100+ lbs to lose support group



  • LaJauna
    LaJauna Posts: 336 Member
    Hey I am LaJauna. I have been on this journey since February 2011. I lost 22 lbs fell off the wagon and gained it all back and am now ready to head back to healthy! I want to start a challenge. I have had 9 days of clean eating. Anyone else what to start a streak?

    Streaking: 9 days and counting (cheat free and proud!
  • marylouise86
    marylouise86 Posts: 43 Member
    hello everyone! hope you are having a good day!

    ugh doctors suck dont they? mine was always on my back about my weight, but in a horrible way so what would i do? feel rubbish and go home and eat! if i got a cold it was my weight that caused it! ignore drs like them! cant actually wait to go back to them and be like "HA look at my weight now" haha!

    the main thing that i have done since losing weight is make sure i have 3 meals a day. it works well for my body. i was skipping breakfast then eating too much when i felt like it then dinner and then a snack really late!

    an old friend has invited me to stay at hers and go out for her birthday in a months time so i am on a mission to lose 6lbs before then, the first one went this morning yay!
  • kkmbear
    kkmbear Posts: 8 Member
    Hi! My name is Kelly. I was just thinking about joining a group of some sort. I finally got under 300 pounds, I was 322 when I started on MFP, today I am at 291. I would like to get down to 145 eventually.... one day at a time! I have a lot going on here at home with two daughters (ages 22 and 24)who have gotten some sort of degenerative brain disease, movement disorder. I don't always get a chance to get on and post everything but I haven't given up on losing weight!
  • marylouise86
    marylouise86 Posts: 43 Member
    as long as you dont give up that is the main thing :smile: congrats on getting under 300 sounds like you are doing well!
  • kkmbear
    kkmbear Posts: 8 Member
    Thank you! I am excited to be headed in the right direction. It is good to read about others who are losing weight. It is inspiring!
  • kkmbear
    kkmbear Posts: 8 Member
    I understand! I had some health problems this year and ended up with a total hysterectomy. I lost some and gained some but I am headed in the right direction now! I am having a problem with my left foot so the exercise isn't much at all. :-(
  • skierxjes
    skierxjes Posts: 938 Member
    I have about 130 lbs to lose! I'm looking for any friends, motivation, or anything I can get and will help with anyone else anyway that I can!
  • rosemiller11
    rosemiller11 Posts: 224 Member
    i planning to lose between 70-90, could i still join if it's a bit below the one hundred mark ?
  • marylouise86
    marylouise86 Posts: 43 Member
    health problems are the worst :frown: my mum is getting so unfit because she is ill and cant exercise right now!

    reading about peoples journeys and good and bad days really helps me! gives me the extra push some days..also a reminder that you are not alone!!
  • rosemiller11
    rosemiller11 Posts: 224 Member
    Well Folks, it sure is good to see everyone. Now, I have a problem... I currently live and work at the same place (kinda hard to explain, so just trust me on this) I actually work at a nursing home, and live on premises in a girls dorm for most of the girls who work here. I am however, also a nursing student, and am in school most of the time. My problem is that the nursing home (HIllcrest) provieds free food for us. Really handy except that most of it is laden with cheese, cream cheese, sour cream, milk, cream, butter , well you get the idea. All delicious food, but oh so unhealthy. AND hard to resist, I might add. So when I am working, they provide these meals, and I eat there, cuz I am not allowed to leave premises while on duty. And when I am in school, I don't have time to fix anything for myself, so end up eating at the home, or fast food / junk food. Never a good combo. So how do I focus on eating healthy while living in such a foody atmosphere? BTW, did I mention that the girls dorm is full of food, especially snacks, and junk food?
  • marylouise86
    marylouise86 Posts: 43 Member
    eek what a nightmare! the only thing i can think of off the top of my head is maybe portion control of the naughty foods? if you have to eat what is there then try not to eat a lot of it? could leave you hungry though...hmmm

    i really feel for you, sounds like you are really stuck in a horrid foody situation! hope someone else has a better answer than mine!
  • marylouise86
    marylouise86 Posts: 43 Member
    EDIT: the message boards keep double posting my replies grrr!
  • KnottyJen
    KnottyJen Posts: 1,070 Member
    Well Folks, it sure is good to see everyone. Now, I have a problem... I currently live and work at the same place (kinda hard to explain, so just trust me on this) I actually work at a nursing home, and live on premises in a girls dorm for most of the girls who work here. I am however, also a nursing student, and am in school most of the time. My problem is that the nursing home (HIllcrest) provieds free food for us. Really handy except that most of it is laden with cheese, cream cheese, sour cream, milk, cream, butter , well you get the idea. All delicious food, but oh so unhealthy. AND hard to resist, I might add. So when I am working, they provide these meals, and I eat there, cuz I am not allowed to leave premises while on duty. And when I am in school, I don't have time to fix anything for myself, so end up eating at the home, or fast food / junk food. Never a good combo. So how do I focus on eating healthy while living in such a foody atmosphere? BTW, did I mention that the girls dorm is full of food, especially snacks, and junk food?

