PCOS Soul Cysters Unite



  • kimberbucket82
    kimberbucket82 Posts: 4 Member
    I am so glad to have found this forum of Soul Cysters.j It's nice to hear that others understand what you're going through. I have never had normal periods, and always thought something was wrong, but it wasn't until I got married, and wanted children before I started to look into it. In late September of last year my Doctor put me on Spironolactone through the beginning of January. I was told then it was for higher testosterone, but at that point I wasn't given a diagnosis for anything. I saw a different Doctor and was then put on Metroxyprogesterone, because I wasn't getting a period, so they wanted to see if that would give me a boost. In March I was sent to yet another Doctor, and they did more testing to find out if I had PCOS. It was determined through an ultrasound that I indeed had it, and that my ovaries were covered in cysts. I took the Metformin in March through the beginning of May, and since I still wasn't ovulating, she put me on Clomid. I was taking ovulation tests every morning, and still not finding one single positive result. I take the Clomid on day 5 of my cycle which I get from the Metroxyprogestrone, and I take the Clomid for 5 days. I recently saw my Doctor on July 13th, and she told me to call her when I get my cycle this time, so she can set up an ultrasound to see if my follicles are getting big enough. She doesn't want to up my dose of the Clomid until at least after 3 months. I'm hopeful that things will start working right soon, because I'm 29, and really wanting to get pregnant with my first child. My husband and I would love at least 3 children, but it could be a long and hard road.
  • lildietitian
    lildietitian Posts: 45 Member
    So the endocrinology clinic is so swamped here in Halifax, NS... and the endo I was seeing fell ill and permanently went back into retirement so I had to basically go through allllll the steps of being referred to them to be referred to another dr... this was all at the time I was supposed to be started on an insulin pump.... for the past 8 months I've been gaining weight consistently (about a lb a week) and am now pushing 200lb from 140lbs....

    I'm in a wedding August 13... and the dress no longer fits in the upper body.... I get it zipped up to below my chest and then no more.... I am tempted to exercise the hell outta myself for the next 2 weeks... but I'm thinking I have to find a seamstress that can take the back off and extend the straps... URRRGGGG!!!

    Again, another frustration rant... anyone have any ideas for help?? anyone know how to drop weight fast? or how to slim out.... FML
  • Shea75
    Shea75 Posts: 1
    Hi there you took the words right out of my mounth....I'm so frustrated i think i have tried eveything to loose weight and not 1lb will come off. I have tired Zumba, kickboxing with trainer, running, and walking. I just started Jillian Michales 30 day shred on my 9th day and have not lost anything. I will continue the workout in hopes it at least tones me.

    A little background PCOS since 1999 after my 2nd child, had my 3rd child in 07 with the aid of Clomid.
    Current weight 166 goal weight 145 Eat very healthy, protein and veggies, or salad. No soda or juices just water. Maybe i can drink more water. I have been trying to deal with PCOS the natural way, supplements and vitamins. I have an appt Aug 19 with a new ENDO (old endo was not helpful) to help with PCOS hair loss, and weight struggle. Yes on top of being fat I'm going bald uggghhh I hate PCOS!
  • TamTamLove88
    So, I woke up this morning to the news that my best friend is going to have another baby.:noway: This makes 3 to my 0.:mad: I'm the aunt/godmother to them all, so I have a large part in the children's lives, but you know what really sucks....my inability to get pregnant. Thanks PCOS and Ovarian cancer! GREAT, NOW I'M ****ING DEPRESSED!:sad: :brokenheart: :frown:
  • menacingsprite
    menacingsprite Posts: 37 Member
    All of you women with PCOS feel free to add me I posted about me a few pages back :)
  • rinabach
    I've had PCOS since I was 13! At that time, hospitals didn't offer any help, just tests after tests, and I had 0 support from my family. The worst times was going to school with nearly a full beard, with no one to help me. It was only at 17 that I researched and found out about wazing, etc. Those memories have affected me a lot, but at 22, I've now had laser, am taking my medication regularly, so I don't even think about PCOS anymore. My main focus now is on life, losing weight and just trying to be happy, after years of being miserable.
  • AmyNVegas
    AmyNVegas Posts: 2,215 Member
  • agwilker
    agwilker Posts: 104 Member
    Around 2002 I got a sharp pain, went to the emergency room where they did an ultrasound, and was told it appeared I had PCOS. I was never told that anything needed to be done regarding it at the time. So I never thought about it for several years after that and there were no more pains. I always had regular periods, same time and length every month.

