ZekeandKyliesMom Member


  • Mostly right now I can't have one because I don't have any. I am thinking I may go down to the cafeteria and treat myself since I forgot my breakfast today and all I have had so far is carrots, cucumber and my coffee (go figure right forget the breakfast but can't live with out the coffee), and my lunch is really healthy…
  • Lol, that sounds about right for me!
  • This actually made me cry! I cannot imagine going through what you are, it takes a special person to be a military wife... I admire how strong you ladies are. I couldn't do it.
  • That is amazingly good advice and something I had never thought of! Thank you!
  • Thanks everyone!!! I think part of my problem is that I missed my walk today because I couldn't get out of the office, I have been stressed out this week anyway and tomorrow is going to be total chaos. Meetings and reports, ack! Its making me crazy just thinking about it. I would love to do kickboxing but I have no balance…
  • Anyone have any ideas about the power sculpt dvd? I am hoping I can eventually get tough enough to work through them both in 1 workout and just make it a full hour that way when I am doing the Power Sculpt my heart rate is already up there and I am burning more calories.
  • Thanks ladies! Yeah it is pretty awesome, and brutal, or maybe I am just a wuss. Lol, I kind of have a love/hate relationship with this DVD.
  • That is exactly what it is! I have been trying to do this for everyone else and then I don't get the results I want and I feel like I have failed them and it would just go down hill from there. Different motivation and different goal. :)
  • Thanks ladies! I am so excited, its a brand new start and I needed it!
  • Yoplait frozen fruit smoothies! I make them up the night before and put it in the freezer and by the time I get to work it has thawed out enough to drink. They are amazing and if you want to add some protein to it you can always add a scoop of protein shake mix to it.
  • Hot weather but certainly not humid... almost wish it was, we need the rain. It has been well over 100 for the more than a month now. I am thinking maybe I didnt eat well enough this morning after working so hard last night.
  • Thanks!
  • I have heard that but never had that problem. Its kinda funny though.
  • That is a really neat idea! I am saving this!
  • Yum! I love chocolate and peanut butter, I will definitly have to go get some of those.
  • I have tried cereal and oatmeal, I just cannot force myself to do it though. Don't know why, I loved it when I was prego but now the texture of it just turns my stomach. The boiled eggs would be good and the smoothie too. Any good recipes for smoothies that I could make a bunch of and freeze?
  • That is right up my ally! Do you have any favorites you would recommend?
  • Thanks for all the replies! Sorry it took me so long to get back, no computer at home. I had never thought about freezing it, that is a really good idea! Usually I keep some in my desk so when I do have these cravings I can take care of it without denying myself and binging on it later but yesterday was just a bad day for…
  • My Wii fit says that my fit age is 39... I am only 25. :(
  • I didn't tell my family either and my DH has specific instructions to not say a word to me or my family about it. I have my accountability partner and myfitnesspal to help keep me in line. I wish I could say that I wanted to suprise my family I don't, I just don't want the negative feedback from them and trust me there…
  • I have had that problem before too! :)
  • Meh, it would be a nice change from pasty white. lol
  • I can definatly relate to that, its just not the same.
  • Just wanted to let you ladies know that I went and bought the EA Sports Active 2 yesterday after work and did it last night and holy cow! It is brutal or I am way worse then I thought I was, I felt like one of those people on the biggest loser they show getting sick in the gym it was bad. lol
  • Thanks ladies! I have been checking out the EA Sports online just now and it looks great, think I may get this instead of the biggest loser. :) Can't wait to get started!
  • Thats a good point, I usually have more problems with my fat than sugar. Thanks for the responses ladies, I am starting this as my new years resolution... again and I am taking baby steps so hopefully it will stick this time.
  • Thanks guys! The reason I asked is because I was just dripping sweat (gotta remember to bring an extra shirt from now on) when I came back in. The good news is that it really helped with my water intake. I have already drank 9-8oz glasses of water and haven't even been to my Zumba class yet!
  • From what I have seen of this today is that the ones who were losing tones of weight and were malnurished already had OCD to begin with so it had more to do with that than the healthy food.
  • On the message board that I got it from alot of the ladies are thinking that the problem is not with eating overly healthy but with the OCD aspect of it.
  • You have no idea how good that makes me feel! I have such a hard time staying below or on target with fat it rediculous. I mean we are talking about a country girl that if it wasn't fried it was drenched in butter. So this is all completely new to me.