July- Day by Day Challenge- pt 11 (OPEN)



  • PSUgrl921
    PSUgrl921 Posts: 368 Member
    toadiejones-- thanks for the encouragement! I'm worried that I won't end up with time to start it today but I'm certainly going to try!

    Not a good morning. I need to shift around some goals. I epically failed but I'm going to start fresh now... at 2:

    1. Only healthy foods for the rest of the day!
    2. Finish this stupid paper (since it's past due)
    3. Get in at least a small workout (but preferably C25k

  • TeresaSavage
    TeresaSavage Posts: 1,506 Member

    I'm not doing very good keeping up with the group, Sorry!

    After starting a walking group in my area I've totally neglected my house :frown: . But it's going to stay neglected because i need to concentrate only on myself :bigsmile:
    But Its still difficult coming on and logging in the group. With exercising in the morning's & work Then coming home cooking dinner, Its difficult :frown:

    But I'm not given in, I'm still hanging in.

    Today I walked 5.5 miles, I did NOT stretch before hand. I Did Not get my two veggies In, But i stayed under my calorie goal, which I'm thrilled with.

    Okay Tuesday's GOAL July 12th

    1) STRETCH
    2) Under calorie goal
    3) Walk before coming online
    4) 2 veggies
    5) Weight lifting . I'm off today, I should be able to get it in this time

    THANKS Nicole for starting this thread... :drinker:
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    Nicole, so great to see you! glad you're home for the sumer and still staying true to yourself with your workouts and eating plan.

    So guys, this next week is going to be a trying week for me.
    I'd like to :
    a) eat healthy and nothing after 9pm
    b) water, water, water
    c) exercise daily.
    d) don't stress out!

    I'll come on as I can.
  • toadiejones
    toadiejones Posts: 608 Member
    Teresa - I'm struggling with the house right now too. I feel like when I focus on my fitness, the house falls apart. Then I focus on the house and the kids go insane. So I focus on the kids and then my fitness starts failing again. Its a never-ending cycle!!! Whew. That's why I have it on my list to call a cleaning service this week. :bigsmile:
    July 11
    1. Get to gym - Yes! Got in a run
    2. Drink water - Close
    3. Get 1st floor under control - Yes.
    4. Make all the calls I need to do today - All except cleaning service.
    5. In bed before 10. - Nope. Was still at gym then so I forgive myself.

    July 12
    1. Day 8 30DS
    2. Water & be under calorie
    3. Do some additional cardio today
    4. Call a cleaning service
    5. Do something fun with kids
  • Mommawarrior
    Mommawarrior Posts: 897 Member
    July 11th
    1. strength training - no :cry:
    2. Enjoy our company and not fret that I can't go to the farm to work cause of this stupid staff infection. - yes
    3. Laundry since I have to be home anyways. -yes

    July 12th
    1. Run 3 miles (already got it in!!!! YES)
    2. More laundry, I have to wash the sheets each day and every towel I us.... UGH
    3. Pick berries

  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Goals for July 11:
    1. Water.--Yes
    2. Track my foods and stay in my calorie goal.--Yes and just barely.
    3. 15 minutes of exercise.--No.
    4. Brush my teeth right after dinner.--Yes.
    5. Bed by 9:30.--No.

    So, yesterday was half-and-half. Hope to do better today.:drinker:

    Also, my very last helper at work was laid off yesterday.:sad: Got quite a bit coming in, too. Oh well, I'll just do what I can and not worry about the rest.

    Leela and Momma--I hope both of you heal soon. Those things are bad!

    Hope everyone has a good day.

    Goals for July 12:
    1. Water.
    2. Track my foods and stay in my calories.
    3. 15 minutes of exercise.--Done.
    4. Brush teeth right after dinner.
    5. Bed by 9:30.
  • sl1mmy
    sl1mmy Posts: 185
    Coming back after a day off.

    Another day voiceless !

    My goals for today :

    1: Shut up
    2: doing twice the Leslie Samsone walking video ( one already done )
    3: water 1.5 L
    4: cleaning kitchen
    5: stay under calories limit
    6: go to bed before 10h

    Have a nice day everyone !
  • PSUgrl921
    PSUgrl921 Posts: 368 Member
    Epic fail yesteday on all accounts.

    Goals for today:

    1. Finish my paper (Just handed it in!)
    2. Gym (Start Couch to 5k)
    3. Log all calories and stay reasonably close to my goal
    4. No snacking late at night.
    5. Get some reading done so I'm not as far behind in my English class.

    Have a great day everyone!

