body fat percentage

I think mine has gone up since starting on MFP.....any suggestions? I do eat sweets sometimes but no more than before MFP. My diary is open.



  • jessicamckay13
    Why do you think that?
  • laurad8911
    laurad8911 Posts: 99
    based on my scale, it has a body fat % function, although i've heard those are very inaccurate
  • apmemo
    apmemo Posts: 43
    Perhaps near the end of the day you see you have room for more carbs or something, so you eat more? Your sugar is a pretty high. I lost a lot when I cut down on my sugar and now I try to keep it below 20 per day.
  • yeabby
    yeabby Posts: 643 Member
    Scales are very inaccurate. The only good measure of body fat percentage is the water test, spacing on it's name right now. The more fit you are the less accurate bmi and scales measuring body fat become.
  • SenoraMacias
    SenoraMacias Posts: 305 Member
    I'm in the same boat. I've lost weight, but my body fat has gone up??!
  • SoCalSwimmerDude
    SoCalSwimmerDude Posts: 484 Member
    It looks to me like you're eating pretty darn healthy. I don't know how a scale could measure body fat % unless someone can enlighten me?
  • ActiveTami
    ActiveTami Posts: 33 Member
    Do you do any weight lifting or muscle building? Maybe that will help...
  • tuskegee4
    tuskegee4 Posts: 110 Member
    Most bathroom scales and electronic monitors can be off greatly depending on water retention.My scale said I was 41% one day which can't be right. I used an Accumeasure caliper that tests in one place on your body and I was 21.3%, but when I went to the gym and they used their calipers and tested 5 places on my body I was 18.1%. So I suggest get some calipers or have someone at gym take measurements.
  • Calidaho
    Calidaho Posts: 110 Member
    I have been seeing a specialist who deals with weight loss and nutrition and he has me stand on a machine that calculates percent of body fat and metabolism. Out of the 61 lbs I have lost, only 2 lbs have been muscle. He says they usually expect a more significant muscle loss but, because I work out and eat a lot of protein, I have been able to reduce the muscle loss. Not sure if this helps but this is what my experience has been.