SweetHarmony81 Member


  • Great post, I think. Have a look: http://www.fitnessbaddies.com/why-lifting-weights-lets-you-eat-more-carbs-and-all-about-metabolism/
  • check the youtube videos by Layne Norton on metabolic damage
  • I had mine tested at a dietician. Paid in euros though (50 euros last year) so that's not very helpful lol! 150-200$ sounds a lot to me by the way, but then again I don't know. Different countries, different prices! Check at your gym first and if not you can look for a local health centre/dietician
  • @holleysings : I had it tested and it was 1560. which is ok I think... I also have a history of restriction, but the last few months (actually since last October) I have made an effort to increased my eating and had several higher calorie days. I am A LOT worried that I will stall, but my real concern is to stall before I…
  • Well ... I am jealous, can't help it :smile: But I have to deal with what I have right now. And that is a suppressed metabolism and my willing to not gain any more weight. So I guess I'll need to cut short and see if these few weeks of reset have actually done ANY good!
  • To be honest, I wouldn't worry at all if I hadn't gained anything when I upped the calories. Or even if I have only gained a couple of pounds I was also prepared for the gain mentally, but believe me it's different being prepared and having to actually deal with it. Much different!! That's why I'm saying everyone is…
  • Have you thought of investing in a kettlebell? there are some awesome workouts you can do at home in 20-25min check out: http://www.myomytv.com/ for some ideas. There is also a beginners corner for you to have a look. 3 such workouts in a week will make a huge difference
  • Alicia, I totally agree that under ideal circumstances that's what we should do. Meaning, not care about gaining weight at all and have all the time we need to find out TRUE maintenance. Unfortunately, some of us are not that patience. Or comfortable with the weight gain for a long time. Bear in mind that some of us coming…
  • Thanks hon! I can totally relate, as you know :-) By the way, if you are eating at tdee and not gaining or loosing, then that is great. Cause you know that if you add a small deficit, then you'll see a loss. Something like -200cal/day might work for you, since you don't have many lbs to drop. Or an extra 20min walk... As…
  • Thanks holleysings, I really do appreciate all that! And to an extend you are right On the other hand, everyone is different. To me, my body image does matter. Not the actual weight, but how I feel with my body, how I look in the mirror etc. I want to like what I see. And I did before reset. The only thing I didn't like…
  • Thanks linski! To be honest, what you said IS helpful! It is helpful to see that some other feel the same way as I do the thing is, I am NOT obsessed with the scale. truly, I am not. I am obsessed with how I feel. And lately I am not feeling "myself". For sure these 4 weeks at around tdee and 4 weeks at/above tdee have…
  • Thank you guys! @alicia - thanks for this, it gives some answers @kitka - i agree with you. To be honest, i'm comfortable eating those calories without bloating now. But the urge to loose the weight won't go i'm afraid. I want to loose it no matter how comfortable i am with the current calories. I also think that with tiny…
  • It's not about the scale weight. I just feel really uncomfortable right now. I am the heaviest i have ever been at this point and it affects my everyday activities, from working out to even by sex life! So as much as i would like to continue, i'm afraid i need to stop as i have lost my motivation To be honest' all i ever…
  • I think so...but even if not i'm happy at this calorie range. Right now i'm very very uncomfortable with the gain. I don't have the crazy bloating i used to have in the beginning, i'm sleeping better etc But i don't like at all the way i look now, so i want to g back to my pre-reset weight. I'm just wandering if there are…
  • 6 weeks in and have gained 12lbs! Quite a lot but not everyone gains that much...
  • I agree! This is a BIG victory!! Well done :-)
    in NSV Comment by SweetHarmony81 April 2013
  • Thanks a lot heybales! I'll stick with only heavy lifting for a couple more weeks. Then I think i'll add one day of 30' swimming and 1-2 liss sessions (fast incline 30' walking) and a small -10% cut Still not sure why my weight does not seem to stabilise ... will give it another week and report back. Hopefully that it has…
  • There are two entries for "strength training" in MFP cardio exercises, one gives me 330 cal for 40' the other 140cal for 40'. My HRM said 320 for 40' today for example, so that's what I have logged. So if this is inaccurate then I'm off my about 150 cal on my workout days. On the other hand, my hart rate goes up when I…
  • Thanks for that! I use a HRM to log my workout calories and then update my fitbit. For a typical strength workout my fitbit says around 250cal/hour and my HRM about 450cal/hour so I just replace the 250cal with 450 for that hour. I don't do much cardio except a 10-15min walk after my lifting. I have been lifting for a few…
  • My bf% is around 24%. I had it tested at a dietician plus a trainer at my gym used kalipers and got something similar. My BMR using both formulas is around 1510 (+-20 cals) so both formulas seem in line. The dietician measured it to 1565 a few months ago. So the numbers seen to be in line. Unfortunately TOTM is not close.…
  • Well, I used to eat 1200-1400 for years. Since Nov last year I have tried increasing slowly ... I was calorie cycling then so I was doing 1700-1800 on workout days and 1400-1500 on rest. Then I increased that to 1900/1600 and then 2000/1600. I saw little gain by then. but I still couldn't loose so I though I need to do a…
  • Thanks for the support I am counting everything on a food scale. I really want to finish the reset, but it seems I'm doing something wrong? not sure why my body holds on to all the food I eat. Plus ALL measurements have gone up! So it's not muscle weight either...
  • Yep, have gained around 10-11lbs going from 1400 to currently 2200!
  • Nice to hear kitka!! Did you exercised the same during your reset and cut or did you increased a bit your exercise during cut?
  • Hi there! I'm also in the middle of my reset. I am very sedentary (I work from home on my home pc all day!) except my time at the gym. I used to go 3x/wk to strength train and 2x/wk for LISS but now I have limited to only 3x/wk for weight training. Stopped the cardio so that I can re-introduce it when I eventually try to…
  • Going through reset plus having to deal with TOM doesn't go well together!! So hate how I feel right now! And I really hope I will fell and look better once my period is over!!!!!!!!
  • Greek yoghurt is actually strained yoghurt (in Greece the name the regular yoghurt 'Greek yoghurt' and the strained yoghurt 'Greek strained yoghurt') Strained yoghurt is regular yoghurt which is strained in a cloth or filter to remove some liquid thus giving it a thicker consistency than natural yoghurt. It's also higher…
  • YES! Many of us did! Well, for me it wasn't day 4 but day...20 or so, but I guess that's different for everyone. But after the initial bloat and discomfort of all the food, it actually gets better. I'm now eating almost double the amount of food I used to eat a few months ago and sometimes I feel my appetite is still going…
  • So you upped slowly to 2400 and then started cut immediately? I guess your body didn't have the chance to stabilise at this level, so after you dropped to tdee-20% it would try to stabilise there. How long are you on tdee-20%?
  • I would say your first priority is to get all the calories in with main focus on eating enough protein. That would be around 1g/BW(lbs). Then for carbs and fat, eat according to your preferences. The 40/30/30 is a general recommendation that works for most. But many here would favour one of the two according to what/how…