    Fast forward to about August 2006 and I skipped a period. Thought I may be pregnant and after about 4 at home tests, I resolved that I was not. Went in January 2007 to my OB/GYN to figure out what was wrong. She essentially just put me on the depo shot and told me to work on losing some weight. I was a little confused at the time how the depo shot was supposed to remedy anything, wish more was explained at the time or I had thought to ask more. Anyhow, I continued to not get periods the entire time on the depo shot (a little over 4 years). I had to quit the depo shot last summer 2010 due to my insurance not covering me anymore. Spotted a little, but didn't start my period.

    Well yesterday...I got my period! I consider it my first significant NSV since actively using MFP in June. I weigh about 20 more lbs atm than when they first stopped, which is odd. But I'll take it. I'm very excited, can't exactly go around telling people at the office the good news though. So thought I'd share here. Forgot how bad cramps hurt though, lol.
  • abow29
    abow29 Posts: 14
    Acnee is my biggest concern as well! I am now on the YAZ bc pill to regulate periods and prevent acnee, but the moment I stop taking the pill I get a lot of pimples and excess hair. Terrible!

    I really think the acnee comes from the hormonal imbalance, so not much you can do by cleaning face or buying expensive acnee products. I am also almost 30, so would love some clear skin without having to medicate every day!
  • kristyemilia
    kristyemilia Posts: 32 Member
    How's everyone going with their weight loss?
    A friend has PCOS too, she got the gastric balloon and has been exercising alot and lost a significant amount of weight.
    She also is due in September! Lucky lady, thats what I'm doing this for, to make that process easier.

    Feel free to add me fellow Kg'ers!! LOL :)
  • kimberbucket82
    kimberbucket82 Posts: 4 Member
    I don't have insurance either, and avoided the doctor for many years. When I got married, I finally started going because I wanted to have children. I found out that I indeed had PCOS, and my ovaries were covered in cysts. I wish I would have started going sooner, so when I was ready for kids, I'd be more prepared. I still am not insured, I go to a local clinic that will take me, and they have discount programs for those that need it. I just pay out of pocket for my care for now, but my husband will be getting benefits in December, so I'll be insured soon. Good luck to you!
  • cobarlo14
    cobarlo14 Posts: 582 Member
    I don't have insurance either, and avoided the doctor for many years. When I got married, I finally started going because I wanted to have children. I found out that I indeed had PCOS, and my ovaries were covered in cysts. I wish I would have started going sooner, so when I was ready for kids, I'd be more prepared. I still am not insured, I go to a local clinic that will take me, and they have discount programs for those that need it. I just pay out of pocket for my care for now, but my husband will be getting benefits in December, so I'll be insured soon. Good luck to you!

