I started on a treadmill at 4,4 k/h and now six months later can run 10 k/h for 7 minutes! Its small steps everyday. I walked a marathon . It took 6 hrs 52…
  • I hate weekend as we as a family have three meals together instead of the just dinner in the evenings . I am so busy with the gym and the kids I do not think of food during the weekdays but when off and preparing all the meals I get so tempted to eat more. I am not looking forward for the summer break next week!
  • I also have dropped from a 18 to a 10 . I wondering how to you create pictures on your blog or on a forum post Created by - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • I do not eat much fruit since January this year. I keep away from Mangos and Bananas as they have the highest sugar content in them . ( The Biggest Loser also stated this one season ) I usually have a bowl of wheat squares with low fat milk for breakfast. I eat plenty of raw veggies and loads of protein . I do not eat red…