July- Day by Day Challenge- pt 11 (OPEN)



  • Ally_Clare
    Ally_Clare Posts: 355 Member
    Oops i missed Sunday, wasn't a bad day. I ate pretty healthily and did some exercise. Thanks for everyones support, it's really sweet.

    Aww Teresa i wish i had a mini trampoline to jump on and i love that you wrote enjoy life.

    My goals for Monday are:

    1. hit the gym tonight and focus on strength
    2. try meditating for 10 min
    3. drink more water
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    July 3's goals:
    1. do a lower body exercise. NO, I WILL SAVE IT FOR TOMORROW.
    2. plan all meals in advance. YES
    3. zumba @2:30, do a little cardio before. YES, ACTUALLY HAD TO DO THE CARDIO AFTERWARDS.
    4. water, green tea, water YES, YES, YES
    5. straighten up the house. A LITTLE, NOT AS MUCH AS I WOULD HAVE LIKED.

    Hi Ally, Toad and Tami! Glad to see a few new faces. You are now part of a special, elite group. :)))
    Our circle is growing and it makes me very proud to be apart of this group!

    July 4's goals:
    1. teach my daughter the meaning of independence day (not just a day to bbq and have fireworks!)
    2. do a lower body exercise.
    3. straighten the house.
    4. eat according to plan!
    5. one or no diet soda!
  • toadiejones
    toadiejones Posts: 608 Member
    Thank you for the kind welcome! You ladies are very motivating! Thanks!

    July 3
    1. Do day 3 30 DS - check. So didn't want to but glad I did
    2. Get in some walking or running miles - check - 2.5 mile hike with family
    3. Drink 64 ounces of water - check
    4. Do something one-on-one with each kid. - #1 - played chess, #2 - 0, #3 - made dinner, #4 - played a game on computer. Poor neglected #2! He did something special with Daddy so not totally left out but will make an extra effort for today.

    July 4
    1. Do Day 4 of 30DS
    2. Do a real workout (run or elliptical)
    3. Drink 2L of water
    4. Stay under calorie goal. Had an over-weekend :(
    5. Get laundry put away, bathroom floor washed, laundry room tidied & 1st floor vacuumed
    6. Enjoy fireworks with the family tonight (remember bug spray!!!). Happy 4th everyone!
  • LadyByrd77
    LadyByrd77 Posts: 115 Member
    I would love to join this thread. Currently trying to push pass a five week plateau. Il ost 32 lbs since January and would like to lose 20 more by the end of September. Definitely need some motivation.
    Goals for July 3:
    1. Drink 64 ozs of water
    2. Complete Zumba Sculpt and Tone anad flat Abs Dvds
    3. Log my food and exercise
    Good morning all, yesterday was a good day. I completed all of my goals. Working out was a challenge because I did not feel up to it by I pushed through it anyway.
    Goals for July 4:
    1. Begin 30DS
    2. Complete Zumba Cardio party
    3.Drink 64 0zs of water
    4. Log my food and exercise
    Everyone have a safe Fourth of July!

  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Goals for July 3:
    1. WATER!!!--Not bad but should have had more.
    2. Clean the kitchen and the downstairs bathroom.--Completely and thoroughly!
    4, Fix a healthy, filling dinner!--Yes! AND used up leftovers doing it!
    4. Bed by 9:30.--No. (People setting off fireworks kept up awake.)

    Sunday was better. Today I have to work in the morning and then we are grilling some salmon and cor-on-the-cob. Have salad to go with it and a selection of Skinny Cow ice cream sandwiches for dessert. Shouldn't be too bad!

    Welcome to all our newbies! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Getting warm already so I need to get going.

    Goals for July 4:
    1. Water.
    2. Track my food and stay out of the potato chips!
    3. work out for 15 minutes before going to work.
    4. Bed by 9:30. (Yeah, right--gonna be noisy again!)
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    July 3:
    1) Find piano cord - YEEEESSS!!! :bigsmile:
    2) Practice? - NO, it was like, midnight!!
    3) Log food (didn't yesterday) - YES, and it was horrible!!! :sad:
    4) D3 W1 - NO
    5) D2 L3? - NO
    6) Organize desk/my room - A LITTLE
    7) WATER - less tea (max. 2 cups) - NO, less tea = less water. I was really drinking up at the end of the day
    July 4:
    1) Piano practice
    2) Do some Zumba, whether I go to class or not
    3) D3 W1
    4) Follow pre-planned meals
    I am SO angry with myself! I started out the day well--healthy breakfast, workout, lots of water...Then I just got lazy and just ate whatever I wanted--and they were NOT 'healthy choices' and I had too much. I WILL do better today!
    pmjsmom... ME TOO for yesterday!! :mad: "Track my food and stay out of the potato chips! " Likewise!!!

    Ally_Clare... I love meditating. My goal is to do it daily, but I haven't done it in a very very long time now.