  • toadiejones
    toadiejones Posts: 608 Member
    July 12
    1. Day 8 30DS - Check
    2. Water & be under calorie - Check on calorie/short on water
    3. Do some additional cardio today - Did some gardening. But no elliptical or Zumba.
    4. Call a cleaning service - Sent email for quote
    5. Do something fun with kids - Went to library. But it so hot the kids just want to lay around. Never thought the day would come when I have more energy than them!

    July 13
    1. Go for run this afternoon
    2. Skate tonight! YAY!
    3. Water & be under calorie
    4. Stay calm during dr. appointment + 3 playdates today.
    5. Tackle laundry
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Goals for July 12:
    1. Water.--Yes.
    2. Track my foods and stay in my calories.--Yes and yes
    3. 15 minutes of exercise.--Done. Did more later for 30 minutes total.
    4. Brush teeth right after dinner.--No, but soon after.
    5. Bed by 9:30.--Yes, but couldn't sleep (noisy neighbors!).

    I'm feeling so tired right now that I can't even think! Time for some more coffee!

    Hang in there, everyone!

    Goals for July 13:
    1. Water.
    2. Track my foods and stay in my calories.
    3 15 minutes of exercise.
    4: Brush my teeth right after dinner.
    5. Get to bed by 9:30.
  • sl1mmy
    sl1mmy Posts: 185

    1: Shut up........................Yes most of time
    2: doing twice the Leslie Samsone walking video ( one already done )..... No more than the first one
    3: water 1.5 L .........YES
    4: cleaning kitchen....... No :(
    5: stay under calories limit........ Yes
    6: go to bed before 10h....... No watched Biggest losers at 10
    Well, a fifty-fifty day!

    I hope I'm going to do better today.

    My voice is not coming back. Maybe it's more serious that I thought first. Not much to do anyway.
    My buttock wounds are not cured either so no rower for today again.

    A little discouragement.

    I see the glass half empty.

    I think I need your help!

    So I will go for :

    1: drink my water 1.5L
    2: record all and stay under limit
    3: do twice the Leslie Samsone walking video
    4: clean kitchen
    5: finish my knitting
    6: do my best and hope for the best

    Have a nice day everyone !
  • PSUgrl921
    PSUgrl921 Posts: 368 Member

    1. Finish my paper (Just handed it in!)
    2. Gym (Start Couch to 5k)
    3. Log all calories and stay reasonably close to my goal
    4. No snacking late at night.
    5. Get some reading done so I'm not as far behind in my English class.

    Check- not the best but still losing so I'm ok. Better than a couple

    Goals for today:
    1. Log all calories and stay within my calorie goal.
    2. Gym for a less aggressive workout (Check)
    3. Get some reading done
    4. Laundry (Just need to fold the last load)

    Sl1mmy-- we all hit those rough patches when we are just discouraged and frustrated. It will get better. The key is keeping yourself moving through this patch so you'll be ready to get back to normal when it's over. (That's the part I typically fail at so I hope you do better than I do!)

    Good luck and we are here for you!

  • Mommawarrior
    Mommawarrior Posts: 897 Member
    July 12th
    1. Run 3 miles (already got it in!!!! YES)
    2. More laundry, I have to wash the sheets each day and every towel I us.... UGH - Not all of it.... but it is never ending....LOL
    3. Pick berries - Yes and got 2 watermelons 5 cantalope and 14 cucumbers and about 30 ears of corn. I LOVE WORKING ON A FARM!

    July 13th
    1. rest
    2. hopefully get the laundry all done and put away. (we have had an unexpected houseguest the few days so I have only been washing, and drying.... no putting away.
    3. get the berries, watermelons, cantalopes, cucumbers and corn ready for the freezer.

    I had to go back to the docs today for my staph cause it wasn't getting better. They cut it open to drain it and see how far the infection had gotten and they were not impressed with what they saw. So I have to go back everyday for them to repack my wound and check it. I HOPE THIS DOESN'T MESS UP MY RUNNING SCHEDULE! To close to race day to mess with my schedule!!!
  • toadiejones
    toadiejones Posts: 608 Member
    Mommawarrior - Sorry about your infection. Hope it improves soon.
    sl1mmy - You are strong. You can get through it. There is no race to get it all done. Most importantly take care of yourself!
    July 13
    1. Go for run this afternoon - Check
    2. Skate tonight! YAY! - Check
    3. Water & be under calorie - Check
    4. Stay calm during dr. appointment + 3 playdates today. - Check
    5. Tackle laundry - Check

    July 14
    1. 30 DS
    2. Water & under calorie
    3. Get in additional cardio
    4. Have fun with kids
    5. Build at least 1 game of block party
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Goals for July 13:
    1. Water.--Yes.
    2. Track my foods and stay in my calories.--Yes and no.
    3 15 minutes of exercise.--Yes.
    4: Brush my teeth right after dinner.--No.
    5. Get to bed by 9:30.--Yes but noisy neighbors again! (Loud truck, to be exact!)

