Question about food diary nutrients

What "5 Nutrients" do you all track on your food diaries? Mine are: carbs, fat, protein, sugar, and sodium. I have a very basic knowledge about "healthy eating," so I hoping to get some input as to what's more important to watch. Does it depend on one's goals? My prime mission is to decrease body fat, increase muscle, and - in general - develop lifelong habits.

Thanks! :smile:


  • PST0622
    PST0622 Posts: 115
    i watch sodium, cholesterol, fat, carbs and iron. I have high cholesterol and am anemic. I think this site is so nice because you can tailor it to your own personal needs!!!!
  • ActiveTami
    ActiveTami Posts: 33 Member
    I track Carbs, Fats, and Proteins for fat loss/increase LBM but I also track Fiber because I know my body does well when I have a high fiber diet. This guy Joe has a good posts that I think will help in your goals. He seems to have good info. This post should be particularly helpful...

    Oh I almost forgot to mention the "view full report" at the bottom of the page is also interesting to check. It shows you your cholesterol, sodium, and sugars with all the other info. I like to make sure I am keeping those things in check from time to time too.