100+ lbs to lose support group



  • VanessaFaith
    VanessaFaith Posts: 171 Member
    I'm in! I'll send you a friend request!
  • Nikki_is_Knotty
    Nikki_is_Knotty Posts: 248 Member
    I'm in! I am 24 and weigh 300 lbs so I have around 130- 150 lbs to lose and i just started 5 days ago. I haven't weighed myself since Tuesday because i am doing another challenge and i get weighed every Tuesday! I have been getting 9-12 servings of water in daily, haven't been working out really but have stayed under calorie budget for almost every day (but maybe 1 i think!)!! I am loving MFP and all the friends i have made so far and look forward to making this journey and coming out at the end half the size and double the person i was to start with!! I have always been heavy, from childhood, to teen years, to adulthood. Im ready to be done with that! I have an amazing boyfriend who i cant see being with anyone else, I was married before and had a size 22 wedding dress, i hope the next time i get married i will be out of the plus size and maybe out of double digits!! My job is very physically demanding so with all this extra weight its quite hard, and even harder to get up and work out, but one step at a time! Nutrition is the biggest thing for me right now!! Glad you started this group because i was looking for one as well!!
  • LaJauna
    LaJauna Posts: 336 Member
    Hoping to join in? I'm 45, 313 pounds, and feeling solidly discouraged, as I seem to have already hit a plateau. I've tried eating more, eating less, working out more, working out less, but I've been losing and gaining the same five pounds for days now. I know, don't freak, it'll come, just keep doing what I'm doing. I know these things, but boy, it's hard. I won't give up because I'm diabetic, and the dietary changes are as much for glucose control as weight loss--even if I give up on the weight loss, I still have to watch what I eat and move because of the diabetes. Believe it or not, that's a major motivator for me.

    I've struggled with weight all my life. Was a light child who doubled in weight in ONE year between second and third grade. No idea why, my family didn't think to take me to a doctor. I flipped majorly anorexic at 15, lost 135 lbs in 6 months through sheer starvation and psychotic levels of exercise. Managed to keep that off for 8 years, even returning to fairly normal eating patterns, Then health issues hit and I began gaining at an astounding rate, piling that 135 (plus 20 of its friends) back on in less than a year's time. Three years later, I lost most of it again (all but about 20), and life was good until I was in a car accident. A multitude of injuries, but the worst, health and weight wise, was 2 herniated and one ruptured disk, leading to vicious sciatica and a tendency to avoid things that HURT. It took a few years, but I became increasingly sedentary, which cause weight gain, which caused more pain with activity, which made me even more sedentary--you get the picture.

    I'm going to do this because I can't NOT do it. The time for me to hide from the world and hide from myself is over. I'm 45, and I need to do this so I can live my life and give myself more fully to my son and husband. I need to be able to operate, and I need to be healthy.

    I am so glad to meet you all.


    Kris, now is a good time if you already haven't done it, take your measurements. As you continue on your journey to fitness and health your body is be going through tremendous changes. The scale is a liar. The tape measure tells the truth, the whole truth, so help you Jesus! The scale can only measure mass (gross weight of all three masses: water, muscle, fat) It will not tell you if you have started to build healthy muscle mass or are water logged! Your clothes and the tape measure will tell you more about your body then the scale is capable of doing. Don't sweat the trip to the next decade on the scale, concentrate on the goal of fitness and health. That is where your heading not a number on the scale.
  • missxchelly
    missxchelly Posts: 180
    I'm in as well. Like all of you I have about 100 pounds to lose. 100 pounds won't even get me to societies "normal weight" for my height and age, but when I lose 100 pounds I will be where I WANT my weight to be. 220.
    I started this journey on MFP on June 2 of this month. I have lost 10 pounds already and have never been more dedicated in my life. I started out at 318. My heaviest, and I never want to see the 300's ever ever ever again. I've been over weight my entire life. At one point I was packing on the pounds because I was addicted to soda, then I switched to diet soda and then my addiction to fast food became over bearing. I still to this day am struggling with the cravings of fast food, but I know I have to push through it.

