frustrated... new following and still no weight loss!!

okay something just isnt right here... I started on the 4th I have been eating close the the calories give and take each day and still' no weight loss.. I mean I havnt gained but heck I havnt lost either!! what gives? my diary is open and I excersise and am active! anyone else have this issue or advice?


  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    I can't access your diary.
  • velvetkat
    velvetkat Posts: 454 Member
    Without seeing your diary I will say that you only have 11 lbs you want to lose according to your profile. This is going to take longer and if you are eating whatever calories MFP suggests then look at what you are eating. Maybe too much sugar or too much sodium. Are you drinking enough water? should be drinking 8-10 glasses a day. No counting caffeinated beverages in that.
    Have you increased your activity and doing some exercise?
    Just some things to check on which might help

    Good luck!

    Created by - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • IMYarnCraz33
    IMYarnCraz33 Posts: 1,016 Member
    Agree with velvetkat
    JULIUSKITTY Posts: 126 Member
    going to try to open diary again?.. maybe its only open to freinds. I cut out soda completly a few weeks ago and only drink water! and yes my first goal is just 11 lbs since I am trying for a baby I dont want to go to extreme just incase. I have upped my excersise yes.
  • jlbell123
    my uncle recommends the book the belly fat cure by Jorge cruise just bought it on amazon for $7 it deals with sugars and artificial sweeteners etc.... maybe take a look at that and drink plenty of water. You could also try talking to your doctor or a dietician for some suggestions.
  • TanyaDelAngel
    TanyaDelAngel Posts: 50 Member
    Check if you are not going over your fat or your carbs and sugars, that was my mistake for a long time, I didn't have balance between carbs and fats, you have a limit too.
    JULIUSKITTY Posts: 126 Member
    ohh I didnt think to check the carbs and fat darn it!! I have however upped my vegetables we are now semi vegetarians..I mean we are eating meals with meat only every other day now.
    JULIUSKITTY Posts: 126 Member
    I dont consume ANY artificial sweetners that Im aware of they make me sick!
    JULIUSKITTY Posts: 126 Member
    okay I notice I went over slighty on carbs and fat the first few days.. maybe thats why? ... but I figured it would balance since the past few days I didnt eat all of them.. hrmmm...
  • kvandenbush
    I am going through the same problem, but as soon as I increased my water intake, exercised that included a lot of strength training, it started to fall off. Maybe just spend some more time building muscle as this boosts your metabolism.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I would say you're not eating nearly enough most days.

    With only 11 pounds to go, you should have your settings to lose .5 pounds a week. You don't have enough fat reserves to have a larger calorie deficit. I did best when I was around 1500 calories (plus exercise calories for total of about 1800). My weight loss stalled completely when I was at 1200 or less.
    JULIUSKITTY Posts: 126 Member
    okay I will try to down some more water lol.. so hard being a person who use to drink 1 glass a day but I want to lose this fat darn it! I do need to do more stengthing things thats true just having a hard time with the fibromyalgia getting me tired its like a fibro monster.
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    I just glanced through your diary and based on what I saw? I don't think you're eating enough. You have days where you have over 1000 calories left at the end of the day. MFP is designed for you to get your calorie goal as close to zero as possible. Having a bunch of calories leftover creates too large of a deficit and can hinder weight loss. Try upping your caloric intake for a few days and see if that helps move your weight loss along. Also, if you are close to your goal weight it IS harder to lose weight when you are thinner.
    JULIUSKITTY Posts: 126 Member
    really? Im scared if I eat more I will gain though.
    JULIUSKITTY Posts: 126 Member
    thanks... Im not really thin I just cant handle a huge goal at once it freaks me out..Im 141 lbs and only 5'1 I really need to loose 20 lbs? but wanted a smaller goal to start.
    JULIUSKITTY Posts: 126 Member
    do you really eat your excersise calories though? it kind of adds those back into my diet for some reason.. makes me confused on how thats suppose to work.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    MFP calculates your calories differently than other plans, which makes it confusing for those just starting out. Most calorie counting plans will ask for your age, weight, height, how active you are, and how much exercise you're going to do, and figures out how many calories you should eat from that.

    MFP is more precise. It takes your age, weight, height, and activity level, then deducts the number of calories you'd need to lose (or gain) weight from that. The amount you SAY you're going to exercise doesn't play into it, so you'll lose if you exercise or not. The calories you burn through exercise isn't tallied into your total UNLESS and UNTIL you do the exercise.

    Example: Another site might suggest you eat 1500 calories a day, estimating 30 minutes of moderate cardio exercise. MFP will say to eat 1200 calories, then if you do that 30 minutes of cardio, you'll "earn" another 300, giving you... the same 1500 calories the other site suggested. :smile:

    If you don't eat those earned calories, you could create too large of a calorie deficit. It's not just a simple matter of calories in vs calories out... if your body doesn't have the right nutrients, it's much harder to lose weight. Food is fuel and if you exercise like a madman, you need more fuel.

    If you don't want to bother with the whole exercise calorie thing, you should adjust your activity level to include your normal daily activity AND the amount you exercise.
    JULIUSKITTY Posts: 126 Member
    ohh okay that makes sense. I beleive it though you look great!! Wish I had a stomache like that!! I am noticing Im much more active then I thought and snow is coming and that burns alot of calories shoveling so perhaps I will adjust it. I guess Im not quite sure what to eat thats healthy but add more calories now.. hrmm.. I do really appreciate all your input this is great!
  • JacksMom12
    JacksMom12 Posts: 1,044 Member
    I'd say definitely to up your protein percentage and you aren't eating enough some days. I saw one day you only had 26 grams of protein. I try to get 30 grams just in my breakfast alone. That's more about keeping me full though I guess... calories are calories, I suppose. I don't know. Its so weird how different people's body chemistry is, and what works for some does not for others, so I can't really say that upping protein would help you, but it definitely helps me.

    One thing I can say, is that when I was not losing weight at all at first, I realized that I was not being accurate with measurements and portions. I started using a food scale to weigh everything, and everything liquid I measure in measuring cups/spoons. I mean everything. I don't "eyeball" anything anymore, especially things like coffee creamer. Ouch. I was WAY off I realized. Once I started doing this I started seeing weight loss. But since you keep your calories much lower than your daily goal, I can't see this being a big problem for you even if you are underestimating. Just something to think about though
    JULIUSKITTY Posts: 126 Member
    Thanks Jacksmom.. perhaps thats what the issue is.- my hubby was diagnosed with kidney stones and told to eat very little meat since they cause them.. so.. I was trying to be supportive and eat meatless every other day.. thats why thers so little protein. Im usualy pretty satisified since veggies are filling.