100+ lbs to lose support group



  • turner08
    turner08 Posts: 1 Member
    Do you mind if I join this group. I actually don't have 100+ lbs to lose but I've been struggling with weight loss for a long time. I need to lose 60+ lbs. I just started MFP this month.
  • dontstopnow
    dontstopnow Posts: 152
    hello everyone! ahh i wish wish i would have seen this sooner. but, would you all be interested in a new person? (: i'm kaitlyn, i'm 20 ( 21 in two weeks!) and i started my journey at 270 back at the end of march. i have about 100 lbs left to go to my goal and i would love some more support from people that have about that much to go, too. so feel free to send me a friend request! 100 is a big number but i'm determined! and i'm a big believer in if you have the right support system you'll get it done. we'll get there! even if it is one pound at a time.
  • rosemiller11
    rosemiller11 Posts: 224 Member
    welcome to the new gals! feel free to friend me... just put 100+ in your message
  • PurpleCoookie
    Hi, I'm 20 and have a lot to lose.(Around 165lbs) :frown: Oh well, I've been working over 3 weeks and I feel more energized throughout the day. Nice to meet you all!
  • kimmisatch
    kimmisatch Posts: 105
    Oh my goodness, I couldn't work out how to find the group again and look how big it's gotten !!!

    Well, it's Saturday night here - quiet night at home for hubby and I. Think we are going to watch Little Fockers.

    Im really frustrated at the moment, I lost 23kg in 2009 and it was so easy. Things happened and we went down to just my income so weren't buying the same healthy food. Gained a bit etc. Then this year tried again and weight didn't move. WTF? The only difference was that I increased exercise this time.

    So i am soo over it so Monday i start my new job so Monday is time for me to kick some butt. I am going to concentrate more on food, then gradually bring exercise in.

    Fruit is my thing at the moment - mandarins mmmmmm. So need to get some good meals going. Will be good cause the job I just left was in town around all the food places, my new one has nothing near it just a petrol station so no temptations.

    So let's see ....... am glad you are all here with your fantastic support - you are all so wonderful. I always thought I was the only person in the world who had to go through this - nearly brought tears to my eyes reading all your stories to know other people go through this too.

    xxx hugs to you all
  • kimmisatch
    kimmisatch Posts: 105
    I think I have the same to lose as you :flowerforyou: feel free to add as a friend

    same goes to everyone - do feel free to add :heart:
  • marylouise86
    marylouise86 Posts: 43 Member
    hello to all the new people :happy:
  • Loopyleanne

    I'm in (PLease!!) Have over 100lb to loose and need all the support i can get! I hope to learn to set small goals, be happy with those goals and not be scared and upset by how much i have to loose :-(

    I am on the road to loosing the weight now though and have lost 20lb so far. hope I can be of support to others here too :-) Please feel free to add me as a friend. my food diary is open to friends too.

    good luck all, and take care x
  • sbrown6
    sbrown6 Posts: 334 Member
    Hello Everyone! I hope you are having a great weekend so far. Glad to see so many new folks interested. Please feel free to send me a friend request. MFP has helped me more than I could have possibly imagined. The support here is unbelievable. :happy:
  • kimmisatch
    kimmisatch Posts: 105
    Soooooooooooooooooooooo, I just made my food diary public to friends ..............
  • Kinda79
    Kinda79 Posts: 239 Member
    Wow so many new people!! That's great! I'm working on losing about 90 lbs and almost to my first 10. So far so good! Feel free to add me as a friend as I love as much motivation as I can get and always freely give motivation back. We can do this together!

    So quick post made myself an awesome egg white veggie omelet this morning and thought I would share.

    4 egg whites
    1 tbls red pepper
    1 tbls orange pepper
    1 tbls sweet onion
    1 medium fresh mushroom
    2 tbls fat free milk
    6 baby spinach leaves diced
    1 sliced pepper jack cheese

    Scramble egg whites and milk together and pour into a non stick pan. Add veggies then top with crumbled up cheese. 3/4 of the way cooked flip one side over onto the other and finish cooking.

    I topped mine with 1 tablespoon of Pace salsa medium.

    Minus the salsa it has 166 calories - 6 carbs - 6 Fat - 5 sugar - 363 sodium - 19 Protein

    The salsa adds another 5 calories. You can check out my food diary to see how it all fit together and it was so good to I thought I would share.
  • KnottyJen
    KnottyJen Posts: 1,070 Member
    Holy Moly!!! I'm a little absent for a couple days and we've got a ton of new folks!!! That is fantastic!!! Jaimee, Coco, Turner, Kaitlyn, PurpleCoookie & Leanee (and anyone else, if I missed you!!!) - welcome!!! This is a great group of people and all have been incredibly supportive. If anyone would like to add me as a friend, please feel free!

    Suzy - so glad to see you're going to MEAT me at the beach!!! :-) It's been really good experience for me so far. I'm definitely enjoying it.

    Mary Louise (this pertains to Suzy, too) - So, yesterday, I go to the gym. I get on the treadmill and walk for 30 minutes. By the end of it, I'm sweating BUCKETS and have only gone 1.2 miles. I'm not even halfway to a 5k. Not to mention, I didn't go over 3mph. I think I'm going to hold off on the C25k for a while, too. I would just hate to set myself up to fail. I will work my way up to being able to walk 5k. Then I'll start to think about training with the C25k.

    Rose - I would call that an NSV if I ever heard of one! Nice job!!

    Kimmi - Maybe you're not seeing a difference in the scale because you're gaining muscle. I am sure you hate to hear that (because I know I do! I want to see the numbers going down, damnit! :-)), but just keep with it. I'm sure you'll get to the point where it just starts melting off again.