    My name is Michelle (= Add me if you like. Serious motivators welcome.
  • lizhipwell
    lizhipwell Posts: 70
    Count me in!
  • KnottyJen
    KnottyJen Posts: 1,070 Member
    Sure! You can count me in...

    My name is Amy. I have a long road ahead of me and I could use all the support I can get :) I prob have around 200 to lose, so that would need a whole other support group lol..I am taking it little by little..See how much I can lose by labor day, then how much I can lose by Christmas....If I spend too much time looking at the big picture I would be way too overwhelmed :)
    Isn't that how it is for everyone though? I know if I look at how much I have to lose, and how long it will take, I want to cry! 2 lbs seem so measly when I have 120 to lose. But I am takin it one day at a time. You are a gorgeous lady from your pics, and you will only be more beautiful when you acheive your goals. Can't wait to see it happen- for all of us! Y'all Rock!

    Actually, this is a large part of why it's taken me so long to get going on my weight loss. I always thought of it an this enormous mountain that I was going to have to climb. And I thought that there would never be an end to the battle. But once I decided to take the first step, I'm finding that I just have to take it one day at a time. Each step that I take gets me closer to the top of that proverbial mountain. Good luck, everyone! I know we can do it!
  • KnottyJen
    KnottyJen Posts: 1,070 Member
    Hoping to join in? I'm 45, 313 pounds, and feeling solidly discouraged, as I seem to have already hit a plateau. I've tried eating more, eating less, working out more, working out less, but I've been losing and gaining the same five pounds for days now. I know, don't freak, it'll come, just keep doing what I'm doing. I know these things, but boy, it's hard. I won't give up because I'm diabetic, and the dietary changes are as much for glucose control as weight loss--even if I give up on the weight loss, I still have to watch what I eat and move because of the diabetes. Believe it or not, that's a major motivator for me.

    I've struggled with weight all my life. Was a light child who doubled in weight in ONE year between second and third grade. No idea why, my family didn't think to take me to a doctor. I flipped majorly anorexic at 15, lost 135 lbs in 6 months through sheer starvation and psychotic levels of exercise. Managed to keep that off for 8 years, even returning to fairly normal eating patterns, Then health issues hit and I began gaining at an astounding rate, piling that 135 (plus 20 of its friends) back on in less than a year's time. Three years later, I lost most of it again (all but about 20), and life was good until I was in a car accident. A multitude of injuries, but the worst, health and weight wise, was 2 herniated and one ruptured disk, leading to vicious sciatica and a tendency to avoid things that HURT. It took a few years, but I became increasingly sedentary, which cause weight gain, which caused more pain with activity, which made me even more sedentary--you get the picture.

    I'm going to do this because I can't NOT do it. The time for me to hide from the world and hide from myself is over. I'm 45, and I need to do this so I can live my life and give myself more fully to my son and husband. I need to be able to operate, and I need to be healthy.

    I am so glad to meet you all.


    Hi Kris! I also have diabetes, so I understand some of the struggles that you're going through. For me, I was diagnosed with diabetes and then never really made any changes to my lifestyle. I just got a pill and thought that would make everything better. And over time, that pill wasn't enough and then the next pill wasn't enough. And finally, I was on three oral medications, and my A1C was still out of control. So the doc put me on insulin. And that was the moment that I said 'I can't keep doing this to myself.' I want to be a mother more than anything in the world and with my weight and health in its current state, that's never going to happen.

