July- Day by Day Challenge- pt 11 (OPEN)



  • toadiejones
    toadiejones Posts: 608 Member
    July 7
    1. Do Day 6 of 30 DS - Nope. I do it in our basement playroom because it has foam mats. Yesterday I starting cleaning the floor, picked up some mats to find this nasty yellow/brown liquid under the entire floor. *gag* Turns out that a drain in a window well was plugged and this sludgy water has been seeping through the water frame. So had to spend all evening fixing the drain, cleaning up the mess, disinfecting the floor, etc. Ugh.
    2. Do run or elliptical - Yes. Last day of c25k
    3. Drink 2L of water - Nope
    4. Log and stay under calorie - Yes
    5. Pay bills - Nope
    6. Take care of kitty stuff - Yes.
    7. In bed before 10:00 - Nope...was still scrubbing floor.

    July 8
    1. Do Day 6 of 30DS
    2. Drink 2 L of water
    3. Get gift for birthday party
    4. Pay bills
    5. Convince hubby to sign up for Warrior Dash in September with me. :happy:
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Goals for July 7:
    1. Water.--Yes.
    2. TRACK MY FOOD!!!--Yes.
    3. 15 minutes of exercise.--Done
    4. BED WHEN TIRED!!!--No!

    Momma--I am SO sorry for all you are going through! I am praying for you and your family! I've been doing well with sticking to what I take for my lunch--now I just need to work on the extras in the evenings! (Getting better there, too, though!)

    Leela--Yeah, it works. And if you DO eat something--it generally doesn't taste very good mixed with the flavor of toothpaste!

    sl1mmy--Have a good time with your friend today!

    Steph--I have to watch the negative thinking, too. We are our own worse critics, it seems.

    Kim--How nice to run into an old friend!

    toadiejones--I'm sure you burned more calories cleaning up that mess! Gross!

    Goals for July 8:
    1. Water.
    2. Track my food and stay in my calorie goals.
    3. 15 minutes of exercise.
    4. Brush teeth right after dinner--best time to do it, Teresa!
    5. Watch the evening snacking and GO TO BED IF TIRED!!!
  • TeresaSavage
    TeresaSavage Posts: 1,506 Member
    JULY 8th

    1) Brush teeth right after dinner :bigsmile: ........................... Thanks Kathy... That should really help stop eating after dinner
    2) Walk 5.5 miles before coming online.........................YES
    3) Serious Sodium watch today......................................Yes! Pretty good so far
    4) 2 veggies............................................................................No!!! yeah maybe if I get a pickle in later ;-)
    5) stay on planned food diary of 1300 calories.....................still early come back tonight

    I didn't stretch this morning But I jumped on the trampoline for 10 minutes instead and got the metabolism going before my 5 mile walk.
    I bought a new cellphone today so hopefully I can figure out how to use it, So I can respond more often :wink:
    I'm having problems getting online with my laptop computer So I'm on the old desk in another room :grumble:
  • sl1mmy
    sl1mmy Posts: 185
    Tomorrow I will have a friend home. She is a danse classmate. She comes to swim in my river. L'Assomption river. Its very cold so I dont know if I'm gonna swim too or I will just sit on the rocks. ..... Yes I did go in the water.

    1: enjoy life and my visit...................YES, very pleasant !
    2: not stressing about what is she gonna think of me when she see my house.........Before she arrived, stopped stressing when she praised me
    3: Mow the grass ......... Yes before visit of course !
    4: stay under my calories limit ........... No but not much over after all !
    5: report on MFP ........ Here I am !

    So it was a great day !!
  • Ally_Clare
    Ally_Clare Posts: 355 Member
    Sorry! I'm back :)

    I've been doing pretty well lately, been going to the gym and walking whenever i can. I'll start with Sayurdays goals:

    1. Either do exercise dvd or go to gym
    2. drink lots of water
    3. sleep before 11
    4. wake up early
    5. log food

    Have a great saturday everyone xx
  • frubjious
    frubjious Posts: 355
    Fridays goals:
    1. Under on calories - No but did go crazy
    2. Water - No, this was shamefully low
    3. Caterers - Still no luck, think I'm going to have to drive down there and knock on their door.
    4. House work - No

    It's the weekend! Yay! We made it!

    I didn't anything I set out to do yesterday, I worked late (missing my yoga class ) and had a glass of wine with a bowl of pasta, not diet food but I'm not going to lose sleep over it.