    Have a great day everyone! :drinker:
  • Ally_Clare
    Ally_Clare Posts: 355 Member
    My goals for Monday are:

    1. hit the gym tonight and focus on strength (DIDN'T END UP GOING GRRR)
    3. drink more water (YEP!)

    Tuesday 5th:

    1. Gym tonight
    2. No more takeout
    3. Make wise food choices
    4. Squats, lunges, dumbell exercises
  • Mommawarrior
    Mommawarrior Posts: 897 Member
    Hello everyone!
    We are back from our camping trip. I managed to eat decent (for the most part) and get in 41.1 miles of exercise.
    Hope everyone has had a nice weekend.
    Back on track with my goals.....here we go!

    July 5th
    1. CHECKBOOK all caught up from the trip.
    2. Run 3 miles (that is what is scheduled on my 1/2 marathon training schedule)
    3. Laundry....get it all washed, dried and put away! YOU ALL KNOW MY LAUNDRY ISSUES!
    4. Get menu for month made and grocery list made
    5. Go grocery shopping.....UNLESS ANYONE WANTS TO DO THIS FOR ME!

    Love ya all.....have a great night!
  • sl1mmy
    sl1mmy Posts: 185
    TeamLeela thank you for opening this post for everybody. I would be happy to join. I really like small goals. I'm on MFP since 2 weeks and It really helped me improve my eating. Respecting my calories and I added lots of veges and fruits. My main problem now is that I don't move. I used to hurt myself 3 weeks ago and stopped rowing training. I now have to do it again at a slower pace and with days off. Sure it will help me to report daily.

    my goals for tomorrow.

    1: 5000 meters on the rower
    2: 1.5 liter of water
    3: clean bedroom floor
    4: keep off the computer for an hour in morning and 1 hour in afternoon
    5: go to sleep before 11:30

    I will be very happy if I do all this !
  • ActiveTami
    ActiveTami Posts: 33 Member
    Hey Ladies! All of you have been on my mind and it has helped me get going. It looks like people are doing a pretty good job on your goals. It's also great to see what people think are worthwhile goals for themselves. It gives me ideas of what I should focus on doing. I'm still working on my weekly goals.

    -I have been doing a great job of recording everything in my diaries and learning this new system. It's been fun discovering all this site has to offer. I haven't really eaten the most healthy foods but I have recorded everything. It has been a learning experience for sure! I know it's really not a good idea to eat Habit BBQ Bacon Char Burgers if you want to eat more than once in a day... WOW the calories!
    -I also started cleaning. I have lived in this place for almost seven years now and I am used to moving every two or three. Everyhting needs deep cleaning because there are some things I haven't moved in many years. This goal might take me two weeks!
    -This week I have been flossing my teeth every other day which is more than I have done all six months. I have my dentist appointment on Thursday. :bigsmile: Brusha Brusha Brusha!!! Floss Floss Floss!!!

    Thanks for all of the encouragement! Keep up the great work!!!
  • toadiejones
    toadiejones Posts: 608 Member
    July 4
    1. Do Day 4 of 30DS - Check
    2. Do a real workout (run or elliptical) - Nope
    3. Drink 2L of water - Poured the last glass but didn't drink it
    4. Stay under calorie goal. Had an over-weekend :( - Nope. *sigh*
    5. Get laundry put away, bathroom floor washed, laundry room tidied & 1st floor vacuumed - Check! Yay!
    6. Enjoy fireworks with the family tonight (remember bug spray!!!). Happy 4th everyone! - Check! Had a lovely evening. Kids were great.

    July 5
    1. Do Day 5 of 30 DS
    2. Get. Dang. Run. Done.
    3. Drink 2 L of water
    4. Clean off craft table & desk, vacuum stairs & 2nd floor
    5. Get new cat food
    6. Take kids somewhere fun
    7. Going to jump on the flossing bandwagon :happy:
    8. Log and stay under calorie :grumble:
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Goals for July 4:
    1. Water.--Yes.
    2. Track my food and stay out of the potato chips!--Yes and mostly.
    3. work out for 15 minutes before going to work.--No.
    4. Bed by 9:30. (Yeah, right--gonna be noisy again!)--I went to bed but evidently nobody in my neighborhood got the message that personal fireworks are illegal within the city limits!

    I actually did pretty well today. Had a few chipsbut mostly kept to the better choices. We forgot about the corn so I'll blanch it and freeze it for another day. The salmon was excellent and we also had sauted vegetables and various salads (green, potoat and pasta). I had LOTS of the green salad and just a spoonful (small) of the others. It was a beautiful day.

    Today will be even warmer than yesterday. Guess we're having our week of summer! (Local joke.)

    Momma--I'd do your grocery shopping but I haven't gotten ours done, yet, either! (Thank goodness for leftovers!)

    Welcome, sl1mmy!

