

  • hi I have a diagnoses of bi polar, although i mainly get the depression side of this, and i also suffer with anxiety. I have not lost loads already, in relation to how much i have to loose but have lost a fair amount. loosing the weight has and is helping enormously. from the very first week of loosing it helped me as I…
  • Hi ya welcome!! I'm from west sussex! please feel free to add me :-) good luck on your journey!! Leanne
  • Fantastic!! can i just say nothing and i repeat NOTHING beats a good bar of cadburys choc!! ok ok this is a health/ fitness site but i'll admit to having choc everyday, in moderation and yes its cadbury and MMMmmmmmm :-) ps i have tried american choc and sorry, not for me!!
  • haha. yep i did that in a restaurant in New york on hol a few years back and will never forget the look of horror and amusement i was given!! I learnt quickly to say 'rest room' after that!!! :-) also do you guys across the pond realise how American the phrase 'good job!' is? love it!
  • Reach for the moon..... even if you miss you'll land among the stars :-) (anon) 'Dance like no one is watching, Love like you'll never be hurt, Sing like no one is listening, Live like it's heaven on earth' (w purkey) a couple of my fav's :-)))
  • brilliant article thank you :-) I have had a very poor mindset in the past and my weight has been up and down like a yoyo but i really try and view things differently now.... healthy eating and increased exercise is a permanent lifestyle change. the weight is coming off steady- i'll get there when i get there. i can't be…
  • i'm english... from East Sussex by the sea. sorry i've never lived in a cottage but i would love to!! I have some tall family members tho and quite frankly they would just keep hitting their head in a little tudor cottage LOL one of my posts recently was how 'chuffed' i was that i had lost weight. didn't realise how…
  • Hi ya I'm English - feel free to add me :-) in fact please do i'm fairly new to the site and would love some more friends for support! when are you coming to England? I'm off to Canada on holiday for the first time in September and can't wait! take care x
  • Slow & steady wins the race. I totally agree. You don't have to change everything right away. You don't have to be perfect everyday. You just need to make improvements & adjustments. [/quote] Thank you THANK YOU both! I could not agree more. In the past I have mentally put myself under A LOT of pressure to loose weight and…
  • Wow these are brilliant - thank you all for sharing :-)
  • WOW you look GREAT. what a difference. well done!! I hope I can be as successful you are truly inspiring me! :-)
  • I have fairly low calorie meals - sticking to low calorie, high density things like fruit, veg, lean meat, rice, potatoes with no fat added and low/ no fat items like 0.1% fat yogurt, cottage cheese or fromage frais instead of full fat stuff like cream. I fill up on the meals, which leaves me quite a lot of calories left…
  • Hi I'm 5'5.5 lol. I have a large frame so my goal weight is 140lb - 10 stone is where i have been before and i was a UK size 12 which was perfect for me. good luck!
  • Hi I'm in (PLease!!) Have over 100lb to loose and need all the support i can get! I hope to learn to set small goals, be happy with those goals and not be scared and upset by how much i have to loose :-( I am on the road to loosing the weight now though and have lost 20lb so far. hope I can be of support to others here too…
  • Great!! thank you! Just to let you know i follow the slimming world plan. u may know about it but if not its basically just normal healthy eating while cutting back on fat, sugar and all that yummy stuff lol but i still treat myself too :-) also I'm about to update my profile and actually put something in it lol. I hope my…
  • Hi I'm in the UK and my food diary is open to friends - will send you a friend request. I have only a few diaries on there tho as i am very new to this site!! but i fully intend to keep this up and hopefully we can support each other as fellow newbies?! :-)
  • WOW!!!! absolutely beautiful pics. you look like a different person! You look amazing and are a total inspiration to me. I have a lot to loose and its made me feel really disheartened but you are proof that if i put my mind to it i too can loose the weight no matter how much i have to loose. thank you so much for sharing…
  • Hi, thank you for the welcome:-) I am just getting used to the site and i have to say it looks fantastic!! My 1st few food diarys have been a bit of an eye opener!! too much salt, not enough fibre and never enough water! good thing is i am managing to stay under my calorie allowance (so far!!! but now its the weekend eek).…