July- Day by Day Challenge- pt 11 (OPEN)



  • Ally_Clare
    Ally_Clare Posts: 355 Member

    Tuesday 5th:

    1. Gym tonight (yep)
    2. No more takeout (yesterday takeout free)
    3. Make wise food choices (started off well...)
    4. Squats, lunges, dumbell exercises (nup)

    Wednesday 6th:

    1. exercise dvd
    2. log food..all of it!
    3. go for a walk
    4. eat vegies
  • frubjious
    frubjious Posts: 355
    1. Log everything - Yes
    2. Water - Yes
    3. Call caterer for friends party - No, seroius fail there
    4. Make a packed lunch for work tomorrow. - No but whipped it up this morning no mayo sandwiches from the shops for me today.

    Morning everyone,

    Things are starting to get a little calmer here. Mr Man started his new job yesterday, he was away over night and won't be back till late tonight so it's giving me a chance to get a few things sorted before he gets back. Thanks to all my lovley MFPs for sticking with me.

    Wednesdays Goals:

    1. Under on calories
    2. At least 30 minutes of cardio
    3. Water - Have 2litre bottle on my desk and i want that baby emprty by home time today.
    4. Phone the caterers!

    Hope you all have a lovely day. See you later.

  • toadiejones
    toadiejones Posts: 608 Member
    July 5
    1. Do Day 5 of 30 DS - Nope
    2. Get. Dang. Run. Done. - Check! My 1st 5k outside!
    3. Drink 2 L of water - Not sure. Didn't fill up my usual jug.
    4. Clean off craft table & desk, vacuum stairs & 2nd floor - Check
    5. Get new cat food - Nope. Gotta do this
    6. Take kids somewhere fun - Check. Went to Botanical Gardens and played in the Children's garden
    7. Going to jump on the flossing bandwagon :happy: - Check. Don't know why I ever get out of this habit. Feels so much better.
    8. Log and stay under calorie :grumble: - Check. Was too low though.

    July 6
    1. Do Day 5 of 30DS
    2. Elliptical tonight
    3. Drink 2L of water
    4. Take care of kitty stuff
    5. Wash kitchen and playroom floor.
    6. Log & stay under calorie

    Have a great day!
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Goals for July 5:
    1. WateYes,
    2. Track my foods and stay UNDER my calorie goal!--Yes and no--went over.
    3. 15 minute workout before work--Done!
    4. Bed by 9:30.--Yes, but had a tough time falling asleep.

    Leela--Been meaning to tell you--LOVE the picture of your daughter! She looks so cute in that Zumba outfit!

    TIme to get moving!

    Have a great day, everyone!

    Goals for July 6:
    1. Water.
    2. Track my foods and stay UNDER my calorie goals!
    3. Exercise before work.
    4. Bed by 9:30.
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    Kathy, thanks, I want to get her her own zumba shirt. she does zumba every other Saturday and sometimes on Mondays when it doesn't conflict with other things that we're doing.
    I didn't get my goals accomplished yesterday, but I did cook all my meals and brewed a quart of tea to set myself up for success for today!
    July 6 goals:
    1. do things around the house before getting on mfp...ALREADY DONE.
    2. eat a good breakfast before zumba (the workout in so intense with cardio, zumba and training, sometimes I get light headed at the end).
    3. cardio, zumba, training (as mentioned in #2)
    4. fill out applications and make a few phone calls while daughter is at day camp
    5. get her packed for girl scout weekend camp, she leaves Friday morning.

    Okay, gotta run. I'll have more time to chat later!!
  • LadyByrd77
    LadyByrd77 Posts: 115 Member
    Goals for July 5:
    1. Day 2 of 30DS
    2. Complete Zumba Sculpt and Tone and flat Abs DVD
    3. Drink more water
    4. Eat more veggies
    5. Do some laundry
    6. End the day by getting pampered with a mani and pedi
    Yesterday completed Day 2 of 30DS and Zumba Cardio Party DVD. Drank alot water and ate veggies. Had to postpone laundry and mani and pedi...hopefully will get that done today.

