July- Day by Day Challenge- pt 11 (OPEN)



  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Goals for July 1:
    1. Water!!!--Not the best.
    2.Workout for 30 minutes.--No. Only 15
    3. Healthy choices and only ONE slice of pizza tonight with a HUGE salad.--2 Slices and the salad.
    4. Bed by 10:30. (Working later in the morning tomorrow.)--No.

    Yesterday was a complete bust! I forgot about the water, I had some ice cream, didn't finish my workout and I went to bed too late!:embarassed:

    I did get my desk cleared off so I am going to try some photography after work (I hope!).

    Leela--I think we all understand about eating before going out to eat! :laugh:

    Welcome Ally_Clare! :flowerforyou:

    Steph--I like finding smileys for special days! :happy:

    Goals for July 2:
    1. WATER!
    2. HEALTHY choices and TRACK MY FOODS!!!
    3. Workout for at least 15 minutes before work.
    4. Watch the evening snacking!
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    Yesterday was a complete bust! I forgot about the water, I had some ice cream, didn't finish my workout and I went to bed too late!:embarassed:
    Quite all right! I hope you enjoyed every minute of it! :bigsmile: Better luck today!
  • toadiejones
    toadiejones Posts: 608 Member

    July 1

    1. Do day 1 of 30DS - Yes!
    2. Drink 64ounces of water - Yes! This is big for me! I never drink enough water.
    3. Do week9day2 of C25K - Tried combing it with the kids bike ride. Was not good but worth a try.
    4. Have fun with the kids of Canada Day...even though we are in the US - Meh. Kids were pretty insane all day
    5. Call cable to change billing info - Check
    6. Update YNAB - Nope

    Little late posting but had my goals in my head

    July 2
    1. Do day 2 of 30DS
    2. Go to market for fresh fruit, veggies & bread
    3. Go for family bike ride
    4. Drink 64 ounces of water
  • Ally_Clare
    Ally_Clare Posts: 355 Member

    Welcome Ally_Clare! :flowerforyou:

    Thanks :)

    Goals for July 3:

    1. No chocolate
    2. If i'm not going to the gym go for a long long walk
    3. Make a healthy lunch
    4. Cut out inspiring information from health magazines and make my own book
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    hey Ally! welcome! I see you posted your saturday goals and your goals for Sunday already! wtg! Don't forget to recap your Saturday goals so we let us know how you did!
  • MissConfidence
    Didn't check in Sat so I'll update how my Fri went and post my Sun goals. My sat was pretty awesome goal wise! :)
    Fri, July 1 goals:

    1) Walk at least 3 miles - WALKED 2.
    2) Log food and exercise - NOT ENTIRELY
    3) 30 grams fiber - 20
    4) push up challenge - YUP
    5) my july dailies challenge (50 mountain climber twists, 30 squats, 30 lunges, 25 beginner burpees) - NOPE, BUT DID ON SAT!
    6) 2 liters water - AT LEAST...
    7) enjoy day off with hubby! - YUP YUUPEEEEEEE!
    8) wrap up work week - SOMEWHAT... HEHE
    9) weigh in! - YUPP AND WAS PLEASED!

    Happy almost Friday everyone! :)

    And onwards:

    Sunday, July 3

    1) My July "dailies"
    2) Walk one hour
    3) Water 2 liters
    4) Fiber 30 grams
    5) Have a great day at work full of accomplishments (well, at least 3)
    6) Shop for veggies and fruits
    7) Log
    8) D2 W1 push up challenge

    That's it. Really trying to work on being more active this month, just throughout the day. That's why I came up with the dailies so I can do them every so often when I catch myself sitting too long at work!

    Have a great rest of the weekend everyone :)
  • Ally_Clare
    Ally_Clare Posts: 355 Member
    Great challenge!

    Mine for today (Saturday) are:

    1. drink 8 cups of water
    2. go to the gym and work my butt off for an hour
    3. eat more fruit and veges (on way, had 5 strawberries as a snack)
    4. stretch before working out
    5. limit number of teas i drink

    Thanks TeamLeela :)

    Recap of Saturday
    1. got to 5 cups
    2. not one hour but 40 min i wasn't feeling great
    3. done! ate broccoli, cauliflour and carrots as well as strawberries
    4. completed
    5. only had two (quite good for me)
  • ActiveTami
    ActiveTami Posts: 33 Member
    This is a great idea and I am glad you started this thread. TeamLeela you have shown great support for people's responses. I just started MFP and found your thread inspiring. It focuses on overall health. Thank you!

