July- Day by Day Challenge- pt 11 (OPEN)



  • toadiejones
    toadiejones Posts: 608 Member
    Mammawarrior - I'm so sorry. That's really heartbreaking news after all that training. But, I agree with Teresa...healing is more important. Take good care of yourself and another half-marathon will be waiting for you at another time. It gives you a chance to be even stronger!

    Whoa, did I ever fall off the wagon yesterday! And my scale says I gained 2lbs from yesterday. You suck scale. I'm not looking at you again until Monday.
    July 14
    1. 30 DS - No. Got only 4.5 hours sleep before youngest woke up. Dead tired. Then a tiring day. Passed out shortly after 9.
    2. Water & under calorie - No. Ate very bad choice at lunch trying to save money and it doomed me for the rest of the day
    3. Get in additional cardio -No. Does packing a 25lb toddler on your back for 3 hours count?
    4. Have fun with kids - This at least I did. Spent 5 hours at the science center with them.
    5. Build at least 1 game of block party - No. But at least got some supplies

    July 15.
    1. Water & under calorie
    2. 30 DS - I need to get back to this daily!
    3. Go to gym. It's my run day but my knees and ankles are killing me. Elliptical is another option
    4. Build 2 block party games
    5. Try a find a sitter for a date night
  • Mommawarrior
    Mommawarrior Posts: 897 Member
    Thanks ya all. I know that the doc is right, I am just frustrated cause running has been a love of mine and I was seriously injured a few years ago and it took till just a few months ago for it to heal enough that I could run and so all the training will have to start all over and man, it is not fun the first couple weeks! LOL.
    But I will listen to the doc, he is a good one. I will bike, go to the gym, and wait. OH, I CAN'T GO TO THE FARM UNTIL IT IS CLOSED EITHER CAUSE THE CUT IS AT THE BOTTOM OF MY LEG, AND THEY DON'T WANT ANY DIRT GETTING UP IN UNDER FROM UNDER MY PANT LEG! It is hay season, I should be on a tractor!!!!!! UUUUUUUGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHH

    Forget to set goals yesterday....too busy being upset! LOL

    July 15th
    1. get menu made
    2. get grocery list made
    3. shop so we can eat!
    That is gonna take all day!

    Hope you all have a great day!
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Goals for July 14:
    1. Water.--Yes.
    2. Track food and STAY IN CALORIES!--Yes and close, but no.
    3. 15 minutes of exercise.--Yes.
    4. Brush teeth right after dinner.--No.
    5. Bed by 9:30.--No.

    Well, another rough day in the food department. Today is payday and I am going to pick up some healthy but good snacks for this evening. I have a friend coming over so I need to watch it!

    sl1mmy--Love 'give myself credit 3 times'!

    Momma--So sorry about your half marathon. Get well. There will be other marathons! (And maybe, just maybe, you'll be able to do this one!)

    Teresa--Have fun with your other challenges and see you in September!

    toadie--Hang in there. Seriously doubt you ate 7,000 calories (= 2lbs.) over so its probably from the sodium in your lunch! Lots of water will take care of that.

    I am slipping and need to get back on track!

    Goals for July 15:
    1. Water.
    2. Track my foods and stay in my calorie goals. (This will be tough as there is company coming and beer will be consumed!)
    3. Get the yard finished, (It's been raining and so I haven't gotten to it yet.
    4. Watch the beer, etc. intake this evening!
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    Nicole, so great to see you! glad you're home for the sumer and still staying true to yourself with your workouts and eating plan.

    So guys, this next week is going to be a trying week for me.
    I'd like to :
    a) eat healthy and nothing after 9pm
    b) water, water, water
    c) exercise daily.
    d) don't stress out!

    I'll come on as I can.

