mo1700 Member


  • Well it seems to me that you need a good heart to heart with him, he's expressed his feelings and now you need to do the same to him to see if together u can work through this or not. Also although you were 20lbs lighter and exercising more before you weren't leading a very healthy lifestyle by skipping all those meals,…
  • fab ideas here also sugar free jelly with or without fruit set in
  • Thanks for all your suggestions, its a big help and certainly gives me something to go on. I will cut down on fruit and maybe eat half at breakfast and half at lunch, try some sugar free jelly and sugar free chewing gum and also try some of the other suggestions. Cheers all.
    in Sugars Comment by mo1700 April 2013
  • Walking is really fab exercise and will really help improve your energy levels, personally I think an hour a day to start is a bit too much but go with what you feel, it might be better to build yourself up to an hour a day but whatever you do will be extra so it's all good. Good Luck and let us know how you get on with…
    in Walking. Comment by mo1700 April 2013
  • Thank you all, am looking forward to us all losing some of this excess weight, to be banished forever!
  • Please don't let them stop you from talking to girls, they are showing their immaturity and the problem belongs to them not you, you really wouldn't want to talk to people like that and if you do start talking to girls hopefully when talking to them you will be making up your mind about them based on more than just their…
  • Yes please, would like to try this again although do have a weeks holiday in October so will see how it goes. Thanks
  • Not been well last few days so really pleased not put on again and managed to lose what I put on plus extra.....down to last 7lbs to go now, thanks for the challenge it was really motivating.
  • Put on this week ;-( but had couple of massive binges at the weekend and have been trying to do damage limitation since, hope I can lose for next week...
  • Some interesting posts here, I am new to all this so don't have any answers, I was advised to eat low gi (I am type 2) but not sure about limiting carbs so will have to read all these posts first, thanks for all the info.
  • Yes I too am insulin resistant with no medications. Auticus you have done amazingly well, I have been advised to eat a normal, healthy low gi diet so I mainly get my sugars from fruit and do you limit your sugar?
  • I use flax seeds, or linseeds same thing different name, I grind up enough for about 5/6 days and then refrigerate, I use 1 tsp per day and also use cool oil or hemp oil as well, again about 1 tsp per day, not sure if that is enough or not??? If you use the oil you have to be careful you don't use it with anything hot as…
  • The only thing with any egg product I have is quorn, I have been toying with stopping that over the last 6-9 months but haven't taken the plunge yet because it makes everything so easy especially cooking for non veges and I enjoy it. I eat all the other normal proteins such as pulses, nuts, seeds etc. The other things I do…
  • Yes thank you, I have a couple of dogs so walking twice a day at the moment and enjoying the outdoors is a big help ;-)
  • Thank you for all the kind words, I am now going to get back on track and cut myself some slack ;-)
  • Fantastic stuff, that is brilliant, I don't know where you get the time or the energy but its blooming great, well done! x
  • You've had some really good advice on here, the other thing I would say is that cutting yourself off from your friends and social activities are only going to make you feel worse. I know how tough it is but you really need to challenge yourself to keep in touch with your friends and if there is anyone you can trust also…
  • This challenge is really helping, another pound gone this week despite attending a birthday tea and birthday party! My daughters birthday tonight so making her a nice meal and cake but at least I'll have a whole week to burn it off!!!
  • WOW that is amazing, well done and keep it up, what next 2 miles ;-) Congrats!
  • Thanks so much for your motivating responses ;-) GreenSkinnyJeans guess I should have added I am a UK size 14 so probably being realistic a 12-14 would be my ideal.
  • Well I love this lentil shepherds pie, makes enough for 4 portions and is dead easy just boil/steam the sweet potatoes and mash with the elf cheese for the mash, for the base just cook the onion, carrot until soft then add the tinned toms and stock and the lentils, just cook for about another 10 mins then make the…
  • I am vegetarian bordering on vegan and just love all this great info and websites thank you all
  • Sounds like it might help you to think about expectations, if you are slow and steady you eill get there in the end, its not about making unrealistic changes (5.30am no way!) it making small lifestyle changes that are there for keeps, even if you lost 1/2 pd a week that was gone FOREVER just think how that would make you…
  • SW - 161lbs (Thursday Sept 1) Week 1 - 157.4 lbs (Thursday Sept 8) Week 2 - xxx lbs (Thursday Sept 8 15) Week 3 - xxx lbs (Thursday Sept 22) Week 4 - xxx lbs (Thursday 29) Total lost - xx lbs (Saturday Oct 1) I've copied and pasted the above, not sure how to put it on my signature?? If anyone would be kind enough to send…
  • Is it too late for me to start too? SW - 161.0 lbs (Friday Sept 2) Week 1 - xxx lbs (Friday Sept 9) Week 2 - xxx lbs (Friday Sept 8 16) Week 3 - xxx lbs (Friday Sept 23) Week 4 - xxx lbs (Friday Sept 30) Total lost - xx lbs
  • Thank you all so much, I especially appreciate the emotional and the practical help. I know I need to take care of myself on many levels and need to give some serious thoughts on how best to do that. My journey started a few months ago when I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes so I know how damaging these bad choices are…
  • sultanas grapes strawberries