    Its up to London to help a friend take photo's of the city for her MA today. Really looking forward to it, she always makes laugh the entire day through. It does means though that temptation will be extra strong today.

    Saturday's Goals:
    1. Have fun
    2. Don't go nuts

    Hope you all have a great day!
  • Mommawarrior
    Mommawarrior Posts: 897 Member

    July 8th goals
    1. Run my 3 miles - Yeppers, then went and bought new running shoes!
    2. Do some upper body strength training. - No.... :(
    3. LAUNDRY.....I may not care but my husband does. LOL - Sortof, it got done, but I talked my hubby into doing it!
    4. Try not to even think about the identity theft issue cause Jesus has it under control. - Didn't fret on it, just prayed alot!

    So, frubjious, hope the new gym works out well for you because it being close enough to walk to and near your running spot is good for gas mileage!

    Hope you all have a great day!

    July 9th
    1. Clean house cause we have company coming tomorrow to stay for I don't know how long. LOL
    2. Map out my 8 mile run for tomorrow.
    3. Figure out menu for the month.
  • toadiejones
    toadiejones Posts: 608 Member
    July 8
    1. Do Day 6 of 30DS - Check!
    2. Drink 2 L of water - Check!
    3. Get gift for birthday party - Check!
    4. Pay bills - Check (except for 1 I have to mail today)
    5. Convince hubby to sign up for Warrior Dash in September with me. :happy: - Well, I was able to arrange a sitter. And I mentioned it to hubby at dinner. I got a scowl. I'll keep working on him.

    1. Do Day 7 of 30DS
    2. Drink my water
    3. Enjoy time with family cheering on hubby for corporate challenge (kickball today!)
  • TeresaSavage
    TeresaSavage Posts: 1,506 Member
    JULY 8th

    1) Brush teeth right after dinner :bigsmile: ........................... Yes & it helped me to not snack later YAY!!!!! :drinker:
    2) Walk 5.5 miles before coming online.........................YES
    3) Serious Sodium watch today......................................Yes! Pretty good so far
    4) 2 veggies............................................................................No!!! yeah maybe if I get a pickle in later ;-) No No No!!!!!
    5) stay on planned food diary of 1300 calories.....................Changed dinner plans forgot I had to work

    Saturday July 9th

    No Stretch / No trampoline

    No walk either, It poured raining here this morning moment's before I was headed out the door. It's nice now at 9:30 am But the streets are flooded. I'm planning on going to see a movie with my dear Mom.

    I'm so excited! I'm finally seeing the scale go down, Its about time. I've been stuck on 146 to 148 & 145 for so long, I was getting a little concerned. The only thing thats working for me is walking 5 miles every day & eating close to 1300 calories. I think all I need to lose now is 5 more pounds & Then I need to concentrate on maintaining that for LIFE!! :wink:

    My goals for the rest of the day:

    1) Stay under calorie allowance 1350
    2) Enjoy life
    3) walk tonight
    4) water
    5) Veggies

    Sounds like alot of you are doing GREAT:

    Toad...... Kickball ! OOoooooo I want to play.. Thats so fun! I haven't played since high school 9th grade :bigsmile:
    Frub....... I love when I go off my scheldule & I still have No guilt !! :blushing: wine & pasta sounds romantic :laugh:
    Momma.... Enjoy your company, Hopefully they don't over stay there welcome :wink:
    Ally..... Awesome ! Sounds like your on the right track :drinker:
    1mmy..... Did you get in that river or sit on the rocks? Hope you had fun!
    Leela where are you? :flowerforyou:

    Okay time for me to get off this computer, The suns shining. You all have a wonderful day.
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Goals for July 8:
    1. Water.--Yes.
    2. Track my food and stay in my calorie goals.--Yes and almost.
    3. 15 minutes of exercise.--Yes.
    4. Brush teeth right after dinner--best time to do it, Teresa!--No. Should have cuz then i'd have stayed in my calorie goal!
    5. Watch the evening snacking and GO TO BED IF TIRED!!!--Snacked a little, then realized what I was doing and went to bed.

    Over all, yesterday was not bad, foodwise. My choices were 90% good ones and I did stop the mindless snacking when I realized what I was doing.

    I really need to get to the grocery store today. Getting low on almost everything!

    Well, I heaar the others starting to stir so I better get going. Hope you all have a great day!

    Goals for July 9:
    1. Water.
    2. Track my food and stay in my calorie goals.
    3. 30 minutes of exercise.
    4. Brush teeth right after dinner.
  • PSUgrl921
    PSUgrl921 Posts: 368 Member
    Hello everyone!