    Anyway, that was a little off topic. Just wanted to say welcome and let you know that I'm right there with ya! ;-)
  • Davali
    Davali Posts: 225 Member
    Hi - I'm already part way through the journey, but would be great to join you all. I started with my changes at the beginning of the year and would love to have lost 100lb by the end of the year.
  • lemonychick
    lemonychick Posts: 81 Member
    Hi, I'm in!
  • kimmisatch
    kimmisatch Posts: 105
    I am SO in :happy:

    Im Kim, from New Zealand and I want to lose 165 pounds (we work in kg here so thats about 75kg), but you know what, even 100 pounds would be good for now. 165 would put me at the TOP of the healthy weight range for my height, but sometimes that isn't so realistic.

    Feel free to add me as a friend - I need all the motivation I can get, Im good at motivation others, but need a push myself.

    Im about to change jobs, so am hoping to start a new routine with the new job and get on top of this. Im gonna OWN it, LOL.
  • KnottyJen
    KnottyJen Posts: 1,070 Member
    Hi there to all the new ladies!!! I think we're getting a great group together here! Hope everyone's having a good weekend! What is everyone up to for Father's Day?? I'm going out to my dad's house and making dinner for him. Really excited to make some yummy, low cal/low carb dishes for him. I'll take some pics of dinner and will post later. :-)

    Have a great day!!
  • MydniteJypsy
    I would love to join the group. My name is Crystal and I'm from NC. I have right at 120 to lose and need all the help I can get.
  • jesihovey
    jesihovey Posts: 46 Member
    Count me in! I'm aiming to lose 105lbs! I am only one week in, but so far I have lost 1.5lbs which is a huge motivator for me.

    My name is Jesi and I am going to be 22 on Friday (June 24th). Ever since about age 8 or so I have been overweight. It didn't get this bad until moving back to Minnesota (my home state) from where I was living in Chicago for a few years. In Chicago I walked *everywhere* so even if I ate horribly (which I did, holy crap) I still was exercising quite a bit. In Minnesota you need a car to go anywhere (in my hometown anyway) so I never walk.

    My motivation is that I am planning to get married next summer to a wonderful boy named Matthew. I do not want to look at my wedding pictures for the rest of my life and be ashamed of how large I am. Seeing pictures of how I look currently brings me to tears because I feel so disgusting. I want to be able to fit into a size 12 wedding dress or smaller, and my mom said that if I lose 100 lbs by the wedding that she will pay for the dress herself!

    My mom is an inspiration for me as well. She, too, was overweight for most of her adult life. She gained weight after both my brother and I were born and as a single mom she spent a lot of time eating fast food and drinking soda. In the last year or so she has lost a TON of weight and she looks so damn hot it makes me jealous! I feel like that is what kicked it into gear for me. I don't think it's okay that my mom is hotter than me ;) hahaha
  • rosemiller11
    rosemiller11 Posts: 224 Member
    Count me in! I'm aiming to lose 105lbs! I am only one week in, but so far I have lost 1.5lbs which is a huge motivator for me.

    My name is Jesi and I am going to be 22 on Friday (June 24th). Ever since about age 8 or so I have been overweight. It didn't get this bad until moving back to Minnesota (my home state) from where I was living in Chicago for a few years. In Chicago I walked *everywhere* so even if I ate horribly (which I did, holy crap) I still was exercising quite a bit. In Minnesota you need a car to go anywhere (in my hometown anyway) so I never walk.

    My motivation is that I am planning to get married next summer to a wonderful boy named Matthew. I do not want to look at my wedding pictures for the rest of my life and be ashamed of how large I am. Seeing pictures of how I look currently brings me to tears because I feel so disgusting. I want to be able to fit into a size 12 wedding dress or smaller, and my mom said that if I lose 100 lbs by the wedding that she will pay for the dress herself! Wow Girl, you totally stole my story, weight ageand everything! I am glad to know that I am not the only one who has been overweight from a young age. Congrats on the engagement, and welcome aboard!