    Goals for July 6:
    1.Complete L1D3 of 30 DS
    2.Decrease sodium intake
    3.Zumba Cardio Party Dvd
    4.Try to make it to Zumba class tonight with my girlfriends
    Everyone have a great day!!!!
  • TeresaSavage
    TeresaSavage Posts: 1,506 Member
    Hi Ladies

    I'm slacking big time, I see I didn't set any goals for 2 days straight. With other challenge groups & work & exercise I'm not able to make the time :grumble: . BUT I am trying :wink:

    July 7th Thursday

    1) Stretch
    2) walk before coming online / 5.5 miles
    3) Eat those darn veggies
    4) watch the sodium / drink lots of water

    Leela.. Is this your daughters first time away from home? I remember at age 9 going to a bible camp for the weekend & I was a wreck with sobs:sad: , But I got through it by that evening. I had two of my cousin's go with me :bigsmile: .
    LOL , I wish I could do it all over again ( Live life)

    Getting to bed early should also be my goal, Here it is 10:15 pm. :ohwell: Well! No Night work tomorrow, SO I should get to bed at a resonable time.

    Okay Night night ladies, I hope you all have a very wonderful Thursday
  • frubjious
    frubjious Posts: 355
    Wednesdays Goals:

    1. Under on calories - Yes
    2. At least 30 minutes of cardio - Yes - 105 minutes in fact
    3. Water - Yes!
    4. Phone the caterers! - Yes but not answer, emailed also. Must try again today

    Thursdays Goals

    1. Keep trying the caterer
    2. Water
    3. Under on calories
    4. House work, the choas is starting to get depth rather then just surface area.:frown:
    5. Chase up outstanding people for hen/bachelorette party.
    6. Body Combat this evening

    have a lovely day!
  • toadiejones
    toadiejones Posts: 608 Member
    July 6
    1. Do Day 5 of 30DS - Check
    2. Elliptical tonight - Nope
    3. Drink 2L of water - Check
    4. Take care of kitty stuff - Nope
    5. Wash kitchen and playroom floor. - Nope
    6. Log & stay under calorie - Nope

    Ugh. Not a great day goal wise. It was so stinkin' hot I had 0 motivation. But I did have a lovely day with the kids so it wasn't all bad!

    July 7
    1. Do Day 6 of 30 DS
    2. Do run or elliptical
    3. Drink 2L of water
    4. Log and stay under calorie
    5. Pay bills
    6. Take care of kitty stuff
    7. In bed before 10:00

    Have a great day everyone!
  • ohiogirl30
    ohiogirl30 Posts: 141 Member
    July 8th

    Return emails
    Drink 1/2 my bodt weight in water
    Touch base with 1 family member today.
    Swim 5 laps in the pool.
    Flip mattresses and change sheets.
    Stay under calorie goal.
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Goals for July 6:
    1. Water.--Yes.
    2. Track my foods and stay UNDER my calorie goals!--No and no.
    3. Exercise before work.--Yes.
    4. Bed by 9:30.--No.

    Goals for July 7:
    1. Water.
    2. TRACK MY FOOD!!!
    3. 15 minutes of exercise.--Done.
    4. BED WHEN TIRED!!!

    I'm letting myself get too tired in the evenings and I know that is when I mess up. I need to nap or something when its a hot day and I'm working--it gets about 20 degrees hotter in the garden center!
    I have also put a toothbrush and toothpaste in the downstairs bathroom--I plan to brush after supper. Maybe that will help to remind myself that I am finished eating for the day!
    It is going to be MUCH cooler today so that should help, too!

    Hang in there, everyone! Let's all have a great day!
  • Mommawarrior
    Mommawarrior Posts: 897 Member
    Hey ya all.....
    Sorry I have been afk for a couple days. Tuesday morning I opened our mail only to find out that someone has stolen my husband's identity, and my daughter who has job issues, and my mind has been so occupied with these things that I haven't even set a goal the last 2 days. Of course Tuesday's goals were shot all to heck....but I did manage to grocery shop yesterday, no list, no menu, but at least we have food.
    No worries, Jesus didn't fall off his throne, he is still in control, I am just mentally and physically exhausted.

    July 7th goals
    1. Get my 5 mile run in (running a half marathon August 21st)
    2. Register for the 5K that I am doing with a fellow MFP member and dear friend atucker_mom. It is August 13th.
    3. Laundry.......MAYBE cause I don't want to set my hopes too high on this....you know me!
    4. Separate the packs of chicken I bought at the store yesterday.

    I hope you all have a great day.
    pmjsmom....how is the taking your lunch thing going?
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    Momma- wb!!!