    I am not sure if I will check in daily but this week's healthy habbits I would like to begin are:

    1) Log Food and Exercise each day
    2) Clean and organize my place
    3) Floss my teeth each day :bigsmile:
  • toadiejones
    toadiejones Posts: 608 Member

    Little late posting but had my goals in my head

    July 2
    1. Do day 2 of 30DS - Check!
    2. Go to market for fresh fruit, veggies & bread - Check!
    3. Go for family bike ride - Check!
    4. Drink 64 ounces of water - Nope. Only did about 32 ounces...and with a 10 mile bike ride. Shame on me!

    July 3
    1. Do day 3 30 DS
    2. Get in some walking or running miles
    3. Drink 64 ounces of water
    4. Do something one-on-one with each kid.
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    July 2:
    1) Put piano lessons from computer to laptop - NO, but I couldn't use them anyway, because...
    2) Piano practice - NO, I lost my cord of all things! I had it last week! Where did it go?
    3) D2W1 Ripped - YES, right at 8:30pm! I was so close to not doing it
    4) D2 L3? - NO
    5) Fill out applications that I need to do online - YES
    6) Go to bed earlier! Goodness!! - YES: 11:30pm, and I was up around 1:30 when my sis got home, and then I woke up at 6:30...
    July 3:
    1) Find piano cord
    2) Practice?
    3) Log food (didn't yesterday)
    4) D3 W1
    5) D2 L3?
    6) Organize desk/my room
    7) WATER - less tea (max. 2 cups)

    toadiejones... Shred it up! :drinker:

    Ally_Clare... "Cut out inspiring information from health magazines and make my own book " I have so many magazine clippings in my room, I haven't even gone through them all! I love reading stories and tips and collecting articles that speak to me, and healthy recipes. :smooched:

    ActiveTami... "Floss my teeth each day" I've been doing this since last August! Almost every day. The reason I started was because my insurance was ending, and I knew it would be a year before I could get to the dentist again. Usually, around month 5, I start to feel like I need to go again, but I'm in month 11, and I only just got that feeling. :laugh: I never believed them when they told me to floss each day.
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Goals for July 2:
    1. WATER!--Yes.
    2. HEALTHY choices and TRACK MY FOODS!!!--No.
    3. Workout for at least 15 minutes before work.--Yes, 30 minutes.
    4. Watch the evening snacking!--No.

    I am SO angry with myself! I started out the day well--healthy breakfast, workout, lots of water...Then I just got lazy and just ate whatever I wanted--and they were NOT 'healthy choices' and I had too much. I WILL do better today!

    Welcome, Tami--Love the bunny! I had one when I was a kid many, many years ago. I loved that bunny!

    Well, Things to do! Have a great day, everyone!

    Goals for July 3:
    1. WATER!!!
    2. Clean the kitchen and the downstairs bathroom.
    4, Fix a healthy, filling dinner!
    4. Bed by 9:30.
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    This is a great idea and I am glad you started this thread. TeamLeela you have shown great support for people's responses. I just started MFP and found your thread inspiring. It focuses on overall health. Thank you!

    awwww, ty Tami! I feel like I wouldn't have gotten as far as I have in the process if it wasn't for all the awesome support that I have received on this board and from all my mfp friends! People in my real life just don't get it and I don't force them to. So this is my outlet to find understanding and respect for wanting to get and stay healthy!
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    Saturday's recap:
    made it to the gym, finished the laundry, and am scheduled to get in the bed no later than 11. (not as early as I would have liked, but not as late as I usually go)

    Saturday's goals:
    1. eat breakfast before going out to breakfast (sounds odd, I know). YES!
    2. spend time with my daughter. ALWAYS
    3. find time to go to the gym. YES, ONLY 35 MINUTES THOUGH

    July 3's goals:
    1. do a lower body exercise.
    2. plan all meals in advance.
    3. zumba @2:30, do a little cardio before.
    4. water, green tea, water
    5. straighten up the house.