    My mom is an inspiration for me as well. She, too, was overweight for most of her adult life. She gained weight after both my brother and I were born and as a single mom she spent a lot of time eating fast food and drinking soda. In the last year or so she has lost a TON of weight and she looks so damn hot it makes me jealous! I feel like that is what kicked it into gear for me. I don't think it's okay that my mom is hotter than me ;) hahaha

    Hey girl... You totally stole my story, right down to my weight, size, and all! :) Except the engaged part. lol. congrats on the engagement btw. Glad to see I am not the only one that has been overweight from a young age.
  • lemonychick
    lemonychick Posts: 81 Member
    Hi, I've sent friend requests to all of you - hope you can join me in this crazy journey!
    With the amount that I have to lose (130/140lbs) I will be hanging around this site for a LONG time, so hopefully we'll get to know each other really well.......who knows what doors are opening, lol!
    I'm quite a private person (as time goes on I'm sure you'll get to know me better), but I love seeing what exercise everyone is up to, and just what people are eating! It's really important that we motivate each other, because this journey is long and hard, but SO worth it!
    Here's to a great future and a not so great number on the scale!!!
    Melanie. x
    RENAEJAE Posts: 1,136 Member
    Hey skinny chics - hope you all had a great Father's Day and sent any leftovers home with dear ol' dad!

    What are your goals this week?

    I will drink at least 100oz of water each day
    I will exercise at least 30 min a day
    I will eat healthy snacks
    I will not let the bewitching hour get to me (you know what I mean - the hour before dinner goes on the table)
    I will try to get 15 minutes of calisthenics in each evening
    I will not give up on myself if my scale doesn't show a loss on Friday (it will only motivate me over the weekend)

    Here's to yet another week - let's release those pounds!!!
  • stephaniezoundi
    stephaniezoundi Posts: 1,148 Member
    Hello All! I belong to a very similar other group and love the support, so I'd love to hop on board this board as well (I see some familiar faces here)!
    I'm 31 years old and have been heavy my whole life. 4 years ago I met a wonderful man became content and my weight crept even higher. On January 2nd 2010 I braved the scale and wanted to die when I was them read 368. I knew that I had to do somethingj or I was going to die.

    So I joined a gym, hired a PT to work out with once a week. I decided that I wasn't going to think about the fact that I was going have to lose over 200lbs (I havent' acknowledged it on my ticker) . I decided that if I could get down to a size 16-18 I'd be happy. I'm not too far off of that now (22). I discovered MFP via my trainer in about January and have found the support here to be great.

    I got married about 8 weeks ago. My hubby is out of the country so I'm doing this on my own right now. Its a challenge but its allowing me to develop cooping techniques that I had never had before.

    So, feel free to me, I'm chatty on the boards and check in every day.
  • laneybird
    laneybird Posts: 532 Member
    Hello everyone! My name is Lane, I'm a 30yo single mom of an awesome 3yo lil man. I have been overweight pretty much all of my life. I'm looking to lose close to 150lbs. I started my weight loss journey 6 weeks ago tomorrow. I can honestly say that I feel so good and I can't wait to feel AND LOOK ever better!! Please feel free to add me! I, too, am also a part of a similiar group but you can never have too many friends/motivators!
  • suzyq584
    suzyq584 Posts: 21 Member
    Hi Everyone!

    I'm in too. My name is Suzy and I am 37 years old. I am currently single and do not have any kids so this journey should be easier for me right?! HA...doesn't seem to be! :ohwell: I am fairly new to MFP but love it so far. A friend on eDiets suggested I come check this site out and I am so happy that I did! So happy in fact that I plan to discontinue my eDiets subscription after my free trial runs out.

    I live in Arizona so outside exercise is pretty much out of the question for me but I do belong to a gym so I have no excuses! I have been trying to make better decisions in the food department and have been doing pretty good. I have Hypo-thyroidism and PCOS so weight is typically harder and slower to come off than it used to be but I am NOT using that as an excuse either!

    I'm excited to get to know each of you and to share our successes together. Please feel free to friend me. Let's chat soon. :smile:
  • valgrl
    valgrl Posts: 3
    I'm in! :flowerforyou:

    - Valarie