    Kathy- its funny that you mentioned that about your toothbrush. something similiar happened the other night. My daughter asked would I brush with her before she went to bed. I do ocassionally, just to make sure she is brushing thoroughly. And so after I brushed, I didn't want the icecream that I had been craving for all evening!!
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    I completed all my Weds goals, but didn't come back to check in officially. didn't log my goals for today, I was off to a rough start, but had a good recovery. including 6 miles at the gym!! I will be on later to post Friday's goals tonight.
  • sl1mmy
    sl1mmy Posts: 185
    I forgot to report yesterday so :

    1: go to sleep before 10:30 : YES
    2: 1.5 liter of water : YES
    3: Make grocery : YES
    4: Keep off computer an hour in morning and in afternoon YES
    5: 1/2 hour on treadmill NO
    6: sweep the floor everywere YES

    not so bad after all but lacking exercise my hardest goal
  • sl1mmy
    sl1mmy Posts: 185
    Tomorrow I will have a friend home. She is a danse classmate. She comes to swim in my river. L'Assomption river. Its very cold so I dont know if I'm gonna swim too or I will just sit on the rocks.

    Today was a good day

    1: drank 1.5litres
    2: exercised a lot doing household cleaning
    3: loged everything and was under my calories goal
    4: was off computer most of the day !

    tomorrow goals

    1: enjoy life and my visit
    2: not stressing about what is she gonna think of me when she see my house
    3: Mow the grass
    4: stay under my calories limit
    5: report on MFP

    See You Tomorrow !
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    July 6: (HAHA, I wrote June earlier)
    1) Pre-plan and stick to it!!! NO
    2) Earlier to bed NO
    3) Piano practice, NO - did today though
    4) D5W2 Ri30 - NO
    5) Pack more for school - only 58 days now!! A LITTLE

    July 7:
    1) Healthy dinner
    2) Change negative thinking! :smooched:

    July 8:
    1) Motivate self to workout during the DAY, and not when the idea hits at night that it might have been a good idea to workout earlier
    2) Healthy foods - all day - mostly raw, if possible
    3) Positive thoughts and self-talk
  • Mommawarrior
    Mommawarrior Posts: 897 Member
    July 7th goals
    1. Get my 5 mile run in (running a half marathon August 21st) - YES
    2. Register for the 5K that I am doing with a fellow MFP member and dear friend atucker_mom. It is August 13th. No....gonna wait till payday I think....
    3. Laundry.......MAYBE cause I don't want to set my hopes too high on this....you know me! - NO and I really don't care! I am going to bed.....LOL
    4. Separate the packs of chicken I bought at the store yesterday. -YES

    Hope everyone had a good day.

    July 8th goals
    1. Run my 3 miles
    2. Do some upper body strength training.
    3. LAUNDRY.....I may not care but my husband does. LOL
    4. Try not to even think about the identity theft issue cause Jesus has it under control.

    Steph, you okay? I see you are thinking negatively. Hope you are alright!
  • TeresaSavage
    TeresaSavage Posts: 1,506 Member
    July 7th Thursday

    1) Stretch ......yes
    2) walk before coming online / 5.5 miles... NO! It rained so only did 1.5 miles on treadmill
    3) Eat those darn veggies............................Yes!! :drinker:
    4) watch the sodium / drink lots of water..................Bad On Sodium

    JULY 8th

    1) Brush teeth right after dinner :bigsmile: ........................... Thanks Kathy... That should really help stop eating after dinner
    2) Walk 5.5 miles before coming online.........................
    3) Serious Sodium watch today......................................
    4) 2 veggies............................................................................
    5) stay on planned food diary of 1300 calories.....................
  • frubjious
    frubjious Posts: 355
    Thursdays Goals

    1. Keep trying the caterer- yes but no joy
    2. Water - yes
    3. Under on calories - yes
    4. House work - not enough
    5. Chase up outstanding people for hen/bachelorette party. - No, couldn't face another day of nagging
    6. Body Combat this evening - Yes! It was brilliant!


    Had a lovely evening yesterday. i tried out a new gym, which not as shiny as my current gym is cheaper, right next to my favourite park for running and close enough to walk to. It was great! I even bumped into an old school friend i haven't seen for years.

    Fridays goals:
    1. Under on calories
    2. Water
    3. Caterers
    4. House work

    Have a lovely day.