
So started working out again Monday evening worked out last night and now I am feeling sick at my stomach. Is this normal or ok?


  • jwaitman
    jwaitman Posts: 367 Member
    I would say not normal. Perhaps it is the heat if you are stuck in the hot humid weather we are having. Make sure you stay hydrated. If it doesn't go away you may want to contact your doctor. Hope you feel better.
  • momma_roo
    momma_roo Posts: 146 Member
    I was nauseous last week for two whole days and then it went away. I think there is a mild stomach bug going around here. Hope you feel better soon.
  • Dtrmnd86
    Dtrmnd86 Posts: 406 Member
    I'm having the same problem this morning. Of course I did have a whole frozen box of spinach and fiber tablets yesterday, but I think it may be the heat as well. We have a heat index of over 100 today and I did a serious workout today. I have been slowly filling up on cold water and I'm starting to feel better. Make sure you get hydrated and if it doesn't go away, contact your doctor.
  • ZekeandKyliesMom
    ZekeandKyliesMom Posts: 71 Member
    I would say not normal. Perhaps it is the heat if you are stuck in the hot humid weather we are having. Make sure you stay hydrated. If it doesn't go away you may want to contact your doctor. Hope you feel better.

    Hot weather but certainly not humid... almost wish it was, we need the rain. It has been well over 100 for the more than a month now.

    I am thinking maybe I didnt eat well enough this morning after working so hard last night.