    Wow... I had no clue this thread would continue on so long! Thank you to everyone who has kept it going and it's so great to see all the new faces! Leela... you're awesome and I'm so glad you still check in here everyday! Also Nam... I saw it in the statuses... awesome job on your 10k!!!

    I just got a new computer... which will make it easier to get on. For those of you who don't know me, I'm Nicole! I'm 22 and a college student currently home for the summer. I used to be a fairly active member but this summer has been really rough. I'm finally on track though... not so down in the dumps after being fired from a job I love for something that wasn't my fault. Basically-- under the circumstances, someone had to take the fall and I was the person the highest up that could do so.

    I've actually been doing really well fitness wise-- going to the gym at least four times a week. Eating wise not so good but I plan to get back on track starting today. The gym was my saving grace the past couple of weeks as I went through bartending school and tried to get over the major loss of something to do and seeing my friends every day.

    So ... goals for tonight/tomorrow.

    1. Check in on here at least once!!
    2. Log all food and exercise.
    3. Be good at my brother's birthday picnic.
    4. Write my essay.

    It's so good to be baaaaccccckkkk!!!

  • sl1mmy
    sl1mmy Posts: 185
    I woke-up this morning without my voice ! All day with loss of voice. I was at a dance party with my line dance school. We enjoyed the great weather and I ate a little too much. So nice home made cakes !! And one beer... in fact two... but we dansed and had fun.
    I had to go row a little to be able to have my night snack. So I'm under my limit for the day.

    Teresa... Yes I went in the river up to the chin. BRRR cold in the beginning but not so bad after a couple of minutes. The flow of water was too big to swim but we had fun.

    Goals for tomorrow :

    1: Shut up my mouth to let my voice heal !
    2: stay under limit:smile:
    3: row 5000 m
    4: 1.5 Litre of water
    5: make new friends on MFP:drinker: Every one is welcome !
    6: stay off computer 2 hours am and 2 hours pm:sad:


    Have a nice day ! :flowerforyou:
  • Mommawarrior
    Mommawarrior Posts: 897 Member
    July 9th
    1. Clean house cause we have company coming tomorrow to stay for I don't know how long. LOL - NO
    2. Map out my 8 mile run for tomorrow. -YES
    3. Figure out menu for the month. - No

    As if my husband's identity being stolen and the guy who stole it racking up several (and I mean lots of severals) thousands of dollars worth of debt in my husband's name and my daughter's issues with work weren't enough.............I HAVE A PRETTY NASTY STAPH INFECTION TO BOUT.
    So, I woke up feeling horrible, skipped our Saturday bike ride :(
    I did go to my hair cut appointment but that is only cause I didn't have her number to cancel. Then went to the doc for what I thought was some poison oak and found out it was staph instead and that would explain why I have felt horrible the last few days.
    So, for tonight, don't care about the house or a menu. I hope I care in the morning cause our house guest is coming and I would like at least a clean bathroom for him and some food. LOL

    July 10th
    1. Run my 8 miles as per my training schedule...I really hope I can do this sick....
    2. Clean the house before Dave gets here.
    3. I have no three. I will sleep after that I am sure!

    I hope you all have a great Sunday.
    Teresa, you are so close to your goal...congratulations. I know you can get those last few pounds gone.
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Goals for July 9:
    1. Water.--Some, but should have had more
    2. Track my food and stay in my calorie goals.--Yes and no.
    3. 30 minutes of exercise.--No.
    4. Brush teeth right after dinner.--No. (That's why #2 has a 'no' in it!)
    5. GO TO BED WHEN TIRED!!!--Yes.

    Well, as usual, weekends appear to be my downfall. I am stopping this pattern TODAY!

    Nicole--So nice to see you back! Sorry about losing your job but happy about you getting a new computer.

    sl1mmy--VERY IMPORTANT!!!--If you HAVE to talk, try to do so naturally, don't whisper! Whispering is actually harder on your vocal cords and throat than regular talking is! Of course, it's best is you can manage to not talk at all--which would be VERY hard for me! LOL!

    Leela--Sorry to hear about the staph infection. Is it the resistant strain? My daughters had that. One picked it up at the gym and then the other managed to get it, too! Keep it covered and I hope it heals quickly!

