this is not brain surgery people



  • robertf57
    robertf57 Posts: 560 Member
    This post gets my stamp of approval!
  • yanicka
    yanicka Posts: 1,004 Member
    If I can add one more thing...

    It does not need to be painfull, hard, and heartbreaking. Enjoy your journey, love yourself. You do not have to cut out everything, you do not need to kill yourself at the gym for 4 hours a day. Your body is not the enemy you have to fight.
  • youngmomtaz
    youngmomtaz Posts: 1,075 Member
    Like, like like!! And that goes for all of the posts here!
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    If I can add one more thing...

    It does not need to be painfull, hard, and heartbreaking. Enjoy your journey, love yourself. You do not have to cut out everything, you do not need to kill yourself at the gym for 4 hours a day. Your body is not the enemy you have to fight.

    Slow & steady wins the race. I totally agree. You don't have to change everything right away. You don't have to be perfect everyday. You just need to make improvements & adjustments.
  • Rage_Phish
    Rage_Phish Posts: 1,507 Member
    NO ONE makes me bleed MY OWN blood!

    :in nelson voice: "Ha Ha"
  • msarro
    msarro Posts: 2,748 Member
    Agree with OP except for one thing... eat less, move more. Well, specifically I take issue with "eat less." Its possible to be morbidly obese on 700 calories a day. In fact, there was an excellent thread about it on here before. The goal is NOT to eat less. Its to eat better. Eat 100 calories less than your BMR and you'll lose weight. Fill in those calories with nutrient dense foods. There is nothing else to it. Exercise can help, but you need to eat those calories you burnt so you still have just a slight deficit.

    Just do it! :)
  • RhonndaJ
    RhonndaJ Posts: 1,615 Member
    good post and responses.
  • Loopyleanne
    If I can add one more thing...

    It does not need to be painfull, hard, and heartbreaking. Enjoy your journey, love yourself. You do not have to cut out everything, you do not need to kill yourself at the gym for 4 hours a day. Your body is not the enemy you have to fight.

    Slow & steady wins the race. I totally agree. You don't have to change everything right away. You don't have to be perfect everyday. You just need to make improvements & adjustments.

    Thank you THANK YOU both! I could not agree more. In the past I have mentally put myself under A LOT of pressure to loose weight and loose fast and this never works for me. I don't see the results i think i should (wildly unrealistic!), i get disheartened, i give up. NO MORE!! your posts above summed up for me the mindset i need to succeed :-)
    I feel loosing weight is a lifestyle change and small changes make a BIG BIG difference. I may only be 24lb into my journey but by just making small changes this one is one i can stick to. I can't be perfect, but i can try my best!

    I cut down on my cals, i have upped my exercise. like the OP says it isn't rocket science (or actually brain surgery!) - eat less move more works just great. personally I'm not fussed when i eat, i snack, and my food diary may not be everyone's cup of tea- But Just do what works for YOU.

    I havn't been on this site long but i also have noticed some pretty heated arguments going on about the micro managing of weight- the what, when whys. I ignore them, i dont get involved, but its nice to be able to have a place to say once and once only (i wont rant about this any more i promise!) i too wish people would not insist that their way is the only way. everyone's journey is different. if you want to take the express train then that's fine, take the slow train and enjoy the view then that's just fine too. maybe you don't like the train and maybe you want to take the boat!!!- hey i'm sorry for all the metaphors lol but my point is (albeit long winded sorry :-/) everyone has different preferences, and for different reasons too.

    By all means people should share what works for them and there is nothing wrong in a healthy debate of the pros and cons but please don't put people down if they happen to be doing something different to you which you do not agree with.

    Respect people different routes and enjoy the journey however you travel!

    rant over :-)
  • Caperfae
    Caperfae Posts: 433
    I agree 100%
    I've been asked what my secret was to losing weight.
    Ummmm read the labels, follow portion control, no junk foods and drinks and then get some exercise.
    It's not rocket science at all!
  • kgool
    kgool Posts: 177 Member
    I agree with your post and the arguments are very silly. Also, I am a self-righteous, know-it-all *kitten* at work so I don't feel the need to be one online.