

  • I think you should always look at yourself and not worry about others. Firstly i find it strange that you refer to this lady as a friend when you have so much jealousy for her. She is doing well and she is public about it that is her perogative. WE ALL have friends like her and we chose to keep them in our lives.... if you…
  • I was diagnosed a few months back once i miscaried our baby. I have since put on lots of weight feel hungry all the time and am not taking any meds for it ...tried metformin but made me so sick i couldnt get out of bed... I have decided today to embark on some weight loss but its hard work ...please feel free to add me can…
  • Guys feel free to add me on facebook .... reena kainth.. or
  • I never lived with my hubby and i must say im very happy....we have been married a year next week and its fab ....i was really looing forward to marriage and then living together first has its plus points i must say but i got lucky....
  • I am currently 67 kg and i can go up and down by a few kg must be water...excercise an food dont make that much difference it seems i seem to remain at this weight ...i havent really monitored my wieght that long only since i been on mfp a month or so.. i cant excercise down to injuries sustained last week and my tmmy…
  • Exactly...apparently it helps level out the sky high levels of male hormones in the womans body but the poibt is it made my sugars drop so low i couldnt function...but im gona speak to my consultant on the 30th so wish me luck girls i just want to get pregnant !!!
  • i chucked in th towel today and havent tken the pill i just cant do it no more...feels like im poisoning my not even insulin resistant..y dr told me to come off it and re start it onc ei feel better but i just cant function...there has to be another not healthy...i just hope they dont…
  • Thnaks guys... i am on the slow gp said just come off and start again in a few days...but my consultant said that i shud take them no matter what... i have been suffering as my blood sugars have been dropping seriously... i was never tested for insulin resistance...i was just put on them for the hormonal…
  • I am taking met formin after meals and controlling what i eat but i have to say i am only on 500g ER twice a day but should be on 4 eventually once i can work myself up to it...but the symptoms are just oo mcuh and i relly am siffering... i will be seeing my consultant on 30th of this month but she has already told me this…
  • My foot your *kitten*...Come on You can do it !!!
  • It really is an upward in the right weight bracket and tyrng for a baby with absent now on metformin and waiting for a review...nothin as yet...praying for a positive healthy pregnancy.... really dedicated to eating well and allowing treats etc keeps the fun in it...i dont believe in deprevation its…
  • A can do attitude...always wanting to please...Giver not a taker...
  • Thank you sweety
  • belly fat is the last thing to go and you cant really target any place in particular on ur body with weight loss...or so it seems
  • DEfinately a night wrapped up in a satin blanket with my husband...! And maybe watching a soap or a film on the tv
  • what is the diet exctly type it out on here and i will be happy to follow it with u for moral support...!!!
  • easily 500 plus
  • you dont i guess...its just sense that you cant put on 2lbs of fat in one day or 2lbs of muscle overnight...women usually retain water during or justbefore menses as well
  • sounds like a good idea...never tried almond milk....any other substitutes for tehre a light version i wonder...need that sweetnes otherwise the texture of weetabix or porridge makes me want to yack!! i thougth nutella was meant to be good for you
  • Im not taking the met to reduce my taking it to control and balance my hormones that are in blighty after my miscarriage... my consultant said it will reduce my weight as i dont have a glucose or sugar problem so i guess it works differently for diff ppl xx
  • If ur partner makes u feel **** or insecure u let go and move need to accept yourself first just as u are...u are perfect no matter what it is u want to change about urself... dont let a man control ur emotion or confidence...thres someone there for everyone and everyone deserves aceptance and support to change as…
  • thanks darling
  • Hey guys i was weighed in at 67kg i was 70 when i started this diet thing... dr was happy about my weight but still has given me metmorfin and told me it will make me feel more blood worok to be done next week...hate needles but there is hope i guess....just not sure why im on metformin...its not a great drug…
  • WOW that was a quick response... Thank you all so feeling really overwhelmed...didnt think anybody would even reply Thanks again love and light to you all God bless xx
  • i have my fertility specialist appt on thursday...mixture of feelings for me ..anxiety, fear and curiousity all in one... i guess they will want to run some tests but im not sure what exactly...can anyone advise me what they may do? my partner and i will both go. they may wanta sperm sample i guess ...i had the blodds done…