44longcopse Member


  • That is amazing, well done!
  • I would have said it was worth doing if you just want to tone the muscles but im not sure it will actually burn the fat. I have also found doing an exercise called the plank really good at toning the stomach.
  • It is very confusing but I have looked on the pack of tesco value spaghetti which is basically the same and it means that 75g serving of dried pasta is 265 calories or 100g of dried pasta is 350g. The reason I know this is because it says a 75g serving of pasta when cooked weighs 170g. I reckon the calories you mention are…
  • I have a small bowl of dried cereal like fruit and fibre,a banana or slice of wholemeal toast with maybe a big salad or soup. Maybe you could try 5 or 6 smaller meals. I also have rice cakes with marmite and tomatoes or even a small amount of golden syrup with no butter if I feel I need something sweet.
  • I have started giving myself little treats when I reach certain targets. I bought myself a pedometer when I reached my first goal and when I loose another 3 pounds I am going to get a new exercise top. I also want some hand weight. . I find this is working better as motiviation for me.
  • Hi, thats what I do, I dont allow myself to eat after 6.00pm (we have early dinner) and I tick off on a diary sheet every time I manage this. This then gives me the incentive to do it again next day so that I get another tick. I try to clean my teeth after 6.00pm so that it makes me even less likely to eat after this time.…
  • I can totally sympathise, I lost a stone last year and ended up bingeing again and gradually put all the weight back on again. I have only just got back to what I was last year. It was horrible having to lose it all again as I kept thinking I have already done this once. Just keep in mind what you have already lost and how…
  • I know what you mean about losing motivation, you suddenly forget why you are doing it and need a pep talk, I get that every few weeks. 36lbs is briliant to loose since Feb and it definately notices on your phots. Just keep focused and remember what it was like before you lost the weight. I have just set myself little…
  • I would probably leave the scales and stick to it for next 4 or 5 days and then weigh. Just think of it as a little break and now get back to where you left off. Everyone needs a little break sometime its just when you go off course long term that it becomes a problem xx
  • I put mine down as stair-treadmill.
  • Try the exercise called the plank, you should be able to find some illustrated directions on the internet. I used to do 200 stomach crunches a day but a friend told me about the plank exercise and I can definately feel that it works so much better.
  • wow that is definately noticeable, we dont tend to measure weight loss in our face but thats probably the thing other people notice first, well done x
  • Hi, if I were you I would put it down as aerobics and just put the amount of time you did it and this should record roughly how many calories you burnt. Hope this helps.
  • Hi, I have tried slimming world and WW but have found that inputting all my foods in here by far the best way as you learn about portion control and it is normal eating and not faddy diets. When I first signed up it worked out for me what calories I should be having in order to loose about 1lb a week taking into…