

  • I had a c section so I have this little ledge that hangs over the incision. SOOOO sexy! LOL
  • What's amazing is if I stand up straight my tummy looks somewhat flat. But when I move it shakes all over the place and if I sit I have these god awful enormous rolls :/ Before I had my son my stomach was always flat. Even when I was chunky I just never gained weight there it always stayed tight and flat. NOW definitely…
  • I still maintain the Hylands teething tablets are the most wonderful thing EVER!!! They also double as my sons favorite rattle LOL
  • My son is almost 7 months old sits up great does everything else but if you put him on his tummy he becomes instantly paralyzed and begins to scream his over sized head off. I don't know what his deal is but I'm convinced he will never crawl and will just go straight to walking. ONE thing though I have found that helps is…
  • Welcome and congrats on the little one! Remember to take it easy you still have healing to do! :)
  • It sounds like you may be doing less calories than you should be. Your body will go into starvation mode (earlier since your breast feeding) and keep the weight on.
  • Just take your time healing. I had a c section and didn't take it as easy as I should and it's taken me longer than it should of to heal. Welcome!!!!
  • There are a lot of us here battling the same thing. You at least just had your baby. I have no excuse my little man's 6 months old and after an initial drop in weight I gained a ton and I'm now the fattest I've ever been in my life so it was time for a change!!!! We're all here for encouragement!!!! :)
  • My baby was a nightmare with colic and gas when he was a newborn! Amazing as it may be we had HUGE success with Targets Up N Up Brand sensitive. It's the generic form of Similac Sensitive! I can't rave about it enough and the price is to die for cause it's literally HALF the price of the others. We also had a TON of…
  • I'm a mom of one adorable ( yes I'm biased) 6 month old baby and the step mom to a perfect little 3 year old girl. I belong to a mommy group on facebook and a few of us traveled over here to work on our baby weight together.
  • We've been die hard loyal Pamper Swaddler fans for the past 6 months but I just picked up a small pack of the Target Up N Up's to give them a shot to save some money. We LOVE their wipes at 13 bucks a case so I figured we'd give it a shot.
  • I'm 6 months PP and my incision still feels strange and bothers me from time to time. I'm beginning to think I'll never feel the same. Most of the area is still numb.
  • Gripe water worked when my little man had colic issues but the gas drops she mentioned worked AWESOME for gas!
  • I'm having a horrible time trying to make time to work out. I work full time so when I do get home I want to spend time with my baby and then there's so much to do around the house. I still haven't figured out when I'm supposed to work out. I'm hoping once the weather turns warm I'll be able to play outside with the baby…
  • Thank you!!! I just got caught up in being back at work full time and not having time to cook and make nice meals so it's been too much fast food and WAYYY too many snacks. I had a sweet tooth when I was preggers and it just totally stuck :/ I'm having to start over and I'm hoping if I get back into shape better things…