    Maybe you can talk to the kitchen staff? See if they have some lower calorie options for you? And if not, then I agree with MaryLouise. Definitely(!!!!!) portion control. And LOTS AND LOTS AND LOTS of water.
    And as for the dorm, can you get yourself some lower calorie snacks for yourself? You'd be surprised when other people see you start eating more healthily, they might be inspired to do the same thing.
  • KnottyJen
    KnottyJen Posts: 1,070 Member
    Welcome to all our new friends!!!! I'm so stoked to see this thread so active!!! You ladies are awesome! :-)

    Today's my day off from working out. The whole thing is so bizarre to me. Every day that I work out, I spend most of the day trying to come up with an excuse as to why I can't do it that night. And (just about) every day, I suck it up and end up doing the workout. I hate every minute of it. But once it's done, I'm so thrilled with myself for having done it. And then there's days like today where it's my off day. And I spend the whole evening thinking 'I should work out right now. It's early. I have plenty of time. Maybe I'll just go for a walk.' But there's a reason why I give myself a day off. It's the reward for busting my *kitten* the whole rest of the week.

    lol Just a random thought...

    I have a question for you wonderful ladies! Over the next week, I have two events that i'm going to - a family BBQ & a Bunco night with friends - where I've volunteered to make appetizers. I have some ideas for what I might want to make, but I'm always open to suggestions. I want to bring at least two options to each event. Anyone have any ideas????
  • rosemiller11
    rosemiller11 Posts: 224 Member
    thanks for the help! Just another quick question... how do you all feel about lots of fruit in the diet? I know they are high in sugar, but because they are natural sugar is this really a bad thing? One thing I do have lot's of easy access to is fruit, so just wantin some more input on this. Thanks!
  • Thriceshy
    Thriceshy Posts: 707 Member
    thanks for the help! Just another quick question... how do you all feel about lots of fruit in the diet? I know they are high in sugar, but because they are natural sugar is this really a bad thing? One thing I do have lot's of easy access to is fruit, so just wantin some more input on this. Thanks!

    You really can't eat enough fruit (because it's naturally bulky) to do much damage with that fructose. Fruit tends to be very high in happy vitamins and nutrients, and often has a good bit of fiber, too. I eat fruit. Some days (like today, which has been awful), I only get in a banana or a nectarine, but I do try to get in at least three servings of fruit and three of veggies. Even with my blood sugar issues (and I have news on that!), I think fruit is a perfect food for snacks and desserts. Not fruit juice, but just plain, happy fruit.

    And my A1c? Down from 6.9% to 5.7 in just a couple of months! Yay!

  • aims78
    aims78 Posts: 75 Member
    Hi Everyone! You can count me in on this group.

    I need a lot of support, I seem to come to the realization that I am an emotional eater, and having trouble sticking to healthy eating. If I get upset i eat what ever, usually fast food, same thing when I am depressed etc. I don't know how to control it. Does anyone have any words of advice to give me about this? I would sincerely appreciate it. I have well over 100 pounds to lose, and I know this will be a long hall to get it off of me. I have been big for most of my life, so about 20 years now..Wow that sounds like a very long time when I put it in writing. I have lost about 25 pounds in 6 months now...Please help me, and I will be glad to offer any words of advice that has helped me so far. Take Care!
  • zanne37
    zanne37 Posts: 2
    Hey there. Oh boy. This is exactly what I need. I'm 37 and I packed on the weight after my son was born. Up until then I was fit. Not skinny. The last time I was skinny was when I was 3 months old. Anyway, my kid just turned 12 so I figured that it was time to take off the baby fat. I'm a homeschooling mom, married to a teacher. I've learned how to cook really low fat and low sodium, so now I just need to get off my butt and get exercising.
  • Thriceshy
    Thriceshy Posts: 707 Member
    Hi, Arh, and welcome!

    What cured me of the fast-food emotional eating thng? Diabetes. My "medical professional" said "diabetes" and I said "no way." I still eat fast food sometimes. But when I get the big ol' Arby's roast beef, I pull the buns off and replace them with my low cal, low carb Sara Lee Delightful whole grain. If I want Carl's Jr., I order the low-carb six dollar without cheese and, again, have it with my bread. Knocks off hundreds of calories, and still tastes like heaven. Instead of fries, I get a big Farmhouse salad and eat it with my light dressing. If you really want fried potatoes, get the potato cakes--fewer calories, less fat. Or make cajun home-fries in the over with sliced red potatoes. Oh, they are SO good, and so much better for you!

    I guess the biggest thing would be know what you're eating. Pull up the nutritional info, enter into your food diary what you're going to have BEFORE you have it. And then look at the nutritional info. How much sodium? How much fat? How many carbs? How many calories? Is that worth it to you? Or is there a big, marvelous Cobb or Ceasar's salad that you could have with cheese and chicken for half the calories and be twice as full when you're done? Is there some way to satisfy the urge and still stay in limits for calories and carbs? Turns out there almost always is for me. That works for me because it becomes as much about numbers as emotion, and it gives me the opportunity to confront the emotions with the flat facts.

    Another way to confront emotional eating is to make rules for yourself--if you're upset, you must walk/ride/run a certain number of minutes before you're allowed to indulge. Believe me, working out, especially to fun or inspiring music, can make a real difference in mood, and I've had more than one emotional eating session prevented by making myself work out first. And even if I DO still have the fast food, at least I burned an extra 500 calories before I ate it!

    And 25 pounds rocks!

  • Thriceshy
    Thriceshy Posts: 707 Member
    Hey there. Oh boy. This is exactly what I need. I'm 37 and I packed on the weight after my son was born. Up until then I was fit. Not skinny. The last time I was skinny was when I was 3 months old. Anyway, my kid just turned 12 so I figured that it was time to take off the baby fat. I'm a homeschooling mom, married to a teacher. I've learned how to cook really low fat and low sodium, so now I just need to get off my butt and get exercising.

    Another homeschooling mom here, with a boy just turned 13! Welcome!