    Sorry I haven't been around. I have been trying to keep up with my goals. Some easier than others.
  • PSUgrl921
    PSUgrl921 Posts: 368 Member

    Goals for today:

    1. Eat well and stay under calorie goal. Check
    2. Running workout (not doing C25K because it's a pain in the butt on the treadmill), and some weightlifting) Check
    3. Reading Fail
    4. Bank to figure out a banking account issue. check
    5. Finish touch ups in the kitchen. O did I fail. I moved the fridge to get behind there and broke a water pipe to the ice maker. Then when we tried to turn that off it sprung a leak in the basement. Luckily, we have a very handy neighbor who was able to just disconnect the ice box line and sauder the line shut since the ice box doesn't work anyway. Craziness!

    Have a good day everyone!

    Well today is a break day. My muscles are sore and tired and I'm exhausted. So I won't be exercising or logging. Now it's not necessarily a cheat day... I'm still going to try to eat well and all... but I need a break. I'm also super frustrated because my scale is not budging AT ALL. It shouldn't matter because I see the changes in my body but it's a making me a little angry. o well.

    mommawarrior- I'm so sorry about your half marathon but like everyone said ... take care of yourself... and maybe with some biking you'll be able to make it out there anyway.

    Hope everybody has a good day today!

  • sl1mmy
    sl1mmy Posts: 185

    1: drink 1.5 litres............. YES
    2: leslie samsone walk half hour...............NO
    3: stay under calories.........YES
    4: half hour in the kitchen........YES
    5: off computer 2 hours this afternoon ( too late for this morning ! )....... YES
    6: rower 1000 or 2000 m ( if my butt permit)............NO
    7: Give myself credit 3 times...........YES


    Not a bad day but no exercise. I'm so lazy. Just dont want to get off my chair. I'm concerned could it be my meds that are too high. I'm a little anxious to cut them down. But willpower seems not enought to get me moving. And I'm not losing any weight since 2 weeks. I tried to increase my eating a little just to see if I could be in starvation mode but it dont seems to do anything. I really dont move enought. I eat a lot better but I think it's also a lot more than my usual eating.

    And no, my voice is not back. My wounds are healing slowly.

    Mommawarrior - Just an idea, why not use a bread bag and duck tape to protect your bandage and enjoy your tractor tour? I would not try to walk in mud with this but the chances are you wont need much than this to ride a tractor. Put a kneehigh sock over it and waterboot if you want to be very secure.

    Teresa - see you in september

    pmjsmom - watch the beer, but enjoy company !

    toadiejones - Be carefull of your knees. And 2 pounds overnight can only be waterweight, dont worry, drink a lot and it will go.

    My goals for today :

    1: water 1.5L
    2: get off computer 1 hour am, 2 hours pm
    3: Kik my @ss to take a walk outside
    4: stay in calories
    5: Give myself credit 3 times

    Have a nice day everyone !

  • Mommawarrior
    Mommawarrior Posts: 897 Member
    Staph infection is worsen not better. I feel horrible and may not be around for a couple days. Hope you all are doing great. If I feel better tomorrow I will catch up with the posts. Have a good night ya all.
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    Sorry guys, I've cut back on some challenges, and I'm clearly not on the boards as much as before, but I really like this group! You are all awesome. :flowerforyou:

    July 11:
    1) Zumba - YES, I went!! :happy:

    July 16+17:
    - OK, I'm not thinking of anything... I want to set goals, but ones that I might actually reach, and I don't feel like doing ANYTHING this weekend...
    1) Make a list of everything I've been putting off
    2) Continue cleaning the house

    I hope everyone is doing well. :flowerforyou: I promise I catch up on all the past posts every time I come back.

    Mommawarrior... Thank you. :heart: I hope you are well. I'm sorry to hear about the race. :frown: Things happen for a reason though. Maybe on your next run, would could have tripped, and fallen, and broken both legs! :flowerforyou: "Pick berries " We did that recently! So yum! I love free nature food!! :love: We want our own little farm so much! I love going to farmers for food! While you heal, just ask someone else (family) to pick your berries. :bigsmile: I pick berries for my mom and siblings sometimes. Take it easy! (You deserve it.)

