

  • Always a BLT with easy light mayo on wheat, lettuce, tomato, and spinach.
  • I've washed my daughter's pajamas after she has wet the bed and had them come out still smelling. The only thing that seems to work is Oxy Clean, and that totally takes the urine smell out. If it works for urine, it should work for funk LOL
  • This! :love:
  • That and then yeah I can think of something else :blushing:
  • A new Kindle Touch. My 2nd generation Kindle got dropped by my daughter onto cement (totally an accident and she had a ton in her arms). So now I need a new one ;)
  • You look absolutely fabulous! Congrats :D
  • 25.5 - so .5 over the very top of 'healthy' for me. I know it's mostly bogus, but I still want it to say healthy LOL
  • http://www.skinnytaste.com/2010/05/lighter-chicken-saltimbocca.html There are a ton of great recipes there, and you can search and see if there's something else if you don't like this recipe.
  • I'm with you on this one. I was wearing some 14s and then 12s. Then I went and bought 2 pairs of size 10 jeans from Old Navy. Now I can literally pull one of those pairs off while still zipped and buttoned. I have lost almost 30 lbs, and am guessing I can go buy the size 8s now. I have planned on losing about 16 more lbs,…
  • What about sunflower seeds? I find they take a LOT of work for very low calories. I am addicted to the David BBQ ones!
  • A previous poster said "Sodium in the bread" that is why I was confused. There are veggie subs as well.
  • Awesome!!! It's funny, isn't it, how you don't notice till it's in pictures like that? I was messing around on my phone a couple of weeks ago, found a pic from May, and then I took the exact same pic now, HUGE difference too. I was like wow, I never noticed that!
  • For myself I do not eat back my exercise calories. Some days I might eat some of them if I've gone out or something. I generally do cardio 5 days a week, don't go over my calories, and a LOT of days I'm at around 1250 calories for the day. Since the end of June I have lost almost 30 lbs (will weigh in tomorrow and should…
  • I'm still confused as to why the BREAD at Subway is considered "high in sodium" they list the 6 inch white as 290 mg of sodium. The daily guidelines say 2300 mg of sodium, or if you have heart issues 1500 mg. Let's say you decided to only use HALF of that 2300 mg so 1150 mg. If you at the bread you still have 860 mg of…
  • Well, can't say I didn't know...but Olive Garden's Fettuccine Alfredo, 1220 calories and like 78 grams of fat or something? *faint* yeah I don't eat that anymore...
  • Sounds good to me. I use Miracle Whip w/ relish sometimes and eat the tuna salad on whole grain crackers, it is a really tasty alternative to just a regular sandwich.
  • First of all, don't weigh yourself all the time. Second, weigh yourself at the same time every time you weigh. For me, I like to weigh in the morning once I've gone to the bathroom and before I eat. I weigh in once a week, at the same time (roughly). Your weight will fluctuate even throughout the day. Try it, weigh…
  • I am working on that, cardio is going to be the best bet, because it burns fat, period. That along with avoiding fatty foods. Then I have added in there ab exercises and I am noticing a difference with strengthening my abs and continuing to eat right and do cardio at least 5 days a week.
  • Thanks, that means a lot to me :D I think it's because of the way they are shaped or how they sit on my finger, the fact that they still fit. It's nice to see actual results in other areas besides a number though!
  • Water is very hard on the stomach so I'd stick w/ Gatorade or the like in addition to the BRAT diet. Also, instead of waiting for soda to sit out and get 'flat', you can pour some into a glass, then pour that into another glass, and do that back and forth, it quickly loses a lot of it's fizz. My daughter's doctor taught me…
  • See my doctor's office has a digital scale, not the kind w/ the sliders. I wish they did, because I know my best friend said her doctor's office is 8 lbs higher than her scale at home, but at the pediatrician's office it matches her home scale exactly. Ugh. So hard to know. I weighed myself on 3 scales Tues and all three…
  • I checked out your diary briefly too and I'd say drink more water. Some days you only had 2 8 oz glasses, that's not enough dieting or no.
  • Yesterday my daughter asked me "are those the jeans you got recently?" and I said yes. She said "the butt is saggy" LOL. I am SO close to being down to the next size but yes, I notice the inches going too and the scale lying about it hahahaha.
  • I'm right there with you...I first weighed myself back at the end of May, on an old analog scale on carpet. Well stupid me never came home and compared w/ my digital scale. So the first time I weighed in was in July and it said I was down 12 lbs. Great! I kept losing, then I got really, really sick in August and didn't…
  • Seriously, mine said the same stupid thing yesterday. I was like wait, I worked out 5 days last week AND walked for 3 hours on Saturday (in addition to the 5 days), and was under my calorie goal EVERY day, AND drank a ton of water. The new scale I bought has only fluctuated by about half a lb in 3 weeks, yet my old scale…
  • My daughter says they should make water slushies, LOL. The consistency of a slushie but just water ;)
  • I love Tapatio and it has no calories whatsoever LOL. You can add salsa to stuff, I LOVE jalapenos too. You are just removing the fat, you don't have to remove any of the spice!
  • @HMonster, the issue with soda is, regardless of the REST of your diet, if you are consuming massive amounts of soda, sure you can get diabetes by just that. My daughter is hypoglycemic...there is a reason they tell you if you have a blood sugar low drink 4 oz of a sugary drink. It is AMAZING what happens and how quickly…
  • I haven't had it in 5 months. I just stopped cold turkey and started drinking a ton of water. If you tasted it after even a few weeks w/ a ton of water and no soda it would taste way too sweet for you. And I loathe diet soda so that is no temptation for me.
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