    Goals for July 5:
    1. Water.
    2. Track my foods and stay UNDER my calorie goal!
    3. 15 minute workout before work--Done!
    4. Bed by 9:30.
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    sl1mmy! welcome to the group! hopefully in the days and weeks to come you will get in the habit of rowing again and getting in the bed earlier! good luck! thanks for joining!
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    July 4's goals:
    1. teach my daughter the meaning of independence day (not just a day to bbq and have fireworks!) YES
    2. do a lower body exercise. NO, I DON'T KNOW WHY I'VE BEEN SLACKING ON THIS
    3. straighten the house. YES, BUT IS IT EVER REALLY, TRULY CLEAN
    5. one or no diet soda! JUST ONE

    July 5's goals:
    1. Workout before noon.
    2. finish the house while my daughter is at camp.
    3. drink tons of water.
    4. eat better than I did yesterday.

    The month has started off a little rocky. I am disappointed in myself as now there are only 26 days in this month and not 31. I will have to work extra hard if I want the pounds to come off this month. I woke up with a carb belly ache when usually I wake up famished. But today is a new day, that's why I love this challenge so much!
  • TeresaSavage
    TeresaSavage Posts: 1,506 Member
    MONDAY JULY fourth

    1) stretch..........................................yes
    2) walk before coming online.........no
    3) eat under calorie............................no
    4) Veggie's veggie's............................no
    5) bounce on lil trampoline for 10 minutes..........no
    6) No Coffee / Green Tea only............................yes
    7) watch sodium........................................................no
    8) Enjoy LIFE :bigsmile: ........................................tried to :bigsmile:

    What to do for July fourth? :bigsmile: No plans of yet :ohwell: But I don't plan on sitting around twiddling my thumbs :bigsmile:

    Well! I actually did alot of twiddling the thumbs. But Hubby & I managed to get out the door at 9 pm to see the fireworks and then I splurged big time at McDonalds with a Ice -cream Mc Flurry , YIKES!!! I told my husband " to please send me to heaven with one of those" :laugh: .
    Okay!! Back on track today with eating I have no regrets :bigsmile: I needed a big splurge, I was do!!! LMAO!!

    Actually I'm taking an exercise break today again :blushing: I think my body was talking to me to give it a break. So still no guilt.

    I will post some goals later, right now it's time for a shower & Yeah A floss :wink: and off to work.

    Have A wonderful Tuesday
  • LadyByrd77
    LadyByrd77 Posts: 115 Member
    Goals for July 4:
    1. Begin 30DS
    2. Complete Zumba Cardio party
    3.Drink 64 0zs of water
    4. Log my food and exercise
    Everyone have a safe Fourth of July!

    Yesterday I thought I was going to do horrible with eating because of bbqs but didnt go to any. I did begin 30DS but didnt do Zumba did Hip Hop Abs instead. I hoping that now the holiday is over I can begin to drop some pounds.

    Goals for July 5:
    1. Day 2 of 30DS
    2. Complete Zumba Sculpt and Tone and flat Abs DVD
    3. Drink more water
    4. Eat more veggies
    5. Do some laundry
    6. End the day by getting pampered with a mani and pedi
  • frubjious
    frubjious Posts: 355

    Sorry I've been away so long its been pretty crazy here and it looks like it will be for a little while longer. The good news is that i was able to go for a short run on Sunday for the first time in ages and haven't had more then a few twinges following it.

    Goals for whats left of Tuesday:

    1. Log everything
    2. Water
    3. Call caterer for friends party
    4. Make a packed lunch for work tomorrow.

    Hope you're all having a great day!
  • sl1mmy
    sl1mmy Posts: 185

    1: 5000 meters on the rower
    2: 1.5 liter of water
    3: clean bedroom floor
    4: keep off the computer for an hour in morning and 1 hour in afternoon
    5: go to sleep before 11:30

    I will be very happy if I do all this !

    Guess what ? I'm very happy !

    My goals for tomorrow

    1: go to sleep before 10:30
    2: 1.5 liter of water
    3: Make grocery
    4: Keep off computer an hour in morning and in afternoon
    5: 1/2 hour on treadmill
    6: sweep the floor everywere

    Tomorrow is another day!

  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    July 4:
    1) Piano practice YES - 1.5 hours, so fun!
    2) Do some Zumba, whether I go to class or not YES - went to class
    3) D3 W1 - YES
    4) Follow pre-planned meals - YES
    The last day with goals was really good for me. I probably should have done this today, cause I went all over the place at dinner, not following my pre-planning!

    June 6:
    1) Pre-plan and stick to it!!! Why do I go for junk where there's healthy stuff in the house?
    2) Earlier to bed
    3) Piano practice, I'm starting to get better at reading music! In truth, I didn't think this would happen. I've always known HOW to read music... slowly and with much thought, but it's coming a lot easier now, in just a couple hours of making sure I'm actually reading the note names
    4) D5W2 Ri30
    5) Pack more for school - only 58 days now!!