ActiveTami Member


  • Yes!!! I find it difficult to cook for myself when I am working so much. Now that it is summer I am dedicating my extra time to getting myself back on track. I am also trying to figure out ways that I can prepare to be on track once I start teaching again. I am looking into having the containers I need to freeze soups that…
  • I know it's been a while since your post, but I hope you are sticking with it. Yes, I've noticed that days leading up to my period tend to be frustrating due to small gains or sustaining even with "safe" foods. I think it is best to just stick to "safe" food days, make sure you are getting plenty of water, and not worry…
    in menses Comment by ActiveTami July 2014
  • Kdiamond, thanks for the motivation to get moving! I can do 20 mins or so until I am ready to do longer exercises. I appreciate the intention of your post to inspire others.
  • Since I like variety I was looking for workouts that were different everyday. This also helps your body not get used to the same exercise over and over. These two sites seem to be the best I have found so far. They can be tough but you can work up to them by just doing…
  • thanks for the info guys!
  • I track Carbs, Fats, and Proteins for fat loss/increase LBM but I also track Fiber because I know my body does well when I have a high fiber diet. This guy Joe has a good posts that I think will help in your goals. He seems to have good info. This post should be particularly helpful...…
  • great post... had to bump for future reference. Thanks!
  • Hey, it's the little things in life that motivate, right? Keep up the great work. Women lifters are awesome!
  • Someone shared the following website on another forum. I like it because it gives more variety than a DVD and it has little video snippets to show you the exercises. I'm usually motivate to see what the new exercises will be each day. These will strengthen your core I'm sure...
    in Abs Comment by ActiveTami July 2011
  • Do you do any weight lifting or muscle building? Maybe that will help...
  • Thanks for the info! Now you've got me curious about my MICROS too. Where does fiber and sugars fit into all of this? Are they considered micronutrients?
  • Thanks for this LauraLove85! "However, there are INEVITABLY those evenings when I won't be finished with work until late and at that time, I'd much rather be at home with my husband than the gym... so...!!! FANTASTIC work-outs for at-home!!" It looks like fun and it's exactly what I have been trying to…
  • That is a tough one! Maybe you could try convincing them for all of you to go out to do something else that involves more activity. What that could be... I don't know. The only thing that comes to my mind is going for a bike ride or something. Good luck!
  • There is science behind it but I am no scientist to truly explain it. Recovery weeks are important to allow your body to "catch up." People have a tendency to expect instant results but the truth is that it all takes time. It has been said that you don't actually see the results of muscle toning/building for several weeks.…
  • Great Job Ladies!!! Keep it up. I will not join your challenge because it would be too easy for me since i LOVE water. No really I do! I thought I would offer some advice and motivation though... As far as the glass... Yes I do have a glass or two that I use all the time that I know are about 32oz. I drink two or three of…
  • Hey Natasha! This is another long one... First of all let me start with saying any movement is going to burn calories which leads towards weight loss. Just remember that weight loss comes from calorie deficit between how much/what you eat and how much you exercise… calories in versus calories burned. Some people think that…
  • Hey Ladies! All of you have been on my mind and it has helped me get going. It looks like people are doing a pretty good job on your goals. It's also great to see what people think are worthwhile goals for themselves. It gives me ideas of what I should focus on doing. I'm still working on my weekly goals. -I have been…
  • Hey I finally got started today! I only did a mile and a half but it's better than yesterday. It felt great to get moving again! Thanks for the challenge to motivate me. toadlejones, did I read in another post that you were doing the Ventura Tiki Torch 5K? That looks like fun. Good luck in your first 5k!!!
  • I agree wtih ChantalGG... YOU are BEAUTIFUL!!! But do remember machines need fuel to work well. A lot of people have given you some great advice here. Keep up the great work and pay attention to your good result of that hard work too.
  • Hello Ladies! I used to swim competitively and I taught/coached swimming for about a decade. I am happy to hear you are inspired to swim. At the level you are swimming right now you will probably be working mostly on toning not as much weight loss. But please don’t let that discourage you! Here are some suggestions to help…
  • This is a great idea and I am glad you started this thread. TeamLeela you have shown great support for people's responses. I just started MFP and found your thread inspiring. It focuses on overall health. Thank you! I am not sure if I will check in daily but this week's healthy habbits I would like to begin are: 1) Log…
  • Hi everyone! I'm new to FitnessPal and thought this was a good challenge to start. I know I am starting it really late but I figure 2 miles a day will get me well beyond the 100 mile mark. If I can get the plans together I also plan to do a week long backpack trip with FitPacking to Crater Lake in Oregon. The plan is to do…