    I use metformin it is available at walmart pretty cheap. Metformin is generic for glucophage.
  • freeloaves
    freeloaves Posts: 281
    Bumping to read when I get home.
  • kimberbucket82
    kimberbucket82 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi Soul Cysters! I have been reading through a lot of your posts, and it's so refreshing knowing there's people out there that understand what I'm going through. I was diagnosed this year with PCOS, and I'm currently trying to conceive with the help of Clomid. I was previously on 50mg, and I'm going to see the Doctor soon to get a higher dose because I just had an ultrasound and it showed my follicles are only at mm when they should be around 25mm. If you relate to what I'm going through, please friend me, I appreciate the support of people who have been there. Good luck to all of you trying to conceive!
  • kimberbucket82
    kimberbucket82 Posts: 4 Member
    I haven't been diagnosed with PCOS, but I think I have it. I don't have health insurance, so I don't go to the doctor.
    I don't have insurance either, and avoided the doctor for many years. When I got married, I finally started going because I wanted to have children. I found out that I indeed had PCOS, and my ovaries were covered in cysts. I wish I would have started going sooner, so when I was ready for kids, I'd be more prepared. I still am not insured, I go to a local clinic that will take me, and they have discount programs for those that need it. I just pay out of pocket for my care for now, but my husband will be getting benefits in December, so I'll be insured soon. Good luck to you!
  • freeloaves
    freeloaves Posts: 281
    I have PCOS, was diagnosed at the age of 18 when I didn't have a period for 5 months. Had been on the BC for about a year before that so may have had it for a while.

    I've been okay with acne, no problems that the average person doesn't have, same with excess hair (only a little around my chin). I got told "lose weight and it will go away" and I did. But then I was off the pill for a bit (was put on metformin for it but changed to BC instead) and cycles were irregular again. Spotting and 3 week long ones. I questioned it. Dr said "weight loss MAY help."

    Afraid of being infertile. Don't know if I want kids but I know bf will be devastated and I will want kids if he does ... weight loss has been slow. Always been big. Don't like blaming being big on pcos ... trying to push my exercise but often hungry and go over cals.
  • deccapricorn
    I also have PCOS and was diagnoised Januaray 2010 with it. I ahve always had menstrual issues since about 18 and was on bc so i never thought anything of it when i would come off of it and my periods would come for a month and than disappear for months lol...... I am on the long and hard journey now to not only lose weight but make a life style change when it comes to my eatng habits..... and of course this is easier said than done. I am 24 now and in the next couple of years i hope to marry my current boyfriend and have at least one kid and so this weight has to come off so i can have a healthier body and more predictable cycles... I am glad to see other woman who are facing this long uphill battle and look forward to tracking my food diary and having yall around as moral support. AND REMEMBER WE CAN BEAT PCOS IT JUST TAKES DETERMINATION AND WILL POWER!!!!
  • reenakainth
    It really is an upward hill...im in the right weight bracket and tyrng for a baby with absent periods...im now on metformin and waiting for a review...nothin as yet...praying for a positive healthy pregnancy....

    really dedicated to eating well and allowing treats etc keeps the fun in it...i dont believe in deprevation its almost impossible to be sucessful and happy...

    know that i have injured myself alot in the gym accident...(spin bike fell apart while in middle of full force class...) currently covered in big black bruises....its gona be even harder to sty fit....

    wish me luck girls
  • countrygirl75
    countrygirl75 Posts: 112 Member
    I am looking for new support with my journey with PCOS, I would like to add more cysters that are looking for extra support and are going through the same thing. Please feel free to add me, some of the ppl on my friends list do not have pcos and do not under stand....
  • LisaCFSF
    LisaCFSF Posts: 258 Member
    Wow, It is amazing to see so many women in the same situation as me. I know that you understand the level of frustration involved when you eat a healthy diet and exercise vigorously to no avail and without any significant results. I work SO hard to lose weight, but it just doesn't happen. I have been taking Metformin, due to elevated A!C and decreased ability to use the insulin that my body produces and PCOS with metabolic syndrome, for about 6 mo. I've had to come off of it twice for a brief amount of time due to R shoulder rotator cuff repair 9 weeks ago and R shoulder AC (acromioclavicular) joint reconstruction 3 days ago... I normally work out like crazy, eat well, and still don't see results. I have not increased my dosage from 500mg once a day to bid because of side effects. Hopefully, I'll gradually be able to tolerate a higher dosage as MD recommends. I feel your frustration ladies. Glad to be added as a friend if you wish.