    Hi Ally, Toad and Tami! Glad to see a few new faces. You are now part of a special, elite group. :)))
    Our circle is growing and it makes me very proud to be apart of this group!
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    Miss Confidence....how are your dailies coming? are you seeing any results yet? I bet you feel stronger! :)
  • LadyByrd77
    LadyByrd77 Posts: 115 Member
    I would love to join this thread. Currently trying to push pass a five week plateau. Il ost 32 lbs since January and would like to lose 20 more by the end of September. Definitely need some motivation.
    Goals for July 3:
    1. Drink 64 ozs of water
    2. Complete Zumba Sculpt and Tone anad flat Abs Dvds
    3. Log my food and exercise
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    Lady- welcome! your goals sound great! Congrats on your loss so far. Another 20 pounds by September is realistic. We can help keep you focused!
    I love Zumba! Do you have the videos from the infomercial? How do you like them?
  • LadyByrd77
    LadyByrd77 Posts: 115 Member
    Thanx Leela! I have the first set of Zumba Dvds and I love them. Definitely a good workout and fun doesn't even feel like I'm working out.
  • TeresaSavage
    TeresaSavage Posts: 1,506 Member
    Okay July here we come :bigsmile:

    Hello Ladies!!

    My July 1st Daily Goal:

    1) stretch before getting out of bed ................................................YES
    2) 5.5 mile walk before coming online.........................................YES
    3) stay under calorie allowance....................................................YES
    4) Watch my sodium / getting way to high......................................NO
    5) call customers & switch my days / taking Monday off for July 4th................YES
    6) Make car insurance payment....................................................Yes
    7) try & get more jogging into my walk routines........................No

    July 2nd Did pretty good. Still on track!

    Today I started a new walking group in my community and our meet up time was at 8:30 am and it was 1/2 hour away from my house, So I woke up at 5:30 did my stretches & shoved breakfast in so I could be there on time. Come to find out later the group leader canceled because of rain :frown: . ( It turned out there wasn't any rain ) One girl showed up & we took our walk together & I splurged & we shared a nice delicous orange muffin :bigsmile: . She walks Slow so I didn't get a good workout :indifferent: But it was enjoyable never the less.

    okay I'm going to try this again
    MONDAY JULY fourth

    1) stretch..........................................
    2) walk before coming online.........
    3) eat under calorie............................
    4) Veggie's veggie's............................
    5) bounce on lil trampoline for 10 minutes..........
    6) No Coffee / Green Tea only............................
    7) watch sodium........................................................
    8) Enjoy LIFE :bigsmile: ........................................

    What to do for July fourth? :bigsmile: No plans of yet :ohwell: But I don't plan on sitting around twiddling my thumbs :bigsmile:

    Whats everyone else doing?
  • MissConfidence
    Sunday, July 3

    1) My July "dailies" - MOST...
    2) Walk one hour - HOUR AND A HALF!
    3) Water 2 liters - +Some
    4) Fiber 30 grams - NOT QUITE... MORE LIKE 15 :/
    5) Have a great day at work full of accomplishments (well, at least 3) - WENT OK
    6) Shop for veggies and fruits - NOPE...
    7) Log - NOT A FULL DAY AGAIN!
    8) D2 W1 push up challenge - YUP

    That's it. Really trying to work on being more active this month, just throughout the day. That's why I came up with the dailies so I can do them every so often when I catch myself sitting too long at work!

    Have a great rest of the weekend everyone :)

    OK, not the greatest. I know what I need to work on. Leela, the dailies are going pretty good - so far only 3 consistent days but I am sore so that means I am working something I haven't in a while!! :)

    Monday, July 4

    1) The usual - water, log, fiber, and july dailies
    2) Walk 4 miles
    3) Catch up on dailies I've slacked on
    4) Catch up on work, calls and emails
    5) Dogs to the park? (They will love me forever after all)
    6) Apartment hunt!! Fun, fun.

    Have a great 4th everyone! And stay safe out there.
  • TeresaSavage
    TeresaSavage Posts: 1,506 Member
    WELCOME :flowerforyou:

    LadyByrd.... congrats on that 32 lbs weight loss, Whoo Hoo :drinker:

    ActiveTami....... flossing teeth daily. Was to funny :laugh:

    Ally-Clare......... Great Job eating those veggies. My two worst veggies ever :wink:

    Kathy.. I started out great today too, Then Dinner comes & hubby bbq's Ribs & chicken & I had to pig out. UGH!!! Your not alone