    Nicole... Keep up with that English reading while you still can! (Speaking from personal experience here. :sick: ) "I'm also super frustrated because my scale is not budging AT ALL. It shouldn't matter because I see the changes in my body but it's a making me a little angry. o well." I know THAT feeling!! :grumble:

    pmjsmom... Noisy inconsiderate neighbours are the worst! This kid upstairs has parties that go until 3am sometimes! :mad: What was the truck doing?

    Niki... Hey, your did do good today, so give yourself some more credit for that! If you cut down on your meds, please check with your doctor first. (My grandma recently had a really bad experience!) And where is that voice? Did you catch something, or did it go away cause of stress, and your body is trying to tell you something? :huh:
  • toadiejones
    toadiejones Posts: 608 Member
    July 15.
    1. Water & under calorie - no idea
    2. 30 DS - I need to get back to this daily! -no
    3. Go to gym. It's my run day but my knees and ankles are killing me. Elliptical is another option - no
    4. Build 2 block party games - 2 almost done
    5. Try a find a sitter for a date night - no

    aaarrrrrgggghhhhh! I have been struggling so much the past couple of days. Not sure what is going on. Just feel so wiped. Going to make today really simple in the hope that I can achieve just 1 goal.

    July 16
    1. Drink 64 ounces of water
    2. Be under calorie
  • Mommawarrior
    Mommawarrior Posts: 897 Member
    Mommawarrior - Just an idea, why not use a bread bag and duck tape to protect your bandage and enjoy your tractor tour? I would not try to walk in mud with this but the chances are you wont need much than this to ride a tractor. Put a kneehigh sock over it and waterboot if you want to be very secure.

    Thanks for the suggestion, however, I don't just drive a tractor for a tour. I actually work on the farm and we do nothing without getting nasty sweaty and covered in diesel fuel and field dirt most days. Just being in the hay field on the tractor is asking for trouble until the wound closes. But I do thank you for the suggestion. I am always looking for a way to get back out there! LOL
    Hope your voice is getting better.

    Steph and Toadie, I hope you both feel better today!
  • PSUgrl921
    PSUgrl921 Posts: 368 Member
    Good morning everyone!!

    Hope everyone had a good Friday!

    toadiejones-- I know how you feel! I've been feeling so tired the past couple of days. That's one of the reasons I took a break day yesterday. I was so tired of absolutely forcing myself to get up. And I laid in bed all day! Which is totally not me. I don't know what's going on. But I feel so much better today so that seemed to be what I needed. Good luck to you!

    mommawarrior-- Hope your leg is feeling at least a little better and that you are able to get out and do something today!

    Steph- Thanks for the encouragement and good to have you back! If anyone understands coming and going it's me! haha.

    Goals for today:

    1. Stay close to calorie goal.
    2. 1 hr. cardio (including some running) and at least a half hour of weightlifting)
    3. Clean my room.
    4. English reading. (I am absolutely determined today since my grade is finally reflecting my lack of dedication to the course).

    Have a good day everyone!

  • sl1mmy
    sl1mmy Posts: 185

    1: water 1.5L......................Yes
    2: get off computer 1 hour am, 2 hours pm..................Yes
    3: Kik my @ss to take a walk outside.............Yes 45 min walk. Very proud of it.
    4: stay in calories..................Yes, but ate cereals for lunch :embarassed:
    5: Give myself credit 3 times ..... maybe twice


    This was a better day! No voice this morning again. That is 8 days. I'm fighting and I will get thru that.
    My sore butt is healing slowly and I had no problems walking yesterday.
    I cut a tiny part of my meds hoping it will help to get me moving. I see my doctor in two weeks so I will have a result by then. ( he is gonna kill me !:grumble: :mad: :angry: but only if things go wrong )

    Mommawarrior - Sorry to hear that things are getting worst. Take the time to heal. Life is long. :flowerforyou:

    toadiejones - Keep it simple. Look the positive side: It wont be difficult to have a day better than yesterday!

