Science behind big loss in Recovery Week

I'm doing Turbo Fire and I just finished Week 12, Recovery Week, and had my biggest loss yet of 3lbs in one week. This is strange seeing how the first month I lost only 1lb and then about .5 - 1lb/week for the next 7 weeks. Recovery Week was really light with 2 rest days, 2 stretch days, and 3 days of cardio. No strength. So I'm wondering if I lost precious muscle or if it's all water??? And is it just going to come right back once I start the regular routine again? I feel like this 3lb loss is a fluke. Or is there some science to losing big during Recovery Week? Seems strange to lose so much when doing the lightest exercise week.


  • Amo_Angelus
    Amo_Angelus Posts: 604 Member
    it's everything you've done till then kicking in.
  • sweetheart03622
    sweetheart03622 Posts: 928 Member
    Your muscles hold on to a lot of water in order to repair themselves after you train them. If you don't do any strength training for a bit your body releases it. It's probably a decent amount of water.
  • ActiveTami
    ActiveTami Posts: 33 Member
    There is science behind it but I am no scientist to truly explain it. Recovery weeks are important to allow your body to "catch up." People have a tendency to expect instant results but the truth is that it all takes time. It has been said that you don't actually see the results of muscle toning/building for several weeks. The same must be true for this program. You should be fine when you start again and your progress should continue as you keep up the great work that you have done. Just remember it is all a process and stay motivated. Enjoy your success!!! :happy:
  • nehtaeh
    nehtaeh Posts: 2,977 Member
    I do this after stopping a workout after doing it for some time (4-5 weeks). I tried to figure out the reasoning. The only explanation that made sense was your muscles holding onto water. I don't know if your muscles continuously hold water, as would have to be the case since you were going strong for 12 weeks, or if there's another reason.