    Goals for July 10:
    1. WATER!!!
    2. Track my foods and STAY IN MY CALORIE GOAL!
    3. 30 minutes of exercise and I hope to make up for yesterday's lack of a workout.
    4. Brush my teeth right after dinner.
    5. Bed by 9:30.
  • sl1mmy
    sl1mmy Posts: 185

    1: Shut up my mouth to let my voice heal ...........................Yes, alone home with my two dogs and not much to say
    2: stay under limit ......... yes ....:smile:
    3: row 5000 m .....no I have a sore in my butt, I have to sit with an O, I can't walk either.
    4: 1.5 Litre of water.....YES
    5: make new friends on MFP:drinker: Every one is welcome ! .....I have one
    6: stay off computer 2 hours am and 2 hours pm:sad: ..........no I kept sticked to it ( on my O pillow of course )
    Have a nice day ! :flowerforyou:
  • PSUgrl921
    PSUgrl921 Posts: 368 Member

    1. Check in on here at least once!!
    2. Log all food and exercise.
    3. Be good at my brother's birthday picnic.
    4. Write my essay.

    Fail. I don't even remember what all I ate today. I was doing well until after lunch.
    Didn't have the picnic so didn't have to worry :)
    About to start.... ugh.

    Mommawarrior: That's awful! I have never known anyone who had their identity stolen but I'm sure it's one major headache to get everything back on track. Good luck!
    pmjsmom: Thanks for the welcome!
    Leela: I'm sorry about the staph infection! Hope it gets better soon!

    Goals for tomorrow:

    1. Day 1 of C25k. (I hate running and I'm very nervous about this)
    2. Pack healthy snacks for my road trip (Traveling to state college and I always want to stop at McDonald's when I do this)
    3. Track calories! (We'll try this again!)

    Have a good day tomorrow everyone!!!
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    July 7:
    1) Healthy dinner YES - this is the only one I could remember I did...
    2) Change negative thinking! :smooched:

    July 8:
    1) Motivate self to workout during the DAY, and not when the idea hits at night that it might have been a good idea to workout earlier
    2) Healthy foods - all day - mostly raw, if possible
    3) Positive thoughts and self-talk
    July 11:
    1) Zumba

    Mommawarrior... Yeah, I'm OK. Thanks so much for asking. Things are just sucky, but it will get better again. Hope things are going well. :flowerforyou:
    Steph--I have to watch the negative thinking, too. We are our own worse critics, it seems.
    pmjsmom... That's for sure... :grumble:
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Goals for July 10:
    1. WATER!!!--MUCH better than usual for a weekend day!
    2. Track my foods and STAY IN MY CALORIE GOAL!--Yes and YES!!!
    3. 30 minutes of exercise and I hope to make up for yesterday's lack of a workout.--Yes and not quite.
    4. Brush my teeth right after dinner.--Yes. It really does help!
    5. Bed by 9:30.--Almost.

    Well, it's Monday. 'Nough said! LOL!

    Hope everyone has a wonderful day!

    Goals for July 11:
    1. Water.
    2. Track my foods and stay in my calorie goal.
    3. 15 minutes of exercise.
    4. Brush my teeth right after dinner.
    5. Bed by 9:30.
  • toadiejones
    toadiejones Posts: 608 Member
    Nicole - I just finished c25k. You will do awesome! The program is really great and you will be running for 30 mins before you know it!
    pj'smom & Steph - I'm right there with you on the negative thinking and being ones own worst enemy. Had a system shut-down yesterday beating myself up. Trying to pull myself back up today!
    July 9
    1. Do Day 7 of 30DS - Check
    2. Drink my water - Nope
    3. Enjoy time with family cheering on hubby for corporate challenge (kickball today!) - Check

    Missed yesterday.

    July 11
    1. Get to gym
    2. Drink water
    3. Get 1st floor under control
    4. Make all the calls I need to do today
    5. In bed before 10.

    Have a great day everyone!
  • Mommawarrior
    Mommawarrior Posts: 897 Member
    July 10th
    1. Run my 8 miles as per my training schedule...I really hope I can do this sick.... - YES, but I had to walk the last 2 miles without my shoes on cause I started to get a blister (new shoes) and didn't want it to get bad.
    2. Clean the house before Dave gets here. - YES....Thank you Jesus
    3. I have no three. I will sleep after that I am sure! YEP, slept for at least 5 hours during the day.

    Leela, do you have a staph infection too? I am sorry! You didn't get it from me. LOL

    July 11th
    1. strength training
    2. Enjoy our company and not fret that I can't go to the farm to work cause of this stupid staff infection.
    3. Laundry since I have to be home anyways.

    Steph, I will be praying for you!