    Things are going pretty well for me this weekend. Yesterday was the family BBQ. The weather was beautiful and the company was great. I managed to stick to my calories - had a cheeseburger without the bun, a salad with balsamic viniagrette and fruit salad. And the apps that I brought were a total hit! I had hummus & homemade ranch dip (from skinnytaste.com) with cut up veggies and crackers. And then I made stuffed mushrooms (http://www.dlife.com/diabetes/diabetic-recipes/Spinach-and-Cheese-Stuffed-Mushrooms/r7065.html). They were wildly successful and a huge hit! I had extra stuffing, so my aunt suggested that we slice up some french bread real thin and toast it in the oven. Then spread some of the stuffing on each piece, top with some grated romano cheese and bake for a couple minutes until the cheese melted. I didn't have any of the bread, but I heard they were delicious, as well.

    My dad brought some OLD photos to the party from my grandmother's old things that are in Dad's basement. Pics of Grandma & Grandpa when they were my age and younger. An album of photos from when my dad was born through his 2nd bday. And another album from the mid 70's, when my parents had just gotten married and my three uncles were all at least in high school. It was so fun looking through these old photos with my family. Definitely a treasure.

    Today is supposed to be the day of rest, but it never is! After church this morning, I went to Menard's. I wanted to pick out ONE flower to plant in my flowerbed. Today marks one month since my best friend's son died and I wanted to plant something in his memory. I was in search of a perennial, but could only find annuals. So, maybe I'll plant some new flowers for him every year. At any rate, I ended up coming home with two flats of petunias, a purple phlox and a hanging basket of Calibrachoa (Callies). So I spent the afternoon planting all my pretty new lovelies. And got a bright pink sunburn on my back, as a result. :-) Had an early dinner with my Hubby. And now the rest of the evening is mine to do as I please. I'm kind of thinking a nap is in order. And catching up on some of my tv shows.

    I'm off work tomorrow - spending the day with my bff. We're going to get our hair done. Mine is desperately in need of a dye job. People keep telling me that I've done something different with my hair lately. And my response is - no...I just usually don't let it fade this much before getting it re-dyed!

    Hope everyone is having a great weekend. Can't wait to hear what everyone's been up to!!!
  • sbrown6
    sbrown6 Posts: 334 Member
    Soooooooooooooooooooooo, I just made my food diary public to friends ..............

    a big step! I did it last week. Feels kinda good, huh?
  • kimmisatch
    kimmisatch Posts: 105
    It does feel good - and makes me accountable for my actions!
    I feel ok about my food choices though.

    Jen your weekend sounds busy, nice work sticking to your calories at the BBQ, and taking alternatives that were tasty! Look after that sunburn. Oh for sun LOL it's winter here, winter winter winterl

    Apparently are getting our first snowy cold front in the next two days - thank goodness I got firewood heaps early this year.

    Hope you are all having a good start to the week

  • marylouise86
    marylouise86 Posts: 43 Member
    aw i dont blame you jagrib0112 for not wanting to leap in to doing the c25k! like you i think i will still do it not just yet!

    I have had a bit of a lazyish weekend i guess, Saturday was my rest day and Sunday i had to put up a shed with my uncle- and because it was so hot i nearly passed out! got all dizzy and felt sick! then after all that i got cramps and my legs ache from the TOM gah! i was so happy to curl up in my bed last night i can tell you!

    today it is humid as anything! i am taking my dog to our dog agility class later which is a goo walk to it and back plus the running about when we are there! so i know i am going to sweat a few calories away hopefully!

    so things arent running as smoothly as i want my diet and exercise too! but the scale hasnt gone up so thats a good thing i guess!
  • rosemiller11
    rosemiller11 Posts: 224 Member
    So I am starting the Jillian Michaels 30 day shred today... Pretty happy about that. joined a challenge team for July... supposed to lose 10lbs. a month, also joined a 90day weightloss group at work... to keep me motivated with some touchable friends... -not that y'all aren't great but it makes a diffrerence if they see you in person. So who thinks I have got enough going on this month? Yay for me...
  • rosemiller11
    rosemiller11 Posts: 224 Member
    Soooooooooooooooooooooo, I just made my food diary public to friends ..............
    I did that the other day too. Kinda scary, but helps to keep me accountable.
  • Kinda79
    Kinda79 Posts: 239 Member
    So I am starting the Jillian Michaels 30 day shred today... Pretty happy about that. joined a challenge team for July... supposed to lose 10lbs. a month, also joined a 90day weightloss group at work... to keep me motivated with some touchable friends... -not that y'all aren't great but it makes a diffrerence if they see you in person. So who thinks I have got enough going on this month? Yay for me...

    Giant Yay for you girl!! Way to go and I'm rooting for ya. I just started doing Power 90 as well as my Wii Dance and Fit. Really want to get this weight off and I think I wasn't getting enough in. So here we go!
  • PurpleCoookie
    Hello all!

    ^^ I'm starting a new workout too. Its Rockin body with Shaun T and I'm kinda excited to use it tomorrow. I watched my brother on insanity and I didn't think it was a good match for me. ( The warm-up had me out of breath) I'm waiting for the July challenge 5lbs a month to get me motivated because right now I'm not feelin it. There is a pair of jeans that cuts off my circulation all the time but now it loves me. lol I'm doing something right but I'm going to try to leave my diary open.
  • rosemiller11
    rosemiller11 Posts: 224 Member
    welcome to the newbies! :) On another note, that 30ds I started? Yeah, it kicked my butt. Hopefully in a few days, I will be closer to kicking it's butt! Couldn't believe how out-of-shape it had me feelin! I've been going to Curves regularly since Janurary, but it's workout is nothin like this! Can't wait to see the inches melt off.... G'nite y'all. Keep up the good work!