Any English people?

brittanyscherich Posts: 355 Member
I find English/British people so lovely and charming. I adore the accents, and the cottages and the land. Does anyone else adore citizens from across the pond? :)

Totally not related to fitness. Sorry lol


  • purplepollypops
    purplepollypops Posts: 323 Member
    I'm English but I hate to disappoint you, we don't all live in lovely cottages in the countryside! lol
  • cowiness
    cowiness Posts: 28
    I loooooove the English people i've met so far. But im sure there are always a few that spoil the bunch. Like what purplepollypops said, Im Canadian and we're not all super nice and live in igloos lol
  • Faybelline88
    I'm english but unfortunately don't live in a cottage! I know a few who do though! :-)
  • clarech
    clarech Posts: 157 Member
    I'm from the UK and I'm afraid to say I live in a nasty looking block of flats in a council estate (it is in the countryside though) and i dont talk like the queen lol.
  • Angellore
    Angellore Posts: 519 Member
    Hi, I'm British. Live in the suburbs of london in a flat and talk like a female version of Delboy from Only Fools and Horses! LOL. I prefer the Americans I meet to most Brits, generally! I work in an airport and meet all sorts of nationalities. Generally I find the politest to be Aussies, New Zealanders, Japanese, Germans and the Dutch.
  • _Aimée_
    _Aimée_ Posts: 190
    I went to america once, I hated being called charming. Firstly because I'm accent does not make me charming, secondly because when I think of charming I think rich bellend being a bit smarmy trying to win you over, yuck.
  • SarahLovesCheesecake
    I live in a cottage in the sticks, noshops, no post box, no pub but i love it :-D
  • Hixena
    Hixena Posts: 24
    hi im welsh! :) live in a small village in the valleys. got quite a welshy accent, i hate hearing welsh ppl on tv though, sound so dull lol
  • mwfannwy
    mwfannwy Posts: 9 Member
    I'm welsh but live in England, nice to liked :happy:
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  • goron59
    goron59 Posts: 890 Member
    Strike a light guvnor, apples and pears, etc. No cottages around here in East London!
  • helloiloveukitty
    helloiloveukitty Posts: 448 Member
    I'm an anglophile <3

    Besides getting to my goal weight and my reward for that my biggest dream is to live in England someday
  • Loopyleanne
    i'm english... from East Sussex by the sea. sorry i've never lived in a cottage but i would love to!! I have some tall family members tho and quite frankly they would just keep hitting their head in a little tudor cottage LOL

    one of my posts recently was how 'chuffed' i was that i had lost weight. didn't realise how British that sounded til it was pointed out to me by an American friend lol. was quite honoured that she said she may well use the word in her future!!! think she may confuse a few people tho. sure i can think of some more british -isms too to confuse our friends across the pond :-)
  • _Aimée_
    _Aimée_ Posts: 190
    Why would you want to live in England? The weather is ****, the food is bland and the people are mostly racists and homophobic and theres a class system and the divide between the groups is only getting bigger. It's not very nice.
  • TheGoktor
    TheGoktor Posts: 1,138 Member
    Why would you want to live in England? The weather is ****, the food is bland and the people are mostly racists and homophobic and theres a class system and the divide between the groups is only getting bigger. It's not very nice.

    But on the other hand, there are no monsoons or true droughts; there is a great national health service; the government isn't massively corrupt; most of the police can be relied upon to do their job; the justice system, although not perfect, is a lot better than in the majority of the rest of the world; statistically, you are unlikely to be raped or murdered (or both), stolen from, beaten up etc; there is very little poverty here (although there *are* homeless people and folk living on the breadline); the postal system works (generally!); the church doesn't try to interfere too much; this is a great climate for growing food; there is a shedload of history; there's loads of great theatre; this is a wonderful multicultural melting pot of diverse cultures (and despite what the media would have you believe, racism *is* on the decline). And there is very little dangerous wildlife (unless you count the chavs)!

    Go to Bangladesh and see how people live there - Britain is a paradise by comparison. When amato mio went out there a couple of years ago, he was moved to tears. The class divide is astounding - makes Britain seem devoid of it. In fact, I'm not really aware of a true class divide here - I think it's a bit of a myth, really!

    However, it's true that there are pockets of many of the things that Needleknievel mentioned above but I think you'd get that anywhere. I have to agree about the food though! In general, British food sucks! Fortunately, thanks to the aforementioned cultural diversity, it's pretty easy to find good and interesting food.

    Despite missing Italy every day of my life, the UK really is not a bad place to live...I do wish it were warmer though!

    Oh, and my MIL lives in a cottage in the country (and she *does* speak like the Queen!)! We used to have a cottage too, until we decided to move to a town and bought a converted Victorian shoe factory in 2006! :happy:
  • DebiP10
    DebiP10 Posts: 275 Member
    Im english, i live in Newcastle Upon Tyne, live in a semi with an overgrown back garden lol, hate my accent although for some strange reason, other people like it :ohwell:
  • Purple_Orchid_87
    Purple_Orchid_87 Posts: 517 Member
    im English too :o)
    but i agree, its not all cottages and 5acre gardens :o(
  • _Aimée_
    _Aimée_ Posts: 190
    Goktor I disagree strongly with the majority of your points, I am shocked you see the NHS, postal service, police, crime rates and the government in such a good light. As for the class system, once you're at the bottom of it looking up you soon realise how big the divide is - granted its not as bad as other countries but a little bit of a bad thing does not make it right or acceptable.
    I don't need to go to Bangladesh to see it there, that's like saying if I had a broken arm go and visit somebody with terminal cancer and see how good I've got it. I don't need to see somebody worse off than me to realise I've still been dealt crap cards.
  • girlinahat
    girlinahat Posts: 2,956 Member
    Goktor I disagree strongly with the majority of your points, I am shocked you see the NHS, postal service, police, crime rates and the government in such a good light. As for the class system, once you're at the bottom of it looking up you soon realise how big the divide is - granted its not as bad as other countries but a little bit of a bad thing does not make it right or acceptable.
    I don't need to go to Bangladesh to see it there, that's like saying if I had a broken arm go and visit somebody with terminal cancer and see how good I've got it. I don't need to see somebody worse off than me to realise I've still been dealt crap cards.

    It has been brought home to me recently how grateful we should be to have the NHS. I have seen topics on here from Americans who do not have health insurance, and they cannot afford to even go to the doctor for a simple check up on something that MAY be minor, but MAY be fatal. I would far rather live in a country where I don't have to put a price on my health lihe that.
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    I am English and do live in a lovely, rose covered, 16th century cottage in the countryside. And it's sunny today. And I speak RP.
  • AndyParkes
    AndyParkes Posts: 35
    I don't need to see somebody worse off than me to realise I've still been dealt crap cards.

    Just out of interest where do you think it would be better to live?