    Why are some people so inconsiderate? If I ever figure out where they live they will hear about it!

    Yesterday wasn't the best, food-wise, but it certainly wasn't the worst, either!

    sl1mmy--Hang in there! Know you can do this! It can take a week or so for laryngitis to go away. If it lasts for more than 2 weeks you should see your doctor. What kind of buttocks wounds do you have? They may also need to be checked. If, like some of us, you don't have insurabce, see if there's a low-cost or sliding scale clinic near you. They actually do a really good job!

    Momma--I sure hope the infection goes away soon. Those things can be so hard to get rid of!

    Have to go. Thinking of EVERYONE here! Have a good day!

    Goals for July 14:
    1. Water.
    2. Track food and STAY IN CALORIES!
    3. 15 minutes of exercise.
    4. Brush teeth right after dinner.
    5. Bed by 9:30.
  • PSUgrl921
    PSUgrl921 Posts: 368 Member
    Goals for today:
    1. Log all calories and stay within my calorie goal. (Check)
    2. Gym for a less aggressive workout (Check)
    3. Get some reading done (Fail)
    4. Laundry (Just need to fold the last load) (Check)


    Goals for today:

    1. Eat well and stay under calorie goal.
    2. Running workout (not doing C25K because it's a pain in the butt on the treadmill), and some weightlifting
    3. Reading
    4. Bank to figure out a banking account issue.
    5. Finish touch ups in the kitchen

    Have a good day everyone!
  • sl1mmy
    sl1mmy Posts: 185

    My voice is not coming back. Maybe it's more serious that I thought first. Not much to do anyway.
    My buttock wounds are not cured either so no rower for today again.

    1: drink my water 1.5L ........... YES
    2: record all and stay under limit ..........YES
    3: do twice the Leslie Samsone walking video.................YES
    4: clean kitchen................Partially but most of it
    5: finish my knitting............2/3 done
    6: do my best and hope for the best ........almost !

    Not a bad day !

    Still no voice and a bad cought. Hard to sleep with it. Butt still not ok.
    Maybe I'll try a little rower, 1000 or 2000 meters.

    pmjsmom - Thanks for caring. I'm in Québec and we have free healthcare. The only problem is having to wait. Not much clinics in my surrounding. But I think I'm gonna get thru that by myself. Maybe mext week if I'm still not ok. I prefer not to get antibiotics cause last time I had some, I got c.difficile. Lot more trouble than a bad cold. So I'll try to avoid it. Take care !

    toadiejones - Thanks for caring. I hope to get better soon but I hang on.

    PSUgrl921 - Thanks for the encouragement.

    My today's goals

    1: drink 1.5 litres
    2: leslie samsone walk half hour
    3: stay under calories
    4: half hour in the kitchen
    5: off computer 2 hours this afternoon ( too late for this morning ! )
    6: rower 1000 or 2000 m ( if my butt permit)
    7: Give myself credit 3 times

    Have a nice day everyone !

  • Mommawarrior
    Mommawarrior Posts: 897 Member
    MAJOR SETBACK TODAY. Yesterday I had to go to the doctor cause my staph infection was only getting worse. They cut it open and dug out some infection but they cut very deep and now they have to pack it everyday. Today I was told I couldn't run until it was completely healed....and that I will probably not be able to do the half marathon in August! I COULD CRY! They did say I could bike as much as I wanted and that if I could bike long and hard daily, that I could MAYBE keep my cardio up enough to be able to attempt the race, but that they doubted it would be healed in time to run much before it. UGH
  • TeresaSavage
    TeresaSavage Posts: 1,506 Member
    Hey Mommawarrior..... Just concentrate on healing, forget the race!!! You Take Care :flowerforyou:
  • TeresaSavage
    TeresaSavage Posts: 1,506 Member
    I Love this group thread, But I don't seem to create time to be a part of it. :indifferent:

    Between Work, morning exercising & cooking meals & replying to two other challenge groups It isn't possible to enjoy it.

    September 1st I should be back since I have a challenge ending than.

    So until then take care everyone, I'll be peeping in to check on you all But just not setting daily goals

    :heart: Teresa