Thank you, it seems my fiber is not enough even using all my carbs
Thank you so much for sharing you are a great inspiration!
You look amazing!
Hypoglycemia is when your blood glucose levels drop too low and your body and brain can't function properly and you feel dizzy. Any one can correct me if I'm wrong
You look awesome, how many calories do you eat now?
If you build muscle maybe you won't lose weight, because you are gaining weight in muscle, Do I explain my self?, but you will be able to notice it. I like to go to GNC and ask somebody that looks really bulky questions about how much protein, it usually says in the bag how much you need after training. Hopefully somebody…
You look awesome!
Short term 143, Long term 120
I used to crave peanut butter, but it has a lot of fat, the best is a protein shake :D and helps with the cravings
You lost pounds and years, you look amazing!
My name is Tanya and I just started today, my goal is to lose from 40- 50 pounds.
I start tomorrow :D
I'm right now working out with the Butt Bible and it is working, you can check in
That happened to me, the only way to track the real fat loss is with pictures, because you are building more muscle while losing fat, pictures no lie, you see the results, a photo each week and ask friends opinions about results, you will see a difference
Just a little FYI you have to moderate your fruit intake to much sugar.
I'm 5'2, 172 pounds and I work out every day High intensity training 4 times at week the rest is cardio and weight lifting, I have not been able to lose pounds like a normal person, but I have been shrinking :) so yeah I'm overweight but athletic.
Thanks for sharing you look amazing!
I agree you look amazing!
And you look so young!!!
Check if you are not going over your fat or your carbs and sugars, that was my mistake for a long time, I didn't have balance between carbs and fats, you have a limit too.
You look amazing great result!
You look great!!, BTW I work in MWR Kansas so fun to see MWR Tshirts here, great work!
I may start next week, can't wait to see how it worked for you!
I will totally recommend you they have amazing routines for "skinny-fat" people.
I started going in Jan and was great to start the excercise but it doesn't challenges me anymore and now I go with a trainner, still paying curves and not going I would never do a contract for a gym. But they are good if you want to start.
I agree with everyone else your choice was the best for your health I'm very glad you are doing better now :)
I agree with Kaveman I have been in this process for almost a year and barely losing weight until now, that doesn't mean you won't lose weight, it means that you have to find what is making you fat, for me was the sugar and the fat intake, add more veggies to your diet, reduce fruit intake... Or Dairy. Don't give up you…
5'2 and 40 pounds to go... :D
congratulations you look amazing!