    Steph_135 - you don't feel like doing ANYTHING this weekend? Maybe it's time for a little rest. And yes I catched something. A friend of me had this for 2 weeks and had to get antibiotics. I prefer not to have some cause I had c.difficile last time I got

    PSUgrl921 - Hope you enjoyed your rest day. Dont forget that rest is a part of any training. :drinker: a lot of water.

    Goals for today:

    1: drink my 1.5L
    2: walk outside if not too hot
    3: and row 3000m
    4: respect my calories
    5: off computer 1 hour am 2 hours pm
    6: give myself credit 3 times

    Have a nice day everyone !

  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Goals for July 15:
    1. Water.--Yes.
    2. Track my foods and stay in my calorie goals. (This will be tough as there is company coming and beer will be consumed!)--Mostly.
    3. Get the yard finished, (It's been raining and so I haven't gotten to it yet.)--No. Still raining.
    4. Watch the beer, etc. intake this evening!--Yes!

    Had an enjoyable evening and didn't do too badly on the food and beer. We originally planned to barbecue but the weather has NOT been cooperating!

    Nicole--I am stuck also. I also feel bloated so I am going to take another look at my sodium intake. I'm pretty sure that is the main problem for me!

    Momma--I'm praying for you! Sure hope it improves soon.

    Steph--Whoever has the loud truck seems to think its a good idea to gun the motor at every corner or intersection--and any other time he/she wants to! And it is VERY loud--can't be legal but we cannot figure out where they are coming from.( Maybe they don't even live here and just come to visit someone.) All I really know is it is an extremely loud truck!

    I hope everyone has a good day. As for me--time to get back to basics as my weight is up a bit again!

    Goals for July 16:
    1. Water.
    2. At LEAST 30 minutes of exercise!
    3. Track ALL my food!
    4. Brush teeth right after supper.
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    Leela, do you have a staph infection too? I am sorry! You didn't get it from me. LOL

    No I don't! I think it was just a miscommunication somewhere along the line where people thought it was me and not you. I hope you feel better soon.
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    toadiejones... Here's to achieving that one goal! :drinker: You can do it!

    Mommawarrior... I feel very well today thanks. I got out and focused on some other things besides me for a while. :bigsmile: Hope you're having a great weekend.

    Nicole... "Clean my room. " That was like, my only goal for yesterday. Haha, I moved SOME stuff around. :laugh: READ!! :drinker:

    Niki... Congrats on that walk! Please be careful with the cutting back on medication! I firmly disapprove. Maybe you can call them and tell them what is going on, to see if they can help you over the phone, until your appointment in 2 weeks. :flowerforyou: And nope, I really don't feel like doing anything, but I got out and did some stuff, as I said to Momma above, that didn't revolve around me, and it was great.

    pmjsmom... I love BBQs, that's too bad about the rain... If that crazy truck person does that gunning it thing all the time, maybe you can report that it is happening, so maybe a cop can sit at the corner and wait for them. :devil: When I went on a roadtrip a few months ago, my friend and I stayed at her friend's place, and at 5am this guy (I assume it was) was screeching to a stop at every stop sign and then gunning it to the next one, then screeching to a stop, all the way down the road! It made me so mad! :mad: Some people are nuts!
    Leela, do you have a staph infection too? I am sorry! You didn't get it from me. LOL
    No I don't! I think it was just a miscommunication somewhere along the line where people thought it was me and not you. I hope you feel better soon.
    That's not funny really, but I caught that one. :smile:
  • toadiejones
    toadiejones Posts: 608 Member
    July 16
    1. Drink 64 ounces of water - Check
    2. Be under calorie - Nope. About 90 over. But I did make better food choices yesterday so its an improvement. And I at least logged my food. Small steps.

    So. At least I achieved 1 goal. Was wide awake at 3am this morning so got up and watched FatHead (since I've seen people recommend it on here). It was a good reminder that I am completely responsible for my health...and I can make positive choices...or I can ignore common sense and face the consequences. So I had an apple and almonds to snack on, went back to sleep and got up this morning and did 30DS. I'm ready for a new week. Thanks for the support everyone. You guys are really sweet. And its seems like its been a rough week for most. I hope you are all feeling better!

    July 17
    1. Drink 64 ounces of water
    2. Log calories
    3. Eat 5 servings of fruits & veggies
  • PSUgrl921
    PSUgrl921 Posts: 368 Member

    Goals for today:

    1. Stay close to calorie goal. (Check)
    2. 1 hr. cardio (including some running) and at least a half hour of weightlifting) (Check!)
    3. Clean my room. (Check)
    4. English reading. (I am absolutely determined today since my grade is finally reflecting my lack of dedication to the course). (Check!)


    I was oddly motivated yesterday and a feeling the same way today! Which is great! And we have my niece all day today so I'm really excited! Goals for today are...

    1. Drink lots of water.
    2. Stay close to calorie goal and pay at least some attention to those other numbers. (I was working on calories first)
    3. Low impact workout for at least 30 min.
    4. Finish that English homework.

    Have a good day everyone!

  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Goals for July 16:
    1. Water.--Did pretty good for a weekend!
    2. At LEAST 30 minutes of exercise!--No. Ended up watching the baby and though I did play with him, it's not the same!
    3. Track ALL my food!--Ummm, no.
    4. Brush teeth right after supper.--Again, no.

    It was NOT a good day! Stress between DD and her BF do NOT help at all! I keep out of it but they BOTH have so much to learn!:ohwell:

    I'll start again today. It IS a fresh new day, after all!

    Goals for July 17:
    1. Water.
    2. 30 minutes of exercise.
    3. TRACK MY FOOD!!!
    4. Brush teeth right after dinner.
    5. Bed by 9:30.
  • sl1mmy
    sl1mmy Posts: 185
    Goals for today:

    1: drink my 1.5L........ Yes but late in the day so woke up at night :grumble:
    2: walk outside if not too hot..............yes 40 minutes
    3: and row 3000m.......... NO
    4: respect my calories.................Yes
    5: off computer 1 hour am 2 hours pm.............Noit in the AM but most of afternoon
    6: give myself credit 3 times......Well! I forgot :embarassed:

    I went to the fruit market and I bought a lot of vege and fruits and some good cheese and grapegrain oil. First time I try this oil. Supposed to be good for health. I hope good to taste too! I try it this lunch.

    I bought a HRM at Walmart. Not red all the manual yet but seems not to catch heart rate properly. It was a try because if it works I wont have to buy a more expensive one.

    Guess what ??? still no voice! 9 days now. Its a personnal record. If I'm still not right on fryday I will try to see a Dr.

    I cut on my meds but only 3% of the dose. Usually a cut is 10 %. I dont see any change now but it is fine tuning and only for 2 days. I will see. I stay carefull.

    PSUgrl921 - Enjoy the motivation while it is there. Maybe you are getting the habit.

    toadiejones - Nice way to use wake up time at night.

    Steph_135 - Thanks for caring for everyone.

    TeamLeela - Who is this cute little newborn ?

    Well, time to make the challenge for today:

    1: Water 1.5 L
    2: Check calories
    3: row 3000 m
    4: walk outside if not too hot
    5: stay off computer 2 hours pm ( too late for this morning !)
    6: read HRM manual

    Have a nice day everyone !

  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    Niki, that's actually my little one! She's almost 8 now. That's my dad with her in the pic! He's no longer with us so I was honoring